英语大书虫世界经典名译典藏书系:中国人的精神 (英汉对照)(精选权威版本)
The secret garden
- ISBN:9787508537788
- 条形码:9787508537788 ; 978-7-5085-3778-8
- 装帧:一般轻型纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
本套丛书从人文视角对西藏的历史、宗教、文学、艺术、民俗进行精当展示,独到解读、描绘西藏风土人情和文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力。各分册在内容上较多吸收了相关领域*研究成果,注重讲故事,雅俗共赏。宣传介绍西藏,绕不开西藏宗教。《西藏宗教》一书从整体上对西藏宗教状况进行梳理,从苯教开始,以藏传佛教为重点,并对伊斯兰教和基督教进行介绍,以体现中华传统文化“和”、“合”的统一性。本书对西藏宗教概况的阐述深入浅出,在宏观视野下对藏传佛教各宗派介绍的基础上,特别对相关寺院具体情况的介绍是本书一个特色,非常有助于读者全面深入了解西藏宗教。本套丛书从人文视角对西藏的历史、宗教、文学、艺术、民俗进行精当展示,独到解读、描绘西藏风土人情和文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力。各分册在内容上较多吸收了相关领域*研究成果,注重讲故事,雅俗共赏。 宣传介绍西藏,绕不开西藏宗教。《西藏宗教》一书从整体上对西藏宗教状况进行梳理,从苯教开始,以藏传佛教为重点,并对伊斯兰教和基督教进行介绍,以体现中华传统文化“和”、“合”的统一性。本书对西藏宗教概况的阐述深入浅出,在宏观视野下对藏传佛教各宗派介绍的基础上,特别对相关寺院具体情况的介绍是本书一个特色,非常有助于读者全面深入了解西藏宗教。 Whenever Tibet is introduced, its religions are mentioned. The book titled Tibetan Religions, gives a comprehensive introduction to the status of Tibetan religions. It starts with the Bon religion and focuses on Tibetan Buddhism, with brief introduction to Islam and Christianity, aiming to embody the embracement of traditional Chinese culture of unity, which is typically reflected by the concepts of “harmony” and “wholeness”. The book provides an overview of the Tibetan religions in a way easy to understand and introduces various Tibetan Buddhism sects from a macro perspective. Particularly, the introduction to related monasteries is a characteristic of the book. It is very helpful for readers to have a comprehensive understanding of the Tibetan religions.
西藏,耸立于地球之巅、平均海拔4500米左右的雪域高原,以其恢弘的气势傲立于世,令人无限神往。千百年来,生活在这块神奇的土地上的高原先民,在与自然的和谐融合中,自我孕育了具有浓郁高原特色的精神世界。西藏宗教是青藏高原的生命仪仗,是西藏各族人民精神世界的一道特别风景,是青藏高原文化的一个别样窗口。西藏宗教文化构成博大精深,不仅有包括西藏本土的巫教文化、苯教文化,以及融合大量社会世俗文化因子而衍生的藏传佛教,还有彰显高原地域特色的其他宗教。西藏宗教产生、衍化和流布,呈现了宗教文化品性与世俗文化特征的相互渗透和融合。藏族谚语云:“每一个地方有一种方言,每一个喇嘛有一个教派。”不仅藏传佛教具有鲜明且不同于其它佛教支派的高原特色,而且在雪域高原的其他宗教也呈现出不同于其他地域同种宗教的景致。显著的高原地域色彩构成了西藏宗教独特的文化风貌。高原先民何以对山崇拜、对水崇拜、对灵魂崇拜,并伴随对祖先崇拜而产生英雄崇拜?神秘原始的巫教文化何以成为西藏宗教的文化土壤?藏传佛教文化的基本脉络和底蕴是什么?外来佛教文化何以与西藏本土文化(包括巫教和苯教文化、世俗文化和民间文化)互相融合?何以西藏文学艺术门类内容和形式都蓄积着特殊的宗教文化底蕴?何以“烟祭”煨桑等宗教民俗得以盛行至今,等等?本书用简约的章节条分缕析,对西藏苯教及其分期与苯教寺院情况,藏传佛教的起源、形成、发展的历程及其宗派情况,基督教的传入发展情况,伊斯兰教的历史沿革及文化背景、穆斯林居民家庭的宗教生活状况等,为读者整体了解认识西藏宗教提供了颇具高原文化亮色的别样描摹和解读。Standing on the snow-covered plateau, which is recognized as the earth's peak, with an average elevation of about 4,500 meters, Tibet is an extremely attractive place by virtue of its grandness. For thousands of years, people living on this mystical land created a spiritual world with strong characteristics of the plateau culture through harmony with the nature. Tibetan religions can be likened to a flag of life on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a unique landscape of spiritual world of the Tibetan people as well as a window to observe the culture of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The Tibetan religious culture consists of extensive and profound elements. Besides local sorcery culture and the Bon region culture, it also includes Tibetan Buddhism, which was derived from integrating religion with a great amount of social and secular cultural elements. This is in addition to other religions demonstrating the characteristics of the plateau culture. The emerging, evolution and distribution of the Tibetan religions reflect the interpenetration and integration of religious culture characters and features of secular culture. A Tibetan proverb said, “Every place has a dialect, and every Lama belongs to a religious sect.” Not only does the Tibetan Buddhism show distinct characteristics that are different from other Buddhism sects, but also other religions existing on the plateau show unique characteristics different from other religions in other areas. Highlighted characteristics related to the plateau are composed of unique cultural features and styles of the Tibetan religions. Why did the ancestors of the people living on the plateau worship mountains, rivers and souls? Why did worship to heroes derive from worship to ancestors? How did the mysterious and primitive sorcery culture become the breeding ground for Tibetan religions? What are the basic structure and background of the Tibetan Buddhism culture? How did external Buddhist cultures integrate with the local Tibetan cultures (including the sorcery culture, Bon religion, secular and folk culture)? Why is it believed that Tibetan literature and art bearing different content and in different forms contain special religious cultural deposits? Why have aromatic plant burning and other religious customs been preserved to this day? Through a simple content structure, , the book makes specific analysis on the development of the Tibetan Bon religion and related monasteries; the origin, development and sects in Tibetan Buddhism; the introduction and development of Christianity in Tibet; the history of Islam in Tibet and cultural background as well as the religious life of Muslim families. It describes and interprets Tibetan religions from a unique perspective highlighting the plateau culture.