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中西文化对比教程 版权信息

中西文化对比教程 本书特色


中西文化对比教程 内容简介


中西文化对比教程 目录

Chapter One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Myths Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Creation Myths Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Heroes Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Goddesses Chapter Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Religions Section One The Contrast of the Origin of Chinese and Western Religions Section Two The Contrast of the Connotations of Chinese and Western Religions Section Three The Contrast of the Influences of Chinese and Western Religions Chapter Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Ways of Thinking Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Philosophies Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Medicine Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Science Chapter Four The Contrast of Chinese and Western Literature Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Poetry Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Drama Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Fiction Chapter Five The Contrast of Chinese and Western Arts Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Paintings Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Architecture Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Music Chapter Six The Contrast of Chinese and Western Language Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Characters Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Grammars Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Language Expression Chapter Seven The Contrast of Chinese and Western Customs and Habits Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Cuisines Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Holidays Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Weddings and Funerals Chapter Eight The Contrast of Chinese and Western Social Lives Section One The Contrast of Chinese and Western Entertainments Section Two The Contrast of Chinese and Western Education Section Three The Contrast of Chinese and Western Sports

中西文化对比教程 作者简介

