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中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用

中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用

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中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用 版权信息

中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用 本书特色

  岳国强所著的《中国经济结构的变化(1987-2007 投入产出技术的应用)(英文版)》是1978-2007年中国 经济结构转型的专业领域研究课题成果,作者运用投 入产出模型6章的篇幅做出分析,探讨了中国经济的 总体结构转变、资源分析等问题,本书视角独特,分 析到位,结构合理,全书用英文书写,对于我国海派 产业价值管理具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用 内容简介

岳国强所著的《中国经济结构的变化(1987-2007 投入产出技术的应用)(英文版)》是1978-2007年中国 经济结构转型的专业领域研究课题成果,作者运用投 入产出模型6章的篇幅做出分析,探讨了中国经济的 总体结构转变、资源分析等问题,本书视角独特,分 析到位,结构合理,全书用英文书写,对于我国海派 产业价值管理具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

中国经济结构的变化 : 1987~2007 : 投入产出技术的应用 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Purpose and Outline of the Study.
1.2 Economic Structure
1.3 Methodology
1.4 China' s Input-Output Tables
1.5 Literature Review
Chapter 2 General Structural Changes in China' s Economy
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Measurement of Structural Change
2.3 General Structural Change
2.3.1 Structural Change in Output
2.3.2 Structural Change in Value-added
2.3.3 Structural Change in Personal Consumption
2.4 Changes in Production Structure
2.4.1 Input Coefficient Changes
2.4.2 Output Coefficient Changes
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Sources of Output Change
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Methodology
3.2.1 Exact Decomposition Method
3.2.2 Approximate Decomposition Method
3.2.3 Decomposition of Technological Change
3.3 Comparison of Results
3.4 Sources of Output Change in China
3.4.1 Sources of Output Change for Six Main Sectors
3.4.2 Sources of Output Change in 37 Sectors
3.5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Structural Change in Intersectoral Transactions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodology
4.2.1 The Basic Principle of the RAS Method
4.2.2 The Explanation and Measurement of r and s
4.2.3 The Biproportional Filter Method
4.2.4 Differences between the RAS and the BF
4.2.5 The Two-Stage Biproportional Filter Method
4.3 Structural Change in Intersectoral Transactions in China
4.3.1 The One-Stage Biproportional Filter
4.3.2 The Two-Stage Biproportional Filter
4.4 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Intersectoral Linkages and key Sectors
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Methodology
5.2.1 Traditional Methods
5.2.2 Hypothesis Extraction Methods
5.2.3 Summary
5.2.4 Indices of the Overall Intersectoral Interdependence
5.3 Intersectoral Linkages and Key Sectors of China
5.3.1 General Tendency in Intersectoral Linkages
5.3.2 Intersectoral Interdependence for 37 Sectors
5.3.3 Comparison of the Results
5.3.4 Overall Intersectoral Interdependence and Key Sectors
5.4 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Conclusions
Appendix A Classification and Labels of the Sectors
Appendix B Formula of Chapter 5
Appendix C Ranking of Output for 2007