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操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第八版)-英文版 版权信息

操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第八版)-英文版 本书特色

本书既是关于操作系统概念、结构和机制的教材,目的是尽可能清楚和全面地展示现代操作系统的本质和特点;也是讲解操作系统的经典教材,不仅系统地讲述了操作系统的基本概念、原理和方法,而且以当代*流行的操作系统Windows 8、UNIX、Android、Linux为例,展现了当代操作系统的本质和特点。全书共分背景知识、进程、内存、调度、输入/输出和文件、嵌入式系统六部分,内容包括计算机系统概述、操作系统概述、进程描述和控制、线程、并发性:互斥和同步、并发:死锁和饥饿、内存管理、虚拟内存、单处理器调度、多处理器和实时调度、I/O管理和磁盘调度、文件管理、嵌入式操作系统、虚拟机、计算机安全技术、分布式处理、客户/服务器和集群等。此外,本书配套网站提供了及时、生动的材料。

操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第八版)-英文版 内容简介

?Windows 8:详细介绍了Windows 8内核的各种关键技术。 ?Android操作系统:详细介绍了Android移动平台的限制和运行环境。 ?嵌入式Linux:详细介绍了嵌入式Linux的关键要素。 ?虚拟机:新增了虚拟机操作系统设计问题的一章。 ?多核设计问题:增加了关于操作系统设计问题的讨论。 ?I/O标准化:更新了相应的接口内容。 ?存储硬件:更新了存储硬件部分,包含了固态硬盘驱动器。 ?容错:新增了介绍容错机制的一节。

操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第八版)-英文版 目录

Online Resources
About the Author

Chapter 0 Guide for Readers and Instructors 1
0.1 Outline of this Book 2
0.2 Example Systems 2
0.3 A Roadmap for Readers and Instructors 3
0.4 Internet and Web Resources 4

Part 1 Background 7

Chapter 1 Computer System Overview 7
1.1 Basic Elements 8
1.2 Evolution of the Microprocessor 10
1.3 Instruction Execution 10
1.4 Interrupts 13
1.5 The Memory Hierarchy 24
1.6 Cache Memory 27
1.7 Direct Memory Access 31
1.8 Multiprocessor and Multicore Organization 32
1.9 Recommended Reading 36
1.10 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 36
1A Performance Characteristics of Two-Level Memories 39

Chapter 2 Operating System Overview 46
2.1 Operating System Objectives and Functions 47
2.2 The Evolution of Operating Systems 52
2.3 Major Achievements 61
2.4 Developments Leading to Modern Operating Systems 70
2.5 Fault Tolerance 73
2.6 OS Design Considerations for Multiprocessor and Multicore 76
2.7 Microsoft Windows Overview 79
2.8 Traditional UNIX Systems 86
2.9 Modern UNIX Systems 89
2.10 Linux 91
2.11 Android 96
2.12 Recommended Reading and Animations 102
2.13 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 103

Part 2 Processes 105

Chapter 3 Process Description and Control 105
3.1 What Is a Process? 107
3.2 Process States 109
3.3 Process Description 124
3.4 Process Control 133
3.5 Execution of the Operating System 139
3.6 UNIX SVR4 Process Management 142
3.7 Summary 147
3.8 Recommended Reading and Animations 147
3.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 148

Chapter 4 Threads 152
4.1 Processes and Threads 153
4.2 Types of Threads 159
4.3 Multicore and Multithreading 166
4.4 Windows 8 Process and Thread Management 171
4.5 Solaris Thread and SMP Management 178
4.6 Linux Process and Thread Management 182
4.7 Android Process and Thread Management 186
4.8 Mac OS X Grand Central Dispatch 190
4.9 Summary 193
4.10 Recommended Reading 193
4.11 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 194

Chapter 5 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization 199
5.1 Principles of Concurrency 202
5.2 Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support 210
5.3 Semaphores 214
5.4 Monitors 227
5.5 Message Passing 233
5.6 Readers/Writers Problem 240
5.7 Summary 244
5.8 Recommended Reading and Animations 245
5.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 246

Chapter 6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation 259
6.1 Principles of Deadlock 260
6.2 Deadlock Prevention 269
6.3 Deadlock Avoidance 271
6.4 Deadlock Detection 277
6.5 An Integrated Deadlock Strategy 279
6.6 Dining Philosophers Problem 280
6.7 UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms 282
6.8 Linux Kernel Concurrency Mechanisms 286
6.9 Solaris Thread Synchronization Primitives 293
6.10 Windows 7 Concurrency Mechanisms 295
6.11 Android Interprocess Communication 299
6.12 Summary 300
6.13 Recommended Reading and Animations 301
6.14 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 302

Part 3 Memory 309

Chapter 7 Memory Management 309
7.1 Memory Management Requirements 310
7.2 Memory Partitioning 314
7.3 Paging 325
7.4 Segmentation 328
7.5 Summary 330
7.6 Recommended Reading and Animations 330
7.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 330
7A Loading and Linking 333

