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没有比泪水更干净的水 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787500151500
  • 条形码:9787500151500 ; 978-7-5001-5150-0
  • 装帧:80g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

没有比泪水更干净的水 本书特色

“在云南红土高原的西北,有绵延千里的小凉山,奔腾喧嚣的金沙江,直剌青天的玉龙雪山,还有美丽动人的泸沽湖。我就出生在那片神奇美丽的土地上。” 诗人来自普米族,一个只有三万多人的民族,他的家在云南小凉山脉的斯布炯山下、泸沽湖边的一个叫果流的村庄里,他的父亲是茶马古道上的赶马人,他的母亲是果流村里的“女王”,“她会唱的民歌如星星一样多”。他说,他是那片土地上千万个孩子中zui普通的一个。他还说,作为行吟在那片土地上的歌者,他是幸运的宠儿。他幸运,是因为他深深爱着的那片神奇美丽的土地给了他生命,也给了他诗篇。 “I was born on Yunnan province’s high, red earth plateau, where the Little Liang Mountains stretch far into the north western distance. Here, the pounding Jinsha river thunders through gorges, the Yulong Snow Mountain pierces heaven, and here also is beautiful Lugu Lake, whose waters stir deep currents in all those who look on her.” This poet’s People is a small one; the Pumi ethnicity numbers only around thirty thousand people in total. His home is a village named Guoliu, which nestles beneath Mount Sibujiong in the Little Liang Mountain range, at the edge of Lugu Lake. His father drives horse caravans along the ancient ‘Tea Horse Road’, a trade route between horse-rich Tibet and Yunnan’s tea-producing jungle regions. The poet introduces his mother as the Queen of Guoliu village, a lady feted for her ability to sing more Pumi folk-songs than there are stars in the sky. Luruo says he is a completely ordinary child of his land, just one among many others like him. He also calls himself a child of fortune – for him, it is a great blessing to make a livelihoods composing verse in his native place. The fount of his good fortune is the ethereal vitality of the land that he so loves, and which has given him life, and poems. Yunnan poet Luruo Diji writes in beautifully arranged Mandarin Chinese, but his poetry has its source on the distant periphery of the Chinese cultural world; his poems take form in the red earth of the high plateau, in the lofty borderlands of southwest China, a region moulded by unrestrained acts of nature. His People, the Pumi ethnic minority, are long-time residents of a unique natural landscape bordering both th e Himalaya Mountains and deep sub-tropical jungles, home to giant snow-mountains and steep gorges, where the upper reaches of the Yangzi River rage and thunder. Many of the poems in this book take place among these great natural formations, dipping in and out of stories of the people that live there, the impressions they left on the land for a moment. Luruo often presents his poems as material pieces of his homeland, the fine earth crumblings of the land’s inspiration passed through his hands, laid on the page. This collection is an emotional tribute to one of China’s most stunning wildernesses, by one of its children.

没有比泪水更干净的水 内容简介


没有比泪水更干净的水 目录

Contents Part One—Songs from the Little Liang Mountains The Little Liang Mountains Are Little 3 Choices 5 A Village That Won’t Grow Up 7 Lady Peaks 8 Blues That Won’t Blow Away 9 The River That Runs By Me 10 A Flock of Sheep Walk Through a County Town 11 The Year 1958 12 Making My Intentions Clear 13 Sky of Yunnan 14 Cold Blows the Wind 15 Birds in the Snowfield 16 A Poem from the Snowfield 18 Eagle 19 Watching the Sun Falls Down the Mountains 21 The Birchleaf Pear Tree 23 Birds of My Heart 25 Language of the Mountains 26 Wood Ear Mushrooms 29 The Beast Within 30 Conversation About a Dead Man 32 Light 34 Day 36 Wolf 37 Cuckoo 38 A Crow I Once Saw 40 Piccolo 42 Bachelor Town 45 The Sea on Its Back 47 River 48 Sieves 49 Broken Chapters 50 Over Distant Hills 52 Wood 54 Meeting on the Road 55 Saya Temple 57 Magpie 59 Short Songs 60 Snows of Mount Xuebang 61 Three River Gateways 63 No Water Cleaner Than Tears 65 I Do Not Know 67 The Yila Grasslands 68 The Meri Snow Mountains 70 A Potato Story 71 Fresh Flowers Bloom 73 An Ah-ma of the Yi People 75 Nothing Cleaner Than This 77 Holy Sibu-Jiong Mountain 78 Guoliu 80 Lightning Strike 82 Beggar 83 Blacker Than Night 86 Pig’s Trough Becomes a Boat 87 Crops on the Shore of Lake Lugu 89 Person Behind the Clouds 91 Home of the Immortals 93 The Question of the Great Sichuan Earthquake 95 Last Lesson 96 Asphyxiation 97 For Yang Guoqing 98 Ali Mountains — Sun and Moon Lake 100 In One of the World’s High Places 101 I Can’t Even Imagine 105 Angry Sea 106 Crow Pierces the Night 108 Shepherd in the Metropolis 109 Part Two—Loves of Lugu Lake Love Songs from Lake Lugu 113 Walking Through Wedlock 117 Wind at My Side 118 Birthday Gift 120 A Sigh Is Heaved 122 Orchid 124 For Orchid 125 Bodhisattva in My Heart 129 Untitled 130 Snow 131 Lugu Lake 132 Other Kinds of Love 136 Speech 137 Cherry 138 I’ve Missed You Till My Heart’s Emptied All Out 140 Mountains of Joy 141 Long and Short 143 For My Dear Wife 144 Star-draped Moon-studded Woman 146 Missing You from Faraway 148 One Sunflower-lined Road 150 The Only Bone 151 The Horse of My Heart 152 Moon in the Crook of My Arm 153 River with No Name 155 Where from This Peace 156 Listen to the River 157 Some Unspecified Night 158 For a Far-travelling Friend of Mine 160 There’s Someone I’m Missing 161 Petals Bloomed of Leaves — Also Known as Longing 162 I always Was Too Impatient to Wait 163 Snow Peaks Fly Hither 164

没有比泪水更干净的水 作者简介

鲁若迪基,普米族,1967年生于云南省宁蒗县。曾获全国少数民族文学创作“骏马奖”、《人民文学》优秀诗歌奖、首届汉语诗歌双年十佳奖、第三届华语文学传媒大奖年度诗人提名奖等。 Luruo Diji is a writer of the Pumi ethnicity. He hails from Ninglang county in Yunnan province, where he was born in 1967. His prizes and awards include: the Jun Ma prize for literature by ethnic minority writers, the People’s Literature magazine prize for outstanding poetry, the prize for Chinese language poetry in its inaugural year, and the nomination prize for poets at the third session of the annual Grand prize for Chinese Literature and Media, among others.
