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“一带一路”视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展:英文 版权信息

“一带一路”视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展:英文 本书特色

自“一带一路”倡议提出后,中巴经济走廊建设快速推进,并已初见成效。与此同时,在中国的参与和支持下,埃塞俄比亚—吉布提经济走廊、乌干达— 肯尼亚经济走廊和卢旺达—坦桑尼亚经济走廊也开始逐渐成型。马文琤、智宇琛、汪塞飞叶*的《一带一路视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展(英文版)》系统分析了上述四大经济走廊的政治、经济发展情况以及中国在其中所面临的机遇与挑战。

“一带一路”视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展:英文 内容简介


“一带一路”视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展:英文 目录

IntroductionOneTwoThree Chapter I Regional Powers and Hot Issues in the Greater Central Asia Economic CircleI.Russia's Influence in the Region Is Too Big to Be Underestimatedi.Russia's strategic goals in Central Asiaii.The means Russia takes to realize its goalsII.Iran Sees Central Asia As One of Its Priority Areas for International Relationsi.Iran's westward strategy in Gulf countriesii.Iran's development trend in Central Asia :III.The Security Situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan Is Complicated and Will Remain So for a Long Timei.The security dilemma in Afghanistanii.The security situation in Pakistan doesn't look optimisticIV.China's Strategic Goals, Challenges and Suggestionsi.China's main strategic goalsii.Main challenges to Chinaiii.Policy recommendations Chapter II Constructing the Indian Ocean Economic Circle with the Four Economic Corridors as PillarsI.The Overview of the Development of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Challenges to iti.The overview and the role of the Gwadar portii.Transport and energy infrastructure construction for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor .iii.Challenges to the development of China-Pakistan Economic CorridorII.China Helps Shape the Three Economic Corridors in Coastal East Africai.The Ethiopia-Djibouti Economic Corridorii.The Uganda-Kenya Economic Corridoriii.The Rwanda-Tanzania Economic CorridorIII.Summary and Suggestions Chapter III Promoting the Integration of the Bay of Bengal Economic CircleI.The Current Development Situation in and Main Challenges To the Bay of Bengal Regioni.Economic development is uneven in the regionii.Foreign trade is difficult to coordinateiii.Transport and electricity infrastructure is pooriv.Non-traditional security threats are growingv.The awareness of regional integration is to be raisedII.India's Influence in the Bay of Bengal Region Should Be Valuedi.India has formed comparatively close partnership with Maldivesii.India has developed and sustained relatively huge influence in Sri Lankaiii.India sees Bangladesh as an important part of its geopolitical securityiv.India has seized the opportunity to advance all-round cooperation with Myanmarv.India sees Indonesia as a key pivot point for its eastward policyIII.Difficulties Facing the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridori.The region is too fragmented for economic integrationii.India is cautious and concerned about China's development in South Asiaiii.Political changes in some countries have put major projects into troubleiv.The supporting mechanism and coverage are insufficientIV.Summary and Suggestions Chapter IV Conclusions and Suggestionsi.Great regional powers that we have to deal with in order to extend the Belt and Road Initiative westwardii.Geopolitical issues hindering the westward expansion of the Belt and Road Initiativeiii.Suggestions on development References

“一带一路”视野下亚非经济圈的构建与发展:英文 作者简介

