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2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告

2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告

开本: 32开 页数: 140
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2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787112203819
  • 条形码:9787112203819 ; 978-7-112-20381-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告 本书特色


2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告 内容简介

Wang Guangtao主编的《THE STATE OF CHINA'S CITIES》全英文,回顾了中国城镇化的过程,总结了城镇化发展经验,展示了城镇化实践成果,对城镇化现状、城乡治理、城乡公共服务、城市基础设施、城乡绿色发展和城市空间品质提升等方面进行了简要的介绍。

2016/2017-CHINA S CITIES -中国城市状况报告 目录

1 Urbanization 1.1 High-level design of urbanization 1.1.1 Promote people-centered new-type urbanization 1.1.2 Realize the goals of three tasks. each concerning 100 million people 1.1.3 Take city cluster as main pattern and optimize urbanization layout. 1.1.4 Explore the development path of ecological progress for new-type urbanization 1.2 Quality and level of urbanization 1.2.1 Global urbanization process 1.2.2 Stages and main characteristics for urbanization development in China 1.2.3 Great achievements in urbanization development 1.2.4 Major contents of new-type urbanization development strategy 1.3 Spatial pattern of urbanization 1.3.1 Evolution of spatial pattern of urbanization in China 1.3.2 Basic features of spatial pattern of urbanization in China 1.3.3 Tendency for spatial pattern of urbanization in China 1.3.4 Growth of China's city clusters 1.3.5 Optimization of spatial carrier of urbanization 1.4 Interaction between urbanization and industrialization 1.4.1 Coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization in China 1.4.2 China's industrialization promotes orderly flow of production factors 1.4.3 Urban and service industry development 1.4.4 Ecological progress and integration of industrialization and urbanization 1.5 Supporting system reform related to urbanization 1.5.1 Household registration system reform 1.5.2 Land system reform 1.5.3 Financial and taxation system reform 1.5.4 Investment and financing system reform 1.5.5 Housing security system reform 2 Rural and Urban Governance and Social Integration 2.1 Urban planning and space governance 2.1.1 Modernization of the state governance system and governance capability: context. connotations and characteristics 2.1.2 Logic for space governance in China's urban planning 2.1.3 Governance-based transformation of urban planning 2.2 Innovative way of urban management 2.2.1 Control the development intensity 2.2.2 Promote multiple planning integration 2.2.3 Safeguard the public security 2.2.4 Strengthen the community governance 2.3 Urban employment and poverty reduction 2.3.1 Overall situation of urban employment 2.3.2 Innovation and entrepreneurship support program 2.3.3 Overall situation of poverty alleviation 2.4 Situation of rural migrant workers in urban China 2.4.1 Basic characteristics of migrant workers 2.4.2 Living conditions of migrant workers 2.5 China practice: the rebuilding of shanty areas 2.5.1 Concept of shanty areas and scope of rebuilding 2.5.2 Achievements and targets for the rebuilding of shanty areas 2.5.3 Practice for the rebuilding of shanty areas 2.6 Recommendations from experts: Establishment of the social & public policy system to promote the sustainable development (draft) …… 3 Public Services in Urban and Rural Areas 4 Urban Infrastructure 5 Urban and Rural Green Development 6 Future-Oriented Improvement of Urban Space Quality