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中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(精装)英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511012579
  • 条形码:9787511012579 ; 978-7-5110-1257-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(精装)英文版 本书特色

  This series collects representative works of ten famous chinese children's literature writers.Some of which have won nominations for hans christian and ersen award.All of their works are fairytales and stories for chinese children.There are relationships between love and happiness.Reality and fantasy. Humans and nature.In these works every child will find his/her own story.Which will tell them how to face difficulties,how to hold on to their dreams,and every trouble they might have while growing up.Reading these witty and vibrant stories.You will understand chinese children and their world of fantasy.

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(精装)英文版 内容简介

  《中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(英文版)》收录了著名儿童文学作家高洪波的所有童话和小说,是对高洪波作品的一次大汇总。童话是一种伟大的、永远不会老去的文体。  《中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(英文版)》以明朗而优美的语言、深沉的笔触,在轻松、活泼、幽默的氛围中传达对孩子们深沉的爱。

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(精装)英文版 目录

The Persian Cat Called Peck
A Teardrop
A Cat Wearing Sunglasses
A Fur Scarf
A Kitty and a Stream
A Little Magic Shovel
The Secret of Searching for the Bird Rock
A Fish Lantern
A Bear with a Magic Pen
Tears of a Little Fish
A Rain of Cherries
The Legendary Amphisbaena Serpent Called Shuangshuang
A Flying Hand
A Cockerel
The World in My Imagination
Straw Hats in the Sky
A Little Pond
A Kangaroo Gripsack
In Exchange with Bench Dog
A Beautiful Station Wagon
A Comer Ox
Large Tree Hostel
A Multicolored Bell
A Lazy Game
On the Rainbow Bridge
The Walk of Fame
A Soccer Tour
Mysterious Easter Island
A Mysterious Stone
Picking Strawberries
The Weight of a Snowflake
A Little Candle's Wish
Half a Eggshell
Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit
Practicing Singing
Pictures of the Winter
A Mushroom Umbrella Shop
A Camel Hill
The Big Banyan
Sounds from the Corner
A Little Big-eared Elephant
Thanking the Elephant
A Little Pond in the Forest
The Big Clumsy Bear
A Bamboo Shoot Wearing a Straw Hat
A Small Mirror
The Grandpa With a Big Pipe
A Trunk Slide
Who Deserved a Beating?
A Naughty Cherry
A New House
Frogs Beat Drums
The Snail Traveler
Dark Friends
A Naughty Little Mouse
A Relay Baton
A Wool Ball
A Small Fishing Rod
The Little Kangaroo Quenched Its Parents' Anger
A Leaf Boat
The Snail Car
Who's the Tallest?
The Red Is Delicious?
A Little Kite
Eating a Melon
A Pair of Red Leather Shoes
A Good Baby
Three Balloons
A Paper Snake
A Black Bear and Two White Bears
A Watch That Loved to Listen to Whistling
An Exploration in a Summer Evening
A Mosquito on the Thirteenth Floor
An Uninvited Guest
An Album
Riding a Pony
The Yoghurt Tumult——A Story without an End
White Sprits

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(精装)英文版 节选

  《中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:波斯猫派克(英文版)》:  Red Kangaroo learned the secret of the fat bear and his seven-color pen.  He lost no time in sharing the news with Fire Hat and Leap Frog. Fire Hat shook his head and said: "Is it possible? How could such a stupid fat bear have a magic pen which can fly away and return on command?"  Leap Frog didn't agree. He patted his stomach and yelled:  "I am the No. l frog in the world; nobody is more capable than me. I am clairvoyant, I am clairvoyant; nobody can see further than me!"  His stomach swelled like a big drum and his body bloated like a balloon. His eyes bulged with clairvoyant powers and he looked around in midair. He saw something very strange.  What did Leap Frog see?  A line of orderly furniture and pillows and cushions were walking quietly on the path leading to the forest.  The three fellows followed them at once. Red Kangaroo knew that these walking articles of furniture had been written on by the fat bear. In other words, they were now brought to life.  The articles of furniture moved quietly. It seemed that they were in thrall to some silent orders. They walked into the depths of the thick forest. There was a clearing there, where they could see a house with a peaked-roof.  A mysterious figure was pressing a remote control energetically in front of the house. Red Kangaroo rotated on the spot and tumed into a chair and joined the line of furniture just after the refrigerator. When he walked in front of the mysterious figure, he looked carefully and and saw that it was a little fox.  The door of the house was open wide. Red Kangaroo entered and realized that it was a storehouse filled with various kinds of furniture and food and even a big tortoises. All of them had been collected by the little fox. Red Kangaroo understood at once: the seven-color pen of the fat bear had surely been given to him by the little fox and the remote control could bring all the articles wluch had been written on into this house with its peaked-roof. What a cunning fox!  The little fox was almost too tired to stand. He pulled aside the chair that was in fact Red Kangaroo and sat down on it. Red Kangaroo felt lus neck being tickled by the tail of the fox. He sneezed, and gave the little fox a temble shock. The fox rubbed his nose, and said: "How could I have caught a cold?  Red Kangaroo laughed aloud. The little fox jumped up, and shouted:  "Who are you?"  Red Kangaroo changed back to his original appearance. He clapped his hands and Fire Hat and Leap Frog rushed over to apprehend the little fox.  The fox threw down the remote control and ran to the back of the house. Red Kangaroo picked up the remote control and pursued him.  Fire Hat yelled: "This is annoying me. I am getting angry! "  Fire Hat became taller and his cockscomb started to burn with rage. He looked dreadful to behold. He continued speaking: "What a bold fox! How dare you cheat us?"  The fox turned the corner and suddenly opened up a small sealed door. A group of white dogs dashed out and rushed at Red Kangaroo, Fire Hat and Leap Frog. The white dogs looked big and sluggish but they listened to every word of the little fox. Baring their teeth, they chased after the three friends.  Red Kangaroo and Fire Hat and Leap Frog ran away swiffly.  ……
