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99天玩爆美语 版权信息

99天玩爆美语 本书特色


99天玩爆美语 内容简介


99天玩爆美语 目录

TOPIC 1 What is your favorite winter sport? 你*喜欢的冬季运动是什么? TOPIC 2 What cellphone app do you use frequently?? 你经常用哪个手机应用软件? TOPIC 3 Who will you vote for in this years presidential election? 今年美国总统大选你想投谁? TOPIC 4 How do you feel about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting divorced? 你怎么看布拉德和安吉丽娜离婚这件事? TOPIC 5 What pets did you have when you were young? 你小时候养了什么宠物? TOPIC 6 What is your ideal job? 你的理想工作是什么? TOPIC 7 Where would you like to travel?? 你想去哪里旅游? TOPIC 8 What is a song you like?? 你喜欢什么歌曲? TOPIC 9 How do you feel about the Cubs winning the World Series?? 你对小熊队赢得世界冠军这件事怎么看? TOPIC 10 Where do you like to go shopping?? 你喜欢去哪里购物? TOPIC 11 What kind of food do you like? ?你喜欢什么样的菜? TOPIC 12 What goals do you have? 你目前有什么目标? TOPIC 13 Do you have a special custom in your country? 你们国家有什么特殊传统吗? TOPIC 14 What is your favorite book?? 你*喜欢的是什么书? TOPIC 15 Do you believe in horoscopes?? 你相信星座吗? TOPIC 16 What is the most fun thing youve ever done?? 你做过的*好玩的事情是什么? TOPIC 17 Which new movie do you like? ?新出来的电影你喜欢哪个? TOPIC 18 How have things been in the United States since Trumps election?? 特朗普当选之后美国怎么样了? TOPIC 19 What movie have you seen recently? 你*近看了什么电影? TOPIC 20 Why was the moon so bright yesterday? 昨天的月亮为什么那么亮? TOPIC 21 What is something interesting you learned recently?? 你*近知道了什么有意思的事情? TOPIC 22 Do you like taking selfies?? 你喜欢自拍吗? TOPIC 23 Are ugly husbands more likely to cheat?? 丑的老公更容易出轨吗? TOPIC 24 Are you careful about what you post to WeChat? ?你会注意自己在微信上发什么吗? TOPIC 25 What do you do when you have a cold? 你感冒了怎么处理? TOPIC 26 What will you do on Thanksgiving? 你在感恩节会做什么? TOPIC 27 What is an interesting activity youve done?? 你做过什么有趣的事情? TOPIC 28 Which tourist spot would you like to visit?? 你想去哪个旅游景点? TOPIC 29 Which singer has infl uenced you the most? ?哪个歌手对你的影响*大? TOPIC 30 Would you prefer to marry an ugly penny pincher or a pretty spendthrift?? 你更愿意娶一个丑而能省钱的媳妇,还是一个漂亮的败家子? TOPIC 31 What is the most luxurious restaurant in the world?? 全世界*豪华的饭店是什么? TOPIC 32 What kind of company would you like to start?? 你想开什么样的公司? TOPIC 33 What did you think of this years Golden Horse awards?? 你觉得今年的金马奖怎么样? TOPIC 34 Who has inspired you?? 哪个人曾经激励了你? TOPIC 35 Do you think speaking only English is a good way to learn?? 你觉得逼着自己只说英语是一个好的学习方法吗? TOPIC 36 What controversial movie have you seen this year? ?你今年看了什么有争议的电影? TOPIC 37 What are some scenic spots in your hometown?? 你家乡有哪些景点? TOPIC 38 Why is it hard to accomplish your goals? ?为什么完成你的目标那么难? TOPIC 39 What is there to do in Australia?? 澳大利亚有什么好玩的? TOPIC 40 What kind of man will be a reliable husband? ?什么样的男人会是一个靠谱的老公? TOPIC 41 What makes your countrys culture special?? 什么使你祖国的文化具有特色? TOPIC 42 How can your WeChat friends help you?? 你的微信朋友能怎么帮助你? TOPIC 43 Which do you think is better, Chinese medicine or Western medicine? ?你认为中医和西医哪个好? TOPIC 44 What new celebrity gossip have you heard? ?你*近听了哪些明星八卦? TOPIC 45 Is generation gap a big problem?? 代沟是一个很大的问题吗? TOPIC 46 Do you like buying things online?? 你喜欢网购吗? TOPIC 47 Is it better to buy an apartment or rent one?? 买房好还是租房好? TOPIC 48 Why is it so hard to lose weight?? 为什么减肥那么难? TOPIC 49 Would you rather start your own business or work for someone else?? 你是想创业还是给人家打工? TOPIC 50 What new changes is Amazon making? ?亚马逊有什么新花样? TOPIC 51 What motivated you to learn English? ?是什么给了你学英语的动力? TOPIC 52 How should parents be role models for their children?? 父母应该怎样成为孩子的榜样? TOPIC 53 How do you stay active in the wintertime?? 你冬天怎么确保运动量? TOPIC 54 Do you judge a person based on looks or talent?? 