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小公主-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119109664
  • 条形码:9787119109664 ; 978-7-119-10966-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

小公主-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 内容简介


小公主-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 目录

**章 萨拉
第二章 法语课
第三章 厄门加德
第四章 洛蒂
第五章 贝基
第六章 钻石矿
第七章 再谈钻石矿
第八章 在阁楼上
第九章 梅基西德克
第十章 印度绅士
第十一章 拉姆1达斯
第十二章 墙的另一边
第十三章 一个平民
第十四章 梅基西德克的所见所闻
第十五章 魔法
第十六章 来访者
第十七章 “正是这个孩子”
第十八章 “我不想这样!”
第十九章 安妮

小公主-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 节选

  "She must be MADE to learn," her father said to Miss Minchin.Consequently Ermengarde spent the greater part of her life in disgrace or in tears. She learned things and forgot them; or, if she remembered them, she did not understand them. So it was natural that, having made Sara's acquaintance, she should sit and stare at her with profound admiration.  "You can speak French, can't you?" she said respectfully.  Sara got on to the window-seat, which was a big, deep one, and, tucking up her feet, sat with her hands clasped round her knees.  "I can speak it because I have heard it all my life," she answered."You could speak it if you had always heard it."  "Oh, no, I couldn't," said Ermengarde. “I NEVER could speak it! "  "Why?" inquired Sara, curiously.  Ermengarde shook her head so that the pigtail wobbled.  "You heard me just now," she said. "I'm always like that. I can't SAY the words. They're so queer."  She paused a moment, and then added with a touch of awe in her voice, "You are CLEVER, aren't you?"  Sara looked out of the window into the dingy square, where the sparrows were hopping and twittering on the wet, iron railings and the sooty branches of the trees. She refiected a few moments. She had heard it said very often that she was "clever," and she wondered if she was- and IF she was, how it had happened.  "I don't know," she said. "I can't tell." Then, seeing a mournful look on the round, chubby face, she gave a little laugh and changed the subject.  "Would you like to see Emily?" she inquired.  "Who is Emily?" Ermengarde asked, just as Miss Minchin had  done.  "Come up to my room and see," said Sara, holding out her hand.  They jumped down from the window-seat together, and went upstairs.  "Is it true," Ermengarde whispered, as they went through the hall.  "is it true that you have a playroom all to yourself?"  "Yes," Sara answered. "Papa asked Miss Minchin to let me have one, because-well, it was because when I play I make up stories and tell them to myself, and I don't like people to hear me. It spoils it if I think people listen."  They had reached the passage leading to Sara's room by this time, and Ermengarde stopped short, staring, and quite losing her breath.  "You MAKE up stories!" she gasped. "Can you do that-as well as speak French? CAN you?"  Sara looked at her in simple surprise.  "Why, anyone can make up things," she said. "Have you never tried?"  She put her hand warningly on Ermengarde's.  "Let us go very quietly to the door," she whispered, "and then I will open it quite suddenly; perhaps we may catch her."  ……

小公主-音频-英文原著插图中文导读 作者简介

