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开本: 21×21cm 页数: 231页
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中国文化:汉字:Caracteres 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508537337
  • 条形码:9787508537337 ; 978-7-5085-3733-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国文化:汉字:Caracteres 本书特色

丛书从源远流长的中国文化中,选取有代表性的10个领域和专题进行介绍,包括哲学思想、文学、艺术、汉字、节日、饮食、工艺、服饰、建筑、医药等10分册。通过流畅、轻松的文字和精美的图片,使海内外广大读者在愉快的阅读体验中,领略中国文化的丰富多彩、博大精深。整个系列中的每种图书既各自独立,综合起来又在精心搭就的框架下,勾勒出中国文化的总体面貌。 汉字是方块形的表意体系的文字,也是世界上*活着的古文字。汉字的存在,是人类文明史上的一个奇迹。今天,汉字仍在不断发展中。这种世界上使用人口*多的古老文字,正朝气蓬勃地走向未来。The “Chinese Culture” book series includes ten books on philosophical thoughts, literature, art, Chinese characters, festivals, foods and drinks, crafts, clothes, architecture and medicine. Each book introduces the history of a field or theme and the same origin of Chinese culture reflected by it, pursues its existence and manifestation in Chinese people’s life today, tells those “unknown stories” through smooth and relaxing words and exquisite pictures, reveals Chinese people’s thinking habits, behavioral modes, traditional concepts and social life, and helps readers understand “what Chinese people are like and what their thinking modes and living customs are.”Chinese characters are square-shaped ideograms and the only ancient language alive in the world. The existence of Chinese characters is a miracle in the human civilization history. Today, Chinese characters are still developing. This ancient language used by most people in the world is embracing the future vigorously.

中国文化:汉字:Caracteres 内容简介

本书以通俗的文字和精美的图片,简要介绍了中国博大精深的汉字文化的基础知识。它将带领读者朋友在“汉字王国”中做一次轻松而有趣的漫游。 This book briefly introduces basic knowledge about China’s profound culture of Chinese characters with easily understandable words and exquisite pictures. It will take readers on a relaxing and interesting journey in the “kingdom of Chinese characters”.

中国文化:汉字:Caracteres 目录

EL MISTERIO DE LOS CARACTERES HAN MODERNOS Elementos pictograficos en la forma de los caracteres Han modernos El uso de elementos pictograficos en las formas de los caracteres HanLOS CARACTERES HAN Y LA LENGUA CHINA Los caracteres de Han se adaptan al lenguaje chino real Los caracteres Han son las unidades estructurales basicas del idioma chino Las propiedades de los caracteres Han sobrepasan los dialectos y los tiempos "Sinosfera"LA HISTORIA DE CHINANARRADA EN CARACTERES HAN La vida social en la antiguedad La antigua civilizaci6n china se muestra a traves de los caracteres HartEL ARTE DE LOSCARACTERES HAN Arte caligrafico de los caracteres Han Contemplaci6n de famosos tesoros caligraficos Caracteres Han de diseno comercial El arte del sello de los caracteres Han El arte del selloEntrar en la era de la informaci6n La informatizaci6n de los caracteres Han Alegrias y tristezas en la era de la informaci0n para los caracteres Han ApendiceTabla cronol6gicade las dinastias chinas

中国文化:汉字:Caracteres 作者简介

韩鉴堂 天津市人。天津师范大学对外汉语教师。1985年起从事对外汉语言文化教学和研究工作,1994年受国家教委委派赴蒙古国乌兰巴托国立大学讲学3年。出版著作:《中国文化》(1994)、《走近中国传统艺术》(2001)、《汉字文化图说》(2005)、《中国汉字》(2009)、《图说殷墟甲骨文》(2009)、《汉字文化》(2010)。在书籍报刊上发表插图数百幅;版画作品三次入选天津市美术作品展览;画像砖版画作品在中国美术馆展出。Han Jiantang, a native of Tianjin and a TCSL (Teaching Chinese as Second Language) teacher at Tianjin Normal University, began to engage in TCSL education and research in 1985, and was dispatched by the State Education Commission in 1994 to give lectures at Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar for three years. Publications: China’s Cultural Heritage (1994), Approaching Traditional Chinese Art (2001), The Culture of Chinese Characters – With Illustrations by Pictures (2005), Inscriptions on Bones and Tortoise Shells from the Yin Ruins – With Illustrations by Pictures (2009) and The Culture of Chinese Characters (2010). Hundreds of his illustrations were published in books, newspapers and periodicals; his prints were displayed at three artwork exhibitions in Tianjin; his brick-relief prints were exhibited at the National Art Museum of China.