你评价人是看脸还是看才华? TOPIC 55 What are Christmas trees?? 圣诞树是什么? TOPIC 56 What do Americans do on Christmas Eve?? 美国人平安夜都做什么? TOPIC 57 What do Americans do on Christmas Day?? 美国人圣诞节都做什么? TOPIC 58 What do Americans think of gay marriage?? 美国人怎么看同性婚姻? TOPIC 59 What museum do you like?? 你喜欢什么博物馆? TOPIC 60 What do you think of VR technology?? 你怎么看虚拟现实技术? TOPIC 61 What do you do to eat healthy? ?你用什么方法让自己吃得健康? TOPIC 62 Would you rather stay single or get married?? 你更想保持单身还是结婚? TOPIC 63 Which tourist spot should visitors to your country make sure to see?? 到你们国家旅游的人一定要去哪个景点? TOPIC 64 How should you manage yourself?? 应该如何管理好自己? TOPIC 65 What popular tourist places are there in Shanghai? ?上海有哪些受欢迎的旅游景点? TOPIC 66 What do American students do over winter break?? 美国学生在寒假期间都做什么? TOPIC 67 How do Americans feel about underage dating?? 美国人怎么看早恋? TOPIC 68 Should you choose birthday gifts for your friends based on what you like or what they like? ?给朋友挑礼物时应该根据自己的喜好还是朋友的喜好? TOPIC 69 Do you prefer to be a leader or a follower?? 你更喜欢做领导还是追随者? TOPIC 70 Do you think artists are important to society?? 你是否认为艺术家对社会很重要? TOPIC 71 Do you like celebrating your birthday alone or with lots of people?? 你喜欢自己庆祝生日还是跟很多人一起过? TOPIC 72 What limits class mobility in the United States?? 是什么限制了美国社会阶层的流动? TOPIC 73 Do you agree that it is necessary to be wealthy to be happy?? 你同意幸福就必须要有钱吗? TOPIC 74 What are university common rooms for?? 大学里的公共活动室是做什么用的? TOPIC 75 Do you think you should choose a major based on your personal interests?? 你是否认为应该根据个人的兴趣爱好来选择专业? TOPIC 76 What is a change in your country that had a big impact?? 你们国家有哪些影响深远的变化? TOPIC 77 What activity have you done with your friends? ?你与朋友一起参加过什么样的活动? TOPIC 78 Are you an innovator or a traditionalist?? 你是创新者还是传统主义者? TOPIC 79 Do you prefer to save money or spend it?? 你更喜欢存钱还是花钱? TOPIC 80 What is the restaurant with good customer service?? 餐厅*好的客户服务是什么? TOPIC 81 How do you balance your dreams with reality?? 如何平衡梦想与现实? TOPIC 82 Have you ever been in the hospital?? 你住过医院吗? TOPIC 83 Do you agree that great artists are born, not taught?? 你同意艺术大师是天生的而不是教出来的吗? TOPIC 84 How do you use AI in your daily life?? 日常生活中你怎么利用人工智能技术? TOPIC 85 Should you turn your hobby into a profession?? 是否应该把爱好变成职业? TOPIC 86 Is it better for children to grow up in a big city or a small town?? 小孩子在大城市里长大好还是在小乡镇长大好? TOPIC 87 Do you prefer to drive yourself or take public transportation?? 你更喜欢自己开车还是坐公交车? TOPIC 88 Should you make a career plan before you go to college?? 上大学之前需要做一个职业规划吗? TOPIC 89 What should we do to prevent global warming? ?我们应该如何防止全球气候变暖? TOPIC 90 What amazing experience have you had?? 你有什么精彩的经历? TOPIC 91 What is something diffi cult you accomplished?? 你完成了什么困难的任务? TOPIC 92 What great tourist spot have you been to?? 你去过什么很棒的旅游地点? TOPIC 93 Which movie would you like to watch again?? 你想重看哪部电影? TOPIC 94 What once-in-a-lifetime experience have you had? ?你一生只有一次的经历是什么? TOPIC 95 Have you ever worn a memorable piece of clothing for a special occasion?? 你有没有在什么特殊的场合中穿了一件难以忘怀的衣服? TOPIC 96 Have you heard any interesting news recently?? *近听了什么有意思的消息? TOPIC 97 What educational TV show have you watched?? 你看过什么教育类的电视节目? TOPIC 98 Do Chinese people and Western people have different aesthetic tastes? ?中国人和西方人有不同的审美趣味吗? TOPIC 99 Describe a movie you are interested in the most 描述你*喜欢的一部电影

99天玩爆美语 作者简介

冷晓波,曾任联合国同声翻译,毕业于世界教学排名第一的美国明德文理学院蒙特雷高翻院校,其翻译专业全美排名第一,冷老师拥有极其纯正美式发音和美式思维体系,英语水平与母语相当。曾被中美关系委员会主席Stephen Orlins, Henry Ford 公司CEO-Gerard Van Grinsven 聘为私人传译。拥有多年口语教学经验及对考试有深刻精辟的研究,通过地道的美式思维及科学的系统训练,直击考试命脉。她已有多名学员成功克服“托福口语提分难”的问题,她的“名校口语面试课”已帮多名学子圆名校梦想。