西藏,耸立于地球之巅、平均海拔4500米左右的雪域高原,以其恢弘的气势傲立于世,令人无限神往。千百年来,生活在这块神奇的土地上的高原先民,在与自然的和谐融合中,自我孕育了具有浓郁高原特色的精神世界。西藏宗教是青藏高原的生命仪仗,是西藏各族人民精神世界的一道特别风景,是青藏高原文化的一个别样窗口。西藏宗教文化构成博大精深,不仅有包括西藏本土的巫教文化、苯教文化,以及融合大量社会世俗文化因子而衍生的藏传佛教,还有彰显高原地域特色的其他宗教。西藏宗教产生、衍化和流布,呈现了宗教文化品性与世俗文化特征的相互渗透和融合。藏族谚语云:“每一个地方有一种方言,每一个喇嘛有一个教派。”不仅藏传佛教具有鲜明且不同于其它佛教支派的高原特色,而且在雪域高原的其他宗教也呈现出不同于其他地域同种宗教的景致。显著的高原地域色彩构成了西藏宗教独特的文化风貌。高原先民何以对山崇拜、对水崇拜、对灵魂崇拜,并伴随对祖先崇拜而产生英雄崇拜?神秘原始的巫教文化何以成为西藏宗教的文化土壤?藏传佛教文化的基本脉络和底蕴是什么?外来佛教文化何以与西藏本土文化(包括巫教和苯教文化、世俗文化和民间文化)互相融合?何以西藏文学艺术门类内容和形式都蓄积着特殊的宗教文化底蕴?何以“烟祭”煨桑等宗教民俗得以盛行至今,等等?本书用简约的章节条分缕析,对西藏苯教及其分期与苯教寺院情况,藏传佛教的起源、形成、发展的历程及其宗派情况,基督教的传入发展情况,伊斯兰教的历史沿革及文化背景、穆斯林居民家庭的宗教生活状况等,为读者整体了解认识西藏宗教提供了颇具高原文化亮色的别样描摹和解读。 Standing on the snow-covered plateau, which is recognized as the earth's peak, with an average elevation of about 4,500 meters, Tibet is an extremely attractive place by virtue of its grandness. For thousands of years, people living on this mystical land created a spiritual world with strong characteristics of the plateau culture through harmony with the nature. Tibetan religions can be likened to a flag of life on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a unique landscape of spiritual world of the Tibetan people as well as a window to observe the culture of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The Tibetan religious culture consists of extensive and profound elements. Besides local sorcery culture and the Bon region culture, it also includes Tibetan Buddhism, which was derived from integrating religion with a great amount of social and secular cultural elements. This is in addition to other religions demonstrating the characteristics of the plateau culture. The emerging, evolution and distribution of the Tibetan religions reflect the interpenetration and integration of religious culture characters and features of secular culture. A Tibetan proverb said, “Every place has a dialect, and every Lama belongs to a religious sect.” Not only does the Tibetan Buddhism show distinct characteristics that are different from other Buddhism sects, but also other religions existing on the plateau show unique characteristics different from other religions in other areas. Highlighted characteristics related to the plateau are composed of unique cultural features and styles of the Tibetan religions. Why did the ancestors of the people living on the plateau worship mountains, rivers and souls? Why did worship to heroes derive from worship to ancestors? How did the mysterious and primitive sorcery culture become the breeding ground for Tibetan religions? What are the basic structure and background of the Tibetan Buddhism culture? How did external Buddhist cultures integrate with the local Tibetan cultures (including the sorcery culture, Bon religion, secular and folk culture)? Why is it believed that Tibetan literature and art bearing different content and in different forms contain special religious cultural deposits? Why have aromatic plant burning and other religious customs been preserved to this day? Through a simple content structure, , the book makes specific analysis on the development of the Tibetan Bon religion and related monasteries; the origin, development and sects in Tibetan Buddhism; the introduction and development of Christianity in Tibet; the history of Islam in Tibet and cultural background as well as the religious life of Muslim families. It describes and interprets Tibetan religions from a unique perspective highlighting the plateau culture.
尕藏加,著名藏族佛教学者,中国社会科学院研究生院教授、中国社会科学院佛教研究中心研究员、中国佛教文化研究所特聘研究员。著有《人类奥秘大开放-藏传佛教密宗》、《西藏佛教神秘文化-密宗》、《吐蕃佛教-宁玛派前史与密宗传承研究》《雪域的宗教》(上、下册)等。 Kal Sang Gyal, a scholar engaged in the study of Tibetan Buddhism, professor at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, researcher at the Center for Buddhist Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and distinguished researcher at the Chinese Buddhist Culture Research Institute, has published a number of works, including Great Reveal of Human Mysteries: Vajrayana as a Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the Mysterious Culture of Tibetan Buddhism: Vajrayana, the Tubo Buddhism: Early History of Rnying Ma Pa and Inheritance of Vajrayana and the Religions on the Snow-Covered Land (Volume I and II).
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