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综放开采组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构形成机理与应用 版权信息

综放开采组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构形成机理与应用 本书特色

ISBN 978-7-5020-5583-7
开本787mm×1092mm 1/16 印张16 字数 323千字
版次2017年6月第1版 2017年6月第1次印刷
社内编号8446 定价108.00元
本书是研究综放开采顶煤与顶板活动规律的专著。作者抓住综放开采采厚大、顶板活动空间大、顶煤体力学变形特征在围岩活动规律与“支架-围岩”相互作用关系中起关键作用的特点,深入研究了综放开采顶煤运移规律。从综放工作面顶板控制的角度,给出了综放开采直接顶、基本顶的新定义;从上位顶板对综放支架有无作用力的角度提出了“有变形压力岩层”与“无变形压力岩层”。在此基础上研究了综放开采上位岩层形成“组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构”的机理,得出了综放支架工作阻力下限值的计算公式及影响因素。将此理论应用于浅埋煤层综放开采中,得出了不同地质条件下覆岩所成结构与液压支架工作阻力下限值的确定方法。ISBN 978-7-5020-5583-7 开本787mm×1092mm 1/16 印张 16 字数 323千字 版次2017年6月第1版 2017年6月第1次印刷 社内编号8446 定价108.00元 内容提要 本书是研究综放开采顶煤与顶板活动规律的专著。作者抓住综放开采采厚大、顶板活动空间大、顶煤体力学变形特征在围岩活动规律与“支架-围岩”相互作用关系中起关键作用的特点,深入研究了综放开采顶煤运移规律。从综放工作面顶板控制的角度,给出了综放开采直接顶、基本顶的新定义;从上位顶板对综放支架有无作用力的角度提出了“有变形压力岩层”与“无变形压力岩层”。在此基础上研究了综放开采上位岩层形成“组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构”的机理,得出了综放支架工作阻力下限值的计算公式及影响因素。将此理论应用于浅埋煤层综放开采中,得出了不同地质条件下覆岩所成结构与液压支架工作阻力下限值的确定方法。 Executive Summary This book is on studies of movement regularities of top coal and roof in top coal caving mining. In top coal caving mining, mining thickness and space for roof movement is large, and top coal deforms under mechanics. These play a key role in the interactions between surrounding rocks and hydraulic supports. Based on these properties, the author proposed new definitions of basic roof and immediate roof in top coal caving, “rock strata with deformation pressure” and “rock strata without deformation pressure” depending on whether or not forces are posed on hydraulic supports from the strata. The author then studied the mechanism of “combined short cantilever beams-hinged rock beams structure” formed by the upper rock strata. From this mechanism, the author proposed the calculation formula and influence factors on lower limit value of hydraulic supports in top coal caving. Applying the theory in top coal caving mining for shallow coal seam, the author also proposed the determination methods on both structures of overlying strata and the lower limit value under different geological conditions. This book can be used as a reference book for both college students and field engineers in coal mining industry.

