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沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工(修订版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508532875
  • 条形码:9787508532875 ; 978-7-5085-3287-5
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工(修订版) 本书特色

19世纪60年代和80年代,横贯北美大陆的太平洋铁路在美国和加拿大先后建成,这在美国和加拿大历史上竖起了一座走向现代化、巩固国家统一、促进民族和谐的不朽丰碑。而这条铁路的建设,与一个半世纪前远涉重洋来到北美的华工先驱们的伟大功绩密不可分。本画册通过许多珍贵的历史图片和较为翔实的文字资料,反映了19世纪中晚期数万华工漂泊海外的坎坷遭遇,展现了100多年前在北美建设铁路的华工从生存挣扎到立足生根,为当地文明的发展所作出的巨大贡献。 In the 1860s and 1880s, the transcontinental Pacific Railroads had been completed in the United States and Canada, which stood as eternal monuments of both countries in their march toward modernization, national unity and ethnic harmony. The construction of both railroads depended upon the great efforts of pioneering Chinese laborers who had come to North America one century and a half ago. It was this brave, industrious, economic, and quiet labor force that had made indelible contributions to the completion of the two Pacific Railroads.

沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工(修订版) 内容简介

本画册通过许多珍贵的历史图片和较为翔实的文字资料,反映了19世纪中晚期数万华工漂泊海外的坎坷遭遇,展现了100多年前在北美建设铁路的华工从生存挣扎到立足生根,为当地文明的发展尤其是美国西部开发所作出的巨大贡献。 This album contains many precious historical pictures and much detailed de*ions. It realistically depicts the miserable experience of the tens of thousands of overseas Chinese laborers and explores the life of Chinese laborers, ranging from their struggle for survival to their final taking roots in North American societies. It illuminates the enormous contributions of Chinese laborers in the building of North American civilizations.

沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工(修订版) 目录

PrefaceI. Voyage across the Pacific Ocean and the Pursuit of Golden Mountain DreamsII. The Vanguard in the Construction of the American Pacific Railroad1. The Unprecedented Central Pacific Railroad2. Chinese Laborers and the Construction of the Central Pacific Railroad3. The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad4. The Hard Lives of Chinese LaborersIII. The Vanguard in the Construction of the Canadian Pacific RailwayIV. Unselfish Contributions and Immortal MonumentsPostscriptNotesAppendix I Sources of the PicturesAppendix II Selected Bibliography

沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工(修订版) 作者简介

黄安年,北京师范大学教授。1936年生,江苏省武进县人。1958年毕业于北京师范大学历史系。长期从事美国史、世界现代史教学和研究。出版著、编、译作等30多部,主要有:《沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工》(五洲传播出版社2006年版,中、英文)、《道钉,不再沉默:建设北美铁路的华工》(白山出版社2010年版,中文简体;华艺学术出版社2014年版,台湾繁体增订版)、《老话题与新挑战——美国的崛起与崛起后的美国》(中国法制出版社2009年版)、《当代美国的社会保障政策》(中国社会科学出版社1998年版)、《当代世界五十年》(四川人民出版社1997年版)、《美国社会经济史论》(山东科学技术出版社1993年版)、《美国的崛起:17—19世纪的美国》(新时代出版社1992年版)、《二十世纪美国史》(河北人民出版社1989年版)、《当代世界五十年(1945—1995)》(四川人民出版社1997年版)、《从战地到史林:邓蜀生九旬文集》(中国法制出版社2012年版)、《美国纪行:一个中国学者眼中的美国生活》(文化艺术出版社2005年版)、《沉默道钉的足迹》(中国铁道出版社2015年版,与李炬合著)等。发表文章300多篇。曾任中国美国史研究会副理事长(1993--2008)兼秘书长(1990—1996)、美国《美国历史杂志》(The Journal of American History)国际特约编辑(1992—2008)、北京市历史学会秘书长(1986—1998)。现任中国美国史研究会顾问(2008— )、中华美国学会常务理事(1993— )。1991以来六次赴美学术访问或考察,历时四年。Huang Annian is a Professor of Beijing Normal University. He was born in 1936 in Wujin County, Jiangsu Province. In 1958, he graduated from the History Department of Beijing Normal University. He has long been engaged in the teaching and research of US history and modern world history. He has written, compiled and translated more than 30 publications, mainly including The Silent Spikes, Chinese Laborers and the Construction of North American Railroads (Beijing: China Intercontinental Press,2006; with both Chinese and English versions; The Spikes No Longer Remain Silent: Chinese Laborers and the Construction of North American Railroads (Shenyang: Baishan Publishing House, 2010, Simplified Chinese Edition; Taipei: Airiti Press, 2014, Traditional Chinese Enlarged Edition); Old Topics and New Challenges: The Rise of the United States and Contemporary America (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2009); Contemporary American Social Security Policies (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1998); Fifty Year of Contemporary World,1945-1995 (Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 1997); Essays on American Social and Economic History (Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Publishing House, 1993); The Rise of the United States: The United States from 17th Century through 19th Century (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1992); The United States in the 20th Century (Shijiazhuang: Hebei People’s Publishing House, 1987); From Battleground to the Field of History: Anthology Marking 90th Birthday of Deng Shusheng (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2012); American Chronicles: American Life in the Eye of a Chinese Scholar (Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House, 2005); Footsteps of the Silent Spikes (Beijing: China Railway Publishing House, 2015;coauthor with Li Ju). In addition, Professor Huang has published over 300 academic papers. He once served as Vice President of American History Research Association of China (1993-2008) and Secretary General of the Association (1990-1996), the International Contributing Editor of The Journal of American History (published in the US) (1992-2008), and Secretary General of History Research Association of Beijing. Currently, he serves as an adviser of American History Research Association of China (2008-present) and an executive council member of Chinese Association of American Studies. Since 1991, he has been to the United States for six times for academic visits or inspection, with a cumulative duration of stay of 4 years.黄安年,北京师范大学教授。1936年生,江苏省武进县人。1958年毕业于北京师范大学历史系。长期从事美国史、世界现代史教学和研究。出版著、编、译作等30多部,主要有:《沉默的道钉:建设北美铁路的华工》(五洲传播出版社2006年版,中、英文)、《道钉,不再沉默:建设北美铁路的华工》(白山出版社2010年版,中文简体;华艺学术出版社2014年版,台湾繁体增订版)、《老话题与新挑战——美国的崛起与崛起后的美国》(中国法制出版社2009年版)、《当代美国的社会保障政策》(中国社会科学出版社1998年版)、《当代世界五十年》(四川人民出版社1997年版)、《美国社会经济史论》(山东科学技术出版社1993年版)、《美国的崛起:17—19世纪的美国》(新时代出版社1992年版)、《二十世纪美国史》(河北人民出版社1989年版)、《当代世界五十年(1945—1995)》(四川人民出版社1997年版)、《从战地到史林:邓蜀生九旬文集》(中国法制出版社2012年版)、《美国纪行:一个中国学者眼中的美国生活》(文化艺术出版社2005年版)、《沉默道钉的足迹》(中国铁道出版社2015年版,与李炬合著)等。发表文章300多篇。曾任中国美国史研究会副理事长(1993--2008)兼秘书长(1990—1996)、美国《美国历史杂志》(The Journal of American History)国际特约编辑(1992—2008)、北京市历史学会秘书长(1986—1998)。现任中国美国史研究会顾问(2008— )、中华美国学会常务理事(1993— )。1991以来六次赴美学术访问或考察,历时四年。 Huang Annian is a Professor of Beijing Normal University. He was born in 1936 in Wujin County, Jiangsu Province. In 1958, he graduated from the History Department of Beijing Normal University. He has long been engaged in the teaching and research of US history and modern world history. He has written, compiled and translated more than 30 publications, mainly including The Silent Spikes, Chinese Laborers and the Construction of North American Railroads (Beijing: China Intercontinental Press,2006; with both Chinese and English versions; The Spikes No Longer Remain Silent: Chinese Laborers and the Construction of North American Railroads (Shenyang: Baishan Publishing House, 2010, Simplified Chinese Edition; Taipei: Airiti Press, 2014, Traditional Chinese Enlarged Edition); Old Topics and New Challenges: The Rise of the United States and Contemporary America (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2009); Contemporary American Social Security Policies (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1998); Fifty Year of Contemporary World,1945-1995 (Chengdu: Sichuan People’s Publishing House, 1997); Essays on American Social and Economic History (Taiyuan: Shanxi Education Publishing House, 1993); The Rise of the United States: The United States from 17th Century through 19th Century (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1992); The United States in the 20th Century (Shijiazhuang: Hebei People’s Publishing House, 1987); From Battleground to the Field of History: Anthology Marking 90th Birthday of Deng Shusheng (Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2012); American Chronicles: American Life in the Eye of a Chinese Scholar (Beijing: Culture and Art Publishing House, 2005); Footsteps of the Silent Spikes (Beijing: China Railway Publishing House, 2015;coauthor with Li Ju). In addition, Professor Huang has published over 300 academic papers. He once served as Vice President of American History Research Association of China (1993-2008) and Secretary General of the Association (1990-1996), the International Contributing Editor of The Journal of American History (published in the US) (1992-2008), and Secretary General of History Research Association of Beijing. Currently, he serves as an adviser of American History Research Association of China (2008-present) and an executive council member of Chinese Association of American Studies. Since 1991, he has been to the United States for six times for academic visits or inspection, with a cumulative duration of stay of 4 years.
