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英语词汇学 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561783924
  • 条形码:9787561783924 ; 978-7-5617-8392-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语词汇学 本书特色

汪榕培、王之江、朱越峰主编的《英语词汇学》难度适中、可读性强、生动活泼、注重实用。本书旨在进一步拓展英语专业本科生的语言知识,全面提升语言技能,注重学科素养和创新能力的培养。 《英语词汇学》涵盖了英语词汇的发展、构词法、词义、语块、语境、词典等方面,角度多元,内容丰富,展现了全新的当代英语词汇学视野。同时作者力求体现多学科知识的交叉融合,反映了英语词汇学研究的全新思路和动态。全书既着重词汇学理论的阐释,又突出词汇学的实践应用。 ◎立意新颖,角度多元,信息量大,展现一个全新的当代英语词汇学视野; ◎多学科知识相互交叉、融合,反映了英语词汇学研究的全新思路和动态; ◎内容设计合理,形式多样,主题突出,既着重词汇学理论的阐释,又突出词汇学实践的应用; ◎“任务型”教学理念,互动性强,使学生能在“做中学”的宽松环境中“用语言做事”。

英语词汇学 内容简介

汪榕培、王之江、朱越峰主编的《英语词汇学》可供英语专业学生和其他外语学习者使用和参考。 《英语词汇学》涵盖了英语词汇的发展、构词法、词义、语块、语境、词典等方面,角度多元,内容丰富,展现了全新的当代英语词汇学视野。同时作者力求体现多学科知识的交叉融合,反映了英语词汇学研究的*思路和动态。全书既着重词汇学理论的阐释,又突出词汇学的实践应用。

英语词汇学 目录

Chapter 1 English Words and Lexicology —— Basic Concepts
1.1 Understanding Words
1.2 Understanding Lexicology
1.3 An Introduction to Works of Lexicology

Chapter 2 The Growth of the English Vocabulary (1) —— Sources
2.1 The Language Family of English
2.2 From Old English to Modern English
2.3 The Origins of English Words

Chapter 3 The Growth of the English Vocabulary (2) —— British & American
3.1 World Englishes
3.2 British English
3.3 American English
3.4 The Future of English

Chapter 4 The Growth of the English Vocabulary (3) —— New Words
4.1 Neologisms
4.2 The Study of New Words
4.3 Reasons of the Gr6wth
4.4 Sources for New Words

Chapter 5 The Formation of English Words (1) —— Major Types
5.1 Notions of Morphological Formation
5.2 DerivatiOn
5.3 Conversion
5.4 Compounding

Chapter 6 The Formation of English Words (2) —— Minor Types
6.1 Abbreviation
6.2 Back-formation
6.3 Onomatopoeia
6.4 Reduplication

Chapter 7 The Meanings of English Words (1) —— Aspects of Meaning; Change of Meaning
7.1 Aspects of Meaning
7.2 Change of Meaning
7.3 Mechanisms for Meaning Change

Chapter 8 The Meanings of English Words (2) —— Sense Relations
8.1 Synonymy
8.2 Antonymy
8.3 Polysemy
8.4 Homonymy
8.5 Hierarchical Relations

Chapter 9 Lexical Chunks (1) —— Collocations
9.1 Lexical Chunking
9.2 Definition of Collocation
9.3 The Features of Collocation
9.4 Characteristics, Classifications and Categories of Collocations
9.5 Basic Types of Collocations
9.6 The Significance of Learning Collocations

Chapter 10 Lexical Chunks (2) —— Idioms
10.1 Definition of Idiom
10.2 Classifications of Idioms
10.3 Figurative Idioms

Chapter 11 The Use of English Words (1) —— Words in Context
11.1 Words and Their Meanings in Use
11.2 The Meanings of Words: "Mean" and "Meaning"
11.3 Lexical Semantics
11.4 Lexical Semantics and Lexical Pragmatics
11.5 Lexical Meaning and the Context
11.6 Meanings of English Words in Lexical Pragmatics

Chapter 12 The Use of English Words (2) —— Metaphor, Metonymy, etc.
12.1 An Introduction to Figures of Speech: the Figurative Uses of Words
12.2 English Words in Metaphor
12.3 English Words in Metonymy
12.4 Other Figurative Uses of English Words

Chapter 13 The Dictionaries of English Words (1) —— Types of Dictionaries
13.1 The Development of Dictionaries
13.2 The Contents of Dictionaries
13.3 The Types of Dictionaries

Chapter 14 The Dictionaries of English Words (2) —— How to Use Dictionaries
14.1 How to Use Dictionaries
14.2 Corpus and Lexicography
14.3 Electronic Dictionaries

Chapter 15 The Learning of English Words (1) —— The Mental Lexicon
15.1 Memory in the Language-Processing System
15.2 The Mental Lexicon and Its Organization
15.3 Variables Influencing Lexical Access

Chapter 16 The Learning of English Words (2) —— Learning Strategies and Tactics
16.1 The Vocabulary Size
16.2 Vocabulary Acquisition
16.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Links and Resources

英语词汇学 作者简介

汪榕培,1985年到2001年担任大连外国语学院院长。中国典籍英译研究会会长、中国英语教学研究会副会长、中外语言文化比较学会副会长;现任大连大学特聘教授,兼任苏州大学、大连理工大学等校博士生导师。 出版《实用英语词汇学》、《英语词汇学教程》、《英语词汇探胜》、《英语词汇学研究》、《八十年代国外语言学的新天地》、《九十年代国外语言学的新天地》。 在中国古典文学英译等方面,先后完成了《英译老子》、《英译易经》、《英译诗经》、《英译庄子》等,出版了专著《比较与翻译》和《陶渊明诗歌英译比较研究》。
