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中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511012555
  • 条形码:9787511012555 ; 978-7-5110-1255-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 本书特色

  This series collects representative works of ten famous chinese children's literature writers.Some of which have won nominations for hans christian and ersen award.All of their works are fairytales and stories for chinese children.There are relationships between love and happiness.Reality and fantasy. Humans and nature.In these works every child will find his/her own story.Which will tell them how to face difficulties,how to hold on to their dreams,and every trouble they might have while growing up.Reading these witty and vibrant stories.You will understand chinese children and their world of fantasy.

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 内容简介


中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 目录

Xia Yu
Wanwan's Collection
Richard Ⅲ
A Woodcarving of an Antelope
The Award
The Shadow
The Taste of the Sun
The Secret Password
The Sorrows of Young Liu

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 节选

  《中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(英文版)》:  As soon as the bell rang, he was surrounded by classmates.  "How are you? Chuan Pen, are you all right?  When he saw the desire to gloat in the eyes of Liu Xuezheng, Li Dami remembered why he had met the headmaster. Thinking of his sneezing on the playground, he couldn't help blushing again but he recovered himself quickly when he remembered his secret.  Facing the classmates' inquiries, he just responded with a peaceful smile.  This made them even more surprised: "Li Dami, why don't you talk?"  He did feel sorry for letting his classmates down, but he had to bottle it up. Finally, he spoke like a diplomat: "I can only tell you that the headmaster had an important task for me! "  Liu Xuezheng clapped his hands, and screamed with laughter: "Are you crazy? Did the headmaster want you to try to break a Guinness World record for sneezing?"  Having a card up his sleeve, Li Dami became even more confident and responded with disdain: "Please don't measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men."  Over the following days, life in the school was very dull. There were no puppet shows or speeches by model workers or old veterans. Only the headmaster's speech during the morning exercises was delivered on time. As usual, there was applause for her wonderful speech. But, she never touched her eyes with her hand-it was as if she had forgotten the huge task she gave to Li Dami. Once, when she raised her hand to her cheek during the speech, Li Dami thought that her hand was moving towards her eyes. But it slipped instead to the back of her head, where it smoothed her hair and dropped down. The speech that day lughlighted some details about the cleaning. It was really not worth applauding.  Two weeks passed. Li Dami felt that he was like "a hero with no opportunity to display his prowess."  Now the chance had finally come. He never expected that it would be created for him by Liu Xuezheng.  Although Liu was once given an award for "returning money he had found," he was in every other way a troublesome boy in the teachers' eyes. His academic performance was the poorest in his class. He could never concentrate on what the teacher said in class. When it was his turn to do some cleaning, he was often nowhere to be found. In fact, it wasn't important if one had shortcomings. The problem was that he never admitted to any mistakes he had made. Every time when he was "invited" to the office, he always refused to acknowledge what he had said or done. Even with hard evidence on the table, he would still refuse to admit any wrongdoing. In a word, he was an exceedingly unpleasant student for teachers!  One day, when Liu Xuezheng was called to the office again, Li Dami was just passing by and automatically looked inside through the window. He was startled to find that an angry teacher was pinching Liu's ear, making him cock his head and squeaklike a mouse.  Quickly running back to the classroom, Li Dami didn't mention it to any-body else.  After a while, Liu came back, with a wet face. Obviously, he had just washed it. Only Li Dami knew why.  "Are you OK?" Li Danu asked anxiously, feigning a casual air.  "What do you mean?" Liu Xuezheng asked quickly, his head tilted.  "Oh, nothing!" Seeing that this guy was so ungrateful, Li Dami got angry and thought: I don't care even if your ear was twisted off!  The class began. Li Dami turned to look at Liu Xuezheng now and then. Liu was always laying his head on the desk. Li Dami felt pity for him.  ……

中国儿童文学走向世界精品书系:太阳的滋味儿(精装)英文版 作者简介

张之路,作家、剧作家,中国作协儿委会副主任,中国电影家协会儿童电影委员会会长。国际安徒生奖提名奖获得者。国际林格伦奖提名。中国安徒生奖获得者。 文学作品有长篇小说《霹雳贝贝》《第三军团》《非法智慧》《蝉为谁鸣》《极限幻觉》《有老鼠牌铅笔吗》《弯弯》《弯弯的辛夷花》《汉字奇兵(千雯之舞)》《替身》《会飞的狗》《因为有你》《永远的合唱团》《霹雳贝贝2(乖马时间)》《吉祥时光》《金雨滴》《我们好像见过面》等,作品曾获中国图书奖、中国作协儿童文学奖、宋庆龄文学奖、陈伯吹国际儿童文学奖等。小说《羚羊木雕》、童话《在牛肚子里旅行》分别被选入中小学课本。多部作品在台湾地区出版,并多次被评为“好书大家读”作品。 电影剧本有《霹雳贝贝》《魔表》《足球大侠》《疯狂的兔子》《妈妈没有走远》《乌龟也上网》等十部。电视连续剧《第三军团》《妈妈》等。曾获中国电影华表奖、童牛奖、夏衍电影文学奖、电视剧飞天奖、开罗国际儿童电影节金奖等。 著有电影理论专著《中国少年儿童电影史论》。 作品被翻译成英文、日文、韩文、阿拉伯文等出版。
