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英语外台选听入门 版权信息

英语外台选听入门 内容简介

本书精选了40篇慢速英语新闻, 内容涵盖亚投行、马航搜救、网上打车软件等热点问题, 涉及经济、文化与教育、社会、科学各大领域。

英语外台选听入门 目录

Lesson 1 Search for Malaysia Airplane
Lesson 2 Scientists Seek Super Soybean to Meet the World' s Food Needs
Lesson 3 Dinosaurs
Lesson 4 Earth' s Surfaces Are Always Moving
Lesson 5 Caffeine May Help Enhance Long-term Memory
Lesson 6 Tips for Better Writing
Lesson 7 Salt Is More Than a Four-letter Word
Lesson 8 Do You Have a Broken Heart? A Heart of Stone?
Lesson 9 Herbs and Spices May Be Good for Your Health
Lesson 10 Cars that Talk to Each Other Could Prevent Most Accidents
Lesson 11 Ethiopia: Best Coffee
Lesson 12 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Lesson 13 Robots to Make iPads and iPhones
Lesson 14 Shanghai Stock Market Opening to Hong Kong
Lesson 15 Report About Africa' s Economy
Lesson 16 Methane Gas May Become a Major Power in Rwanda
Lesson 17 Russia's Ruble Partly Recovers
Lesson 18 India' s Ban on Online Taxi Services
Lesson 19 Wage Growth Remains Below Pre-crisis Level
Lesson 20 Economic Costs and Benefits of 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Lesson 21 American Expressions in the Home
Lesson 22 Digitization of Artwork
Lesson 23 Big Hero 6
Lesson 24 History of the Day of Love
Lesson 25 Cameroon Building Classrooms for Students Fleeing Boko Haram
Lesson 26 UN Pushing for Safe Schools
Lesson 27 Improve Your Public Speaking with Body Language
Lesson 28 Cigarettes Cause More Health Problems Than Just Lung Cancer
Lesson 29 Bruce Lee Takes the Stage in Kung Fu
Lesson 30 "Uglish" Gets Its Own Dictionary in Uganda
Lesson 31 Birds and Their Stories
Lesson 32 Earthquake Hit Nepal
Lesson 33 Link Between Suicide and Depression
Lesson 34 Lost in the Post
Lesson 35 Sugar-free Life
Lesson 36 True North
Lesson 37 NASA Study Astronaut Year-long Mission in Space
Lesson 38 Close Link Between Earthquakes and Oil Drilling
Lesson 39 Sunbeds
Lesson 40 Face Recognition
Keys to Exercises