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小学6年级适用-冲刺篇-小学英语进阶阅读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787540345785
  • 条形码:9787540345785 ; 978-7-5403-4578-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

小学6年级适用-冲刺篇-小学英语进阶阅读 本书特色

【音频二维码】每篇短文旁设置二维码。扫码可获取外教朗读音频,帮助学生学习纯正发音。 【英语短文】涵盖课标的所有话题。题材广泛,内容丰富。语言纯正,表达地道。图文并茂,趣味十足。让学生轻松学习,爱上英语。 【生词小口袋】总结短文中的生词,帮助学生减少阅读障碍,扩大单词量。 【做一做】配套习题,阶梯训练,检验学生对短文的理解程度。 【参考译文】提供英语短文的准确译文,帮助学生增强对文章的理解。 基于课标 循序渐进 四步进阶 快速通关
○ 题材广泛 内容丰富 ○ 语言纯正 表达地道 ○ 图文并茂 趣味十足 ○ 阶梯训练 轻松学习

小学6年级适用-冲刺篇-小学英语进阶阅读 内容简介

《义务教育英语课程标准》规定,小学毕业生英语应该达到国家二级目标。包括能用简单的英语互致问候,交换有关个人、家庭和朋友的简单信息,并能就日常生活话题作简短叙述。能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。初步形成对英语的感知能力和良好的学习习惯。乐于了解异国文化和习俗。想学好英语,光靠课本是不够的。现行各版本小学英语课本中可供学生诵读的英语短文有限,难以满足阅读需求。为此,我们为同学们精心编写了这套《小学英语进阶阅读》,作为拓展阅读材料。 本套丛书共4册,分为“基础篇”“提高篇”“能力篇”“冲刺篇”,适合小学3—6年级的学生阅读。同学们也可根据自己的阅读水平灵活选用。 题材广泛,内容多样,语言地道,难度适中,配图精美,知识性、实用性与趣味性相结合。 每篇短文旁设置二维码。扫码可获取外教朗读音频,帮助学生学习纯正发音。

小学6年级适用-冲刺篇-小学英语进阶阅读 目录

Unit One Daily life日常生活 01 My day 02 Watching TV 03 Moving the piano 04 Repairing shoes 05 Aren't you going to the office today 06 The stories are still in them 07 An unlucky dayUnit Two Seasons and weathers季节与天气 08 A real weather report 09 The climate of Britain 10 Autumn 11 The dust storm 12 The four seasons in the USAUnit Three Nature自然 13 Butterflies 14 Bald eagles 15 The cute koalas 16 The homes of animals 17 Animals and their languages 18 People's friends - dogs 19 The Columbia River 20 The important thing for human beings - air 21 The basis of'life - water 22 Plants around usUnit Four Around the world世界各地 23 Hong Kong 24 Shanghai Disney Resort 25 The Yellowstone National Park 26 The White House 27 Wall Street 28 Washington DCUnit Five Writers and stories about famous people作家及名人逸事 29 Hans Christian Andersen 30 Charles Chaplin 31 George Washington and a thief 32 Mark Twain was fooled 33 Owe me one dollar 34 Benjamin FranklinUnit Six Humour and jokes幽默与笑话 35 Back up one mile 36 What are you running after my hen for 37 Shooting 38 A very good news 39 The cleverest man in the world. 40 I won't let my butcher operate on me! Unit Seven Interesting stories趣味故事 41 The general's teeth 42 Do you know my work 43 Noise 44 A shopping list 45 The same question 46 The writer and the interpreter 47 Learning to play the violin 48 The lawyer's trick 49 Teaching other people to slow down 50 One glass of milkUnit Eight Idiom stories成语故事 51 The tiger and the fox 52 Look at the sky from the bottom of a well 53 Spear and shield 54 Making a mark on the boat to look for a sword 55 The blind men and the elephantUnit Nine Fairy tales and fables童话与寓言 56 The Mother Horse and the wolf 57 The wild bull and the lion 58 The hare and the tortoise 59 The monkey and the tiger 60 The little match girl 61 The magic violin 62 Why does the bat only come out at night 63 A friend in need is a friend indeed参考文献

小学6年级适用-冲刺篇-小学英语进阶阅读 作者简介


  • 主题:

    该书真的对我没啥帮助 然后整个书的质感还OK 排版印刷都比较好????

    2019/11/3 0:31:31