综放开采组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构形成机理与应用 内容简介


综放开采组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构形成机理与应用 目录

目次 1 绪论 1.1 概述 1.2 综放开采技术发展 1.3 综放开采典型工艺模式 1.4 综放开采矿压显现特点 1.5 综放采场上覆岩层结构特征研究现状 1.6 综放开采支架-围岩关系研究现状 1.7 综放支架工作阻力的确定 2 综放开采顶煤与顶板运移规律实测研究 2.1 郑州米村矿15011综放工作面顶煤与顶板运移实测 2.2 郑州米村矿15051综放工作面顶煤与顶板运移实测 2.3 阳泉15号煤层综放工作面顶煤与顶板运移实测 2.4 汾西水峪矿7101综放工作面顶煤与顶板运移实测 2.5 潞安王庄矿4309综放工作面、大同忻州窑矿8902综放工作面顶煤裂隙发育实测 3 综放开采顶煤运移理论研究 3.1 综放开采顶煤运移的理论分析 3.2 损伤力学理论在顶煤分区中的应用 3.3 基于顶煤运移损伤力学特征的支架工作阻力的确定 4 综放开采矿压显现规律实测研究 4.1 塔山矿综放开采顶板活动规律 4.2 千树塔煤矿综放工作面矿压显现规律 5 普通埋深综放开采相似模拟研究 5.1 相似模拟试验设计 5.2 组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构的动态演化 5.3 组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构对矿压的影响 5.4 组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构的采厚效应 5.5 组合短悬臂梁-铰接岩梁结构的割煤高度效应 5.6 小结 6榆神矿区综放开采相似模拟研究 6.1 相似模拟试验模型的建立 6.2 综放工作面覆岩活动规律的埋深效应 6.3 综放工作面覆岩活动规律的采厚效应 6.4 综放工作面覆岩活动规律的基岩厚度效应 6.5 综放工作面覆岩活动规律的基采比效应 6.6 小结 7基于综放开采顶板结构特征的支架工作阻力的确定 7.1 综放工作面直接顶、基本顶新概念 7.2 综放支架工作阻力下限值计算 7.3 其他特殊综放开采顶板结构支架工作阻力的计算 7.4 综放支架工作阻力影响因素分析 7.5 小结 8综放支架工作阻力下限值确定的现场应用 8.1 塔山矿8105综放工作面的应用 8.2 千树塔煤矿11305综放工作面的应用 参考文献 后记 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Technology development of fully mechanized top coal caving 1.3 Typical process mode of fully mechanized top coal caving 1.4 Characteristics of strata behaviors in fully mechanized top coal caving 1.5 Research status on structures of overlying strata over fully mechanized topcoal caving area 1.6 Research status on relations between hydraulic supports and surrounding rocks in fully mechanized top coal caving 1.7 Determination of working resistance of hydraulic supports for fully mechanized top coal caving 2 Field study on movement regularities of top coal and roof in fully mechanized top coal caving 2.1 Field measurement of movement of coal and roof at No. 15011 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Micun Coal Mine, Zhengzhou City 2.2 Field measurement of movement of top coal and roof at No. 15051 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Micun Coal Mine, Zhengzhou City 2.3 Field measurement of movement of top coal and roof at No. 15 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face at Yangquan Coal Mine 2.4 Field measurement of movement of top coal at No. 7101 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Shuiyu Coal Mine, Fenxi City 2.5 Field measurement of fracture development in top coal at No. 4309 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Wangzhuang Coal Mine, Lu’an City and at No. 8902 Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Face in Xinzhouyao Coal Mine, Datong City 3 Theoretical study on top coal movement in fully mechanized top coal caving 3.1 Theoretical analysis of top coal movement in fully mechanized caving mining 3.2 Application of damage mechanics theory in top coal division 3.3 Establishing top coal movement equation with damage mechanics theory 4 Field study of strata behavior in fully mechanized top coal caving mining 4.1 Field reseach on roof movement in fully mechanized top coal caving mining in Tashan Coal Mine 4.2 Field reseach on strata behavior in fully mechanized top coal caving face in Qianshuta Coal Mine 5 Analog simulation study on fully mechanized top coal caving mining 5.1 Analog simulation test design 5.2 Dynamic evolution of the “combined short cantilever rock beams-articulated rock beams” structure 5.3 The effection of “combined short cantilever rock beams-articulated rock beams” structure on mine pressure 5.4 Effection on cutting thickness of “combined short cantilever rock beams-articulated rock beams” structure 5.5 Effection on cutting height of “combined short cantilever rock beams-articulated rock beams” structure 5.6 Chapter summary 6 Similarity simulation study of fully mechanized top coal caving mining in Yushen mining area 6.1 Establishment of similarity simulation experimental model 6.2 Effect of burial depth on overlying strata movement at working face in fully mechanized top coal caving 6.3 Effect of mining thickness on overlying strata movement at working face in fully mechanized top coal caving 6.4 Effect of bedrock thickness on overlying strata movement at working face in fully mechanized top coal caving 6.5 Effect of ratio of bedrock thickness and mining thickness on overlying strata movement at working face in fully mechanized top coal caving 6.6 Chapter summary 7 Determination of working resistance of support based on structural characteristics of roof in fully mechanized top coal caving mining 7.1 New concept of immediate roof and basic roof in fully mechanized top coal caving mining area 7.2 Lower limit calculation of working resistance of hydraulic support in fully mechanized caving 7.3 Calculation of working resistance for caving support in other special roof structure in fully mechanized top coal caving mining 7.4 Analysis on influential factors on working resistance of fully mechanized top coal caving support 7.5 Chapter summary 8 Field application of working resistance lower limit determination for fully mechanized caving support 8.1 No. 8105 fully mechanized top coal caving working face in Tashan Coal Mine 8.2 No. 11305 fully mechanized top coal caving working face in Qianshuta Coal Mine References Postscript