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新起点基础英语进阶教程 版权信息

新起点基础英语进阶教程 本书特色

  康响英、李双编*的《新起点基础英语进阶教程 (3)》着力体现素质教育和能力本位的精神,突出培 养实用性人才的特色,重视对学生的语言基础知识和 语言基本技能的培养,特别是听、说、读、写语言综 合运用能力的训练,强调语言的交际性,强调将语言 学习转化为运用知识的技能和运用英语进行交际的能 力。本书分12个单元,内容涉及当代社会发展、科技 进步、人文思想和日常生活的热门话题,注重对学生 思想觉悟和人文素质的提高。

新起点基础英语进阶教程 内容简介


新起点基础英语进阶教程 目录

Unit 1 Don't Brits Speak English7 Welcome to theUnit Reading A Don't Brits Speak English? Word Power Reading B Use of Tenses in American English and British English ' Grammar Work Appositive Clause Discussion Writing A Note of Appointment Fun Time A Language Barrier Unit 2 Hybrid Car Welcome to theUnit Reading A Hybrid Car Word Power Reading B Driverless Cars Grammar Work Infinitive Discussion Writing A Note of Consultation Fun Time Unit 3 Faces Are Unique Welcome to theUnit Reading A Faces Are Unique Word Power Reading B Read Faces Grammar Work Adverbial Clause of Time Discussion Writing A Note of Recommendation Fun Time He Can Pick Out All Married Men Unit 4 English Food : Welcome to theUnit Reading A English Food Word Power Reading B The World's Hottest Curry Title Grammar Work "It" as Formal Subject Discussion Writing A Note of Request Idiom Quiz Unit 5 Kin Terms Welcome to theUnit Reading A Kin Terms Word Power Reading B How to Address a Goodwill Ambassador? Grammar Work "What" in Noun Clause Discussion Writing A Note of Leaving a Message Fun Time Endearing Terms Unit 6 Oceans to Acid Welcome to theUnit Reading A Oceans to Acid Word Power Reading B Greenhouse Effect Grammar Work Parenthesis Discussion Writing A Note of Asking for Leave Riddles Unit 7 Do You Have Acne? Welcome to theUnit Reading A Do You Have Acne? Word Power Reading B Why Is Butter Good for You? Grammar Work Adverbial Clause of Concession Discussion Writing A Note of Apology Fun Time Unit 8 This Life Welcome to theUnit Reading A This Life Word Power Reading B Charles Darwin Grammar Work Verbs of Perception Discussion Writing A Note of Congratulation Poem Results and Roses Unit 9 UK Butterflies in Decline Welcome to theUnit Reading A UK Butterflies in Decline Word Power Reading B Tropical Forest Conservation Grammar Work Past Participle Phrase as Postpositive Attributive ~ Discussion Writing A Note of Consolation Fun Time Butterfly's Wings Unit 10 The Development of the Child's Mind Welcome to theUnit Reading A The Development of the Child's Mind Word Power Reading B But Have You Seen the Backs? Grammar Work "When" Clause Discussion Writing A Note of Invitation Poem Children Are Amazing Unit 11 Why Are We Addicted to Soaps7 Welcome to theUnit Reading A Why Are We Addicted to Soaps? Word Power Reading B The Appeal of the Soap Grammar Work No More/Less Than ~ Not More/Less Than Discussion Writing A Note of Thanks Fun Time Things I Have Learned from Watching Soap Opera Unit 12 Some Photographs Make History "- Welcome to theUnit Reading A Some Photographs Make History Word Power Reading B Leonardo da Vinci Grammar Work Hypothetical Subjunctive Discussion Writing A Note of Buying and Selling Fun Time Wife's Picture Revision Vocabulary in Text A Bibliography