Chapter 8 Virtual Memory 340
8.1 Hardware and Control Structures 341
8.2 Operating System Software 358
8.3 UNIX and Solaris Memory Management 377
8.4 Linux Memory Management 383
8.5 Windows Memory Management 386
8.6 Android Memory Management 389
8.7 Summary 389
8.8 Recommended Reading and Animations 390
8.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 391

Part 4 Scheduling 397

Chapter 9 Uniprocessor Scheduling 397
9.1 Types of Processor Scheduling 398
9.2 Scheduling Algorithms 402
9.3 Traditional UNIX Scheduling 424
9.4 Summary 426
9.5 Recommended Reading and Animations 427
9.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 428

Chapter 10 Multiprocessor, Multicore, and Real-Time Scheduling 432
10.1 Multiprocessor and Multicore Scheduling 433
10.2 Real-Time Scheduling 446
10.3 Linux Scheduling 461
10.4 UNIX SVR4 Scheduling 465
10.5 UNIX FreeBSD Scheduling 466
10.6 Windows Scheduling 470
10.7 Summary 472
10.8 Recommended Reading 473
10.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 473

Part 5 Input/Output and Files 477

Chapter 11 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling 477
11.1 I/O Devices 478
11.2 Organization of the I/O Function 480
11.3 Operating System Design Issues 483
11.4 I/O Buffering 486
11.5 Disk Scheduling 489
11.6 RAID 496
11.7 Disk Cache 505
11.8 UNIX SVR4 I/O 509
11.9 Linux I/O 512
11.10 Windows I/O 515
11.11 Summary 517
11.12 Recommended Reading and Animations 518
11.13 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 519

Chapter 12 File Management 522
12.1 Overview 523
12.2 File Organization and Access 529
12.3 B-Trees 533
12.4 File Directories 536
12.5 File Sharing 541
12.6 Record Blocking 542
12.7 Secondary Storage Management 544
12.8 UNIX File Management 552
12.9 Linux Virtual File System 557
12.10 Windows File System 561
12.11 Android File Management 566
12.12 Summary 567
12.13 Recommended Reading 568
12.14 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 568

Part 6 Embedded Systems 571

Chapter 13 Embedded Operating Systems 571
13.1 Embedded Systems 572
13.2 Characteristics of Embedded Operating Systems 573
13.3 Embedded Linux 576
13.4 TinyOS 577
13.5 Recommended Reading 587
13.6 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 587

Chapter 14 Virtual Machines 590
14.1 Approaches to Virtualization 593
14.2 Processor Issues 596
14.3 Memory Management 598
14.4 I/O Management 600
14.5 VMware ESXi 602
14.6 Microsoft Hyper-V and Xen Variants 604
14.7 Java VM 606
14.8 Linux VServer Virtual Machine Architecture 606
14.9 Android Virtual Machine 609
14.10 Summary 611
14.11 Recommended Reading 612
14.12 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 613

Chapter 15 Operating System Security 614
15.1 Intruders and Malicious Software 615
15.2 Buffer Overflow 619
15.3 Access Control 627
15.4 UNIX Access Control 635
15.5 Operating Systems Hardening 638
15.6 Security Maintenance 642
15.7 Windows Security 643
15.8 Summary 648
15.9 Recommended Reading 649
15.10 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 649

Chapter 16 Distributed Processing, Client/Server, and Clusters 652
16.1 Client/Server Computing 653
16.2 Distributed Message Passing 664
16.3 Remote Procedure Calls 667
16.4 Clusters 671
16.5 Windows Cluster Server 676
16.6 Beowulf and Linux Clusters 678
16.7 Summary 680
16.8 Recommended Reading 681
16.9 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 682

Appendix A Topics in Concurrency A-1
Appendix B Programming and Operating System Projects B-1
References 685
Credits 699

Online Chapters and Appendices1
Chapter 17 Network Protocols
17.1 The Need for a Protocol Architecture 17-4
17.2 The TCP/IP Protocol Architecture 17-9
17.3 Sockets 17-19
17.4 Linux Networking 17-26
17.5 Summary 17-29
17.6 Recommended Reading and Web Sites 17-30
17.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 17-31
17A The Trivial File Transfer Protocol 17-42
Chapter 18 Distributed Process Management
18.1 Process Migration 18-2
18.2 Distributed Global States 18-14
18.3 Distributed Mutual Exclusion 18-22
18.4 Distributed Deadlock 18-41
18.5 Summary 18-59
18.6 Recommended Reading 18-60
18.7 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems 18-61
Chapter 19 Overview of Probability and Stochastic P

操作系统-精髓与设计原理-(第八版)-英文版 作者简介

William Stallings:美国圣母大学电子工程学士,麻省理工学院计算机科学博士,《密码术》期刊编委。美国多家高科技公司执行总监,政府机构、计算机软/硬件供应商顾问;曾为各种计算机和操作系统设计并实现TCP/IP和OSI协议套件;创建并维护了计算机科学专业学生资源网站ComputerScienceStudent.com。出版图书17种,内容涉及计算机安全、计算机网络和计算机系统结构等;在《IEEE进展》《ACM计算评论》和《密码术》等杂志上发表文章多篇;先后12次获美国年度*计算机科学教科书奖和学术作者协会奖。
