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航空电子设备 版权信息

航空电子设备 本书特色

何晓薇、向淑兰主编的《航空电子设备(第2版飞行技术专业系列教材)(英文版)》是航空电子设备英文版,系统介绍了民航当前采用的通信、导航、仪表及自动控制系统的种类、功能和工作原理,包括:高频通信、甚高频通信等常见机载通信设备的原理、结构、使用方法,四大导航设备(VOR、DME、ILS和ADF) 、雷达系统及机载监视设备(TCAS、GPWS和风切变探测系统)等的原理与使用方法,航空仪表的基础知识和飞机的基本仪表设备,自动飞行控制系统的作用、组成、控制规律等。

航空电子设备 内容简介


航空电子设备 目录

Chapter 1 Air Data Computer System1. 1 Introduction1.2 The Basic Principle1.3 Temperature Measurement Probes1.4 Pressure Transducers1.5 Air Data Instruments Chapter 2 Electronic Instrument Systems2.1 Introduction2.2 Electronic Flight Instrument Systems2.3 Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System2.4 Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring Chapter 3 Automatic Flight Control Systems3.1 Introduction3.2 The Flight Director3.3 The Autopilot3.4 Autopilot Flight Director Systems3.5 The Yaw Damper3.6 Automatic Pitch Trim3.7 Autothrottle3.8 Autoland3.9 Flight Envelope Protection3.10 Typical Auto Flight Operation for B767 Airplane Chapter 4 Flight Data Recording & Airplane Condition Monitoring System4.1 Introduction4.2 Flight Data Recording System4.3 Airplane Condition Monitoring System Chapter 5 Airborne Weather Radar System5.1 Introduction5.2 Basic Principles5.3 Control Panel5.4 Display-EHSI Presentation5.5 Operation In-Flight5.6 Warning Chapter 6 Secondary Surveillance Radar and Transponder6.1 Introduction6.2 Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System6.3 Mode S Secondary Radar System Chapter 7 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System7.1 Introduction7.2 TCAS II System Architecture7.3 The Principle of Operation of TCAS II7.4 TCAS II Displays7.5 TCAS II Aural Messages7.6 Control Panel7.7 Crew Response7.8 The Use of TCAS II7.9 Flight Crew Procedure for A320 Airplane Chapter 8 Ground Proximity Warning System8.1 Introduction8.2 GPWS System Architecture8.3 GPWS Alert Modes Chapter 9 Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System9.1 Introduction9.2 Enhanced GPWS Features9.3 Look-Ahead Terrain Alerting9.4 Terrain Display9.5 Flight Deck Effects for EGPWS Alert9.6 Aural Message Priority9.7 EGPWS Control Panel9.8 Flight Crew Procedures Chapter 10 Runway Awareness and Advisory System10.1 Introduction10.2 The Principle of RAAS10.3 System Operation Description10.4 RAAS Quick Reference Chapter 11 Predictive Windshear System11.1 Introduction11.2 The Principle of PWS11.3 Limitations of PWS11.4 The Alert of PWS11.5 The Operation of PWS11.6 Flight Crew Procedure for A320 Airplane Chapter 12 Radio Altimeter12.1 Introduction12.2 The Principle of LRRA12.3 Radio Altitude Display12.4 Errors and Accuracy Chapter 13 Inertial Navigation System13.1 Introduction13.2 The Principle and Construction of the Accelerometer13.3 The Gyro-Stabilised (Gimballed) Platform13.4 Position Calculation13.5 INS Self-Alignment13.6 INS Error Corrections13.7 Mode Selector Panel and CDU Chapter 14 Inertial Reference System14.1 Description of the Strapdown System14.2 The Control and Display oflRS14.3 The IRS Outputs14.4 IRS Alignment Chapter 15 Global Positioning System15.1 Introduction15.2 GPS Elements15.3 GPS Operating Principle15.4 GPS Receiver Unit15.5 GPS Reliability/Integrity15.6 GPS Errors15.7 Differential GPS Chapter 16 Flight Management Computer System16.1 Introduction16.2 FMCS Architecture16.3 Command Display Unit16.4 The Flight Management Computer Database16.5 General FMS Operation References