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输电线路工程专业英语 版权信息

输电线路工程专业英语 本书特色


输电线路工程专业英语 内容简介


输电线路工程专业英语 目录

ContentsPrefaceChapter 1 Summary of Power Transmission Line 1Section 1 Research on the Applicable Range of AC and DCTransmission Voltage Class Sequence1Section 2 An Overview of Power Transmission Systems in China7Section 3 HVDC Transmission Systems 14Chapter 2 Mechanics of Overhead Power Transmission Line 22Section 1 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials22Section 2 Introduction of the Structural Mechanics 27Section 3 Unbalanced Tension Analysis for UHV TransmissionTowers in Heavy Icing Areas 33Chapter 3 Corona Discharge40Section 1 Comparison of Methods for Determining Corona InceptionVoltages of Transmission Line Conductors 40Section 2 Air-Gap Discharge Characteristics in Foggy ConditionsRelevant to Lightning Shielding of Transmission Lines 47Section 3 Short-circuit Current 55Chapter 4 The Design of Power Transmission Line64Section 1 Overview of the Transmission Line Design Process64Section 2 Quantifying Siting Difficulty: A Case Study of USTransmission Line Siting 72Section 3 Reliability-Based Transmission Line Design79Chapter 5 Construction Technology86Section 1 Overview of the Transmission Line Construction Process86Section 2 Externality Identification and Quantification ofTransmission Construction Projects 93Section 3 Some Introductions about The Transmission Line Construction99Chapter 6 Typical Defects from Power Transmission Line 106Section 1 An Overview of the Condition Monitoring of Overhead Lines106Section 2 Effect of Desert Environmental Conditions on The FlashoverVoltage of Insulators 114Section 3 Failures in Outdoor Insulation Caused by Bird Excrement123Chapter 7 Lightning Protection and Grounding 130Section 1 Optimization of Hellenic Overhead High-voltageTransmission Lines Lightning Protection (1) 130Section 2 Optimization of Hellenic Overhead High-voltageTransmission Lines Lightning Protection (2) 138Section 3 Modeling of Power Transmission Lines for LightningBack Flashover Analysis 145Chapter 8 Stability Problems of Power Grid 153Section 1 Major Stability Problems of Long Distance and Large Capacity HighVoltage AC/DC Transmission Systems and Interconnected Power Systems 153Section 2 Technology of Improving Transmission Line Capacity andAC/DC Transmission System Stability Level 161Section 3 Power Grids and Grid Interconnections in China 169Chapter 9 The Development of China Smart Grid 174Section 1 How Green Is The Smart Grid? 174Section 2 Defining The Smart Grid 178Section 3 The Expanded Scenario 184Chapter 10 The Introduction of SGCC and CSG 191Section 1 Brief Introduction of State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) 191Section 2 SGCC Profit and Output on The Rise 198Section 3 China Southern Power Grid 202References 209

输电线路工程专业英语 作者简介

唐波,三峡大学副院长。主讲《架空输电线路设计》、《输电线路专业英语》、《输电线路地理信息系统》等课程,授课对象为输电线路工程专业本科、专科学生,以及输电线路工程对外培训的电力职工。参编《架空输电线路设计》,中国电力出版社,2007 及《配电线路设计施工、运行与维护》,中国电力出版社,2007。
