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消费经济学(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566317902
  • 条形码:9787566317902 ; 978-7-5663-1790-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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消费经济学(英文版) 内容简介

本书内容包括: 消费经济史与消费理论演变、消费链、消费社会生产力、消费需要和消费需求、消费结构、消费方式、消费市场、消费环境、消费哲学、消费市场宏观调控体系等。

消费经济学(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1 The Meaning and Classification of Human Consumption Section 2 The Theoretical Framework and the Object of Study in Economics of Consumption Section 3 Application of Consumer Economics in China Section 4 China Starts to Enter the Consumer Economy Era Section 5 Research Methods of Consumer EconomicsChapter 2 Consumer Economic History and the Evolution of Consumption Theory Section 1 Human Consumption Law Section 2 Consumption and Population and Land Section 3 Chinese and Western Consumption Theory Section 4 Consumption Theory in Economic Sociology Section 5 Marx Consumption Theory Section 6 Deng Xiaoping's Consumption IdeaChapter 3 Consumption Chain Section 1 Consumption and Consumption Chain Section 2 Micro Consumption Chain Section 3 Macro Consumption Chain Section 4 Consumption Chain and Marketing Method Section 5 Sustainable ConsumptionChapter 4 Productivity in Consumer Society Section 1 Constitution of Productivity in Consumer Society Section 2 Productivity in Consumer Society and Productive Relations Section 3 Classification of Productivity in Consumer Society Section 4 Element Analysis of the Narrow Sense of Productivity in Consumer Society Section 5 Element Analysis of the Broad Sense of Productivity in Consumer SocietyChapter 5 Consumption Need and Consumption Demand Section 1 Meaning and Characteristic of Consumption Need Section 2 Development Trend of Consumption Need Section 3 Meaning and Category of Consumption Demand Section 4 Relation between and Function of Consumption Demand and Economic Growth Section 5 Influence Factor and Change Trend of Consumption DemandChapter 6 Consumption Structure Section 1 Meaning and Influence Factors of Consumption Structure Section 2 Change and Tendency of Consumption Structure in China Section 3 Consumption Structure Rationalization Section 4 Consumption Structure and Industrial StructureChapter 7 Consumption Pattern Section 1 Meaning and Influence Factors of Consumption Patterns Section 2 Change and Development Tendency of Consumption Patterns Section 3 Individual Living Consumption and Group Living Consumption Section 4 Non-market Living Consumption and Market Living Consumption Section 5 Establishifig Civilized, Healthy and Scientific Consumption PatternChapter 8 Consumer Market Section 1 Meaning and Feature of Consumer Market Section 2 Position and Type of Consumer Market Section 3 Consumes' Purchasing Behavior Rule Section 4 Development Tendency of Chinese Consumer Market Section 5 Development Prospect of Chinese Consumer MarketChapter 9 Consumption Environment Section 1 Basic Contents of Consumption Environment Section 2 Significance of Optimizing Consumption Environment Section 3 Consumption Environment and Sustainable Development Section 4 Optimization of Consumption EnvironmentChapter 10 Consumption Philosophy Section 1 Concepts of Consumption Philosophy and Human's Personal Consumption Law Section 2 Consumption Subject and Consumption Object Section 3 Consumption Practice and Consumption Consciousness Section 4 Dynamic Function of Consumption Consciousness Section 5 Materialization of Spiritual Consumption and Spiritualization of Material Consumption " Section 6 Consumption Consciousness and Comprehension & InspirationChapter 11 Macro Regulation System of Consumer Market Section 1 Macro Regulation and Keynes State Macro Regulation Theory Section 2 Macro Market Regulation Management Centered on Living Consumption Section 3 Purpose, Means and Elements of Macro Regulation Section 4 Retrospect of Several Marco Regulations in China since the Reform and Opening-up Policy Section 5 Thought and Approach of Macro Regulation of Consumer Market Section 6 Structural Reform of Supply Side Is an Important Task of Macro RegulationChapter 12 Consumer Rights and Interests and Consumer Education Section 1 Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Interests Section 2 Expression and Reason of Damaged Consumer Rights and Interests Section 3 Measures of Safeguarding Consumer Rights and Interests Section 4 Strengthening Consumption EducationChapter 13 Service Consumption Section 1 The Implication and Development of Service Consumption Section 2 Productive Service Consumption Section 3 Life Service Consumption Section 4 Social Service Consumption Section 5 Structural Upgrading of Service Consumption and Problems ExistingChapter 14 Spiritual and Cultural Consumption Section 1 The Meaning and Basic Features of the Spiritual and Cultural Consumption Section 2 The Effect of Spiritual and Cultural Consumption Section 3 Status and Problems of Spiritual and Cultural Consumption in Our Country Section 4 Guidelines on Spiritual and Cultural Consumption Should Be EnhancedChapter 15 Information Consumption Section 1 The Connotations and Features of Information Consumption Section 2 Effects and Influence of Information Consumption Section 3 The Development and Classification of Information Consumption Section 4 Developing National Information ConsumptionChapter 16 Network Consumption Section 1 The Meaning and Features of Network Consumption Section 2 The Factors that Influence Demands of Network Consumers Section 3 Network Consumption and Network MarketingChapter 17 Consumption and Enterprise Management Section 1 Consumption and Enterprise Philosophy Section 2 Consumption and Enterprise Section 3 Features of Corporate Management under Chinese National Conditions Section 4 Enterprises Based on Consumption Philosophy Section 5 Corporate Marketing and Management around the ConsumersChapter 18 Financial Management and Macro-control of Family Consumption Section 1 The Definition and Classification of Family Consumption Section 2 Current Family Income and Consumption Conditions in China Section 3 Family Life Consumption Fund Section 4 Family Life Consumption Is the Core of the Three Major Consumption Section 5 Family Financial ManagementChapter 19 Consumption Is the Driving Force of Social Civilization Progress Section 1 Consumption Demand Is the Driving Force of Social Progress Section 2 Dynamic Expression of Consumption in Different Historical Periods Section 3 Scientific Research Consumption and Social Progress Section 4 Education Consumption and Social Progress Section 5 Health Care Consumption and Social Progress Section 6 Defense Consumption and Social Progress Section 7 State Administrative Consumption and Economic Development of Consumption SocietyReferencesPostscript

消费经济学(英文版) 作者简介

吴炳新,1938年出生于山东威海,美国休斯敦大学人文博士,三株集团董事长,对外经济贸易大学中国消费经济研究院院长、教授、博士生导师,美国休斯敦大学吴冯国际工商教育中心常驻总干事,中央财经大学、山东大学、国家行政学院兼职教授,济南大学客座教授,山东社会科学院特约研究员。建立了消费综合理论系统,著作有《吴炳新文集》《吴炳新文选》《消费论》《消费通论》《消费与管理》(Consumption and Management) 《领导管理科学新论》。
