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旅游消费者行为 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568027748
  • 条形码:9787568027748 ; 978-7-5680-2774-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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旅游消费者行为 本书特色


旅游消费者行为 内容简介

本书以旅游消费者的旅游过程为主线, 全面展开旅游消费者的感知、动机、情绪情感、态度、决策、体验、满意度与忠诚度, 以及社会环境因素、经济与文化因素对旅游消费者行为影响等旅游消费者行为学的诸多内涵, 并专章介绍了旅游消费者行为的跨文化比较及全球消费趋势下中国特色的旅游消费行为以及融入了本书主编在旅游消费者二元行为理论上的研究。

旅游消费者行为 目录

01 **章旅游消费者行为学的基本问题 Chapter 1The Basic Problems of Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游消费者行为学的研究对象与内容/2 The Research Object and Content of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为学的理论来源与研究方法/7 The Theoretical Sources and Research Methods of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为学的发展历史/12 The History of Tourism Consumer Behavior 19 第二章旅游消费者行为学的基本理论 Chapter 2The Basic Theory of Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游购买行为理论/20 The theory of Travel Buying Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为模式/25 Tourism Consumer Behavior Model第三节有限理性理论/28 The theory of Bounded Rationality第四节旅游者二元行为理论/31 The theory of Tourist Dualistic Behavior第五节环城游憩行为理论/38 The theoryof Recreational Behavior around the City 44 第三章动机与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 3Motivation and Tourism Consumer Behavior**节需要与动机/45 Need and Motivation第二节旅游需要与旅游动机/48 Tourism Need and Tourism Motivation第三节旅游消费者动机的经典理论/55 The Classical Theory of Tourism Consumer Motivation 63 第四章感知与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 4Perceptionand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节感知过程/64 Perception Process第二节旅游感知的影响因素/68 Influencing Factors of Tourism Perception第三节旅游者对旅游条件的感知/72 Tourists' Perceptions of Tourism Conditions目录 81 第五章学习与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 5Learning andTourism Consumer Behavior**节学习的概述/82 An Overview of learning第二节旅游消费者学习的内容与途径/87 Contents and Approaches of Tourism Consumers' Learning 92 第六章态度与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 6Attitudeand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游消费者态度的概述/93 A Overviewof Tourism Consumers' Attitudes第二节旅游消费者态度与旅游行为/98 Tourism Consumer Attitude and Tourism Behavior第三节旅游消费者态度的形成与改变/102 The Formation and Change of Tourist Consumers' Attitude 110 第七章个性与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 7Personality and Tourism Consumer Behavior**节个性的形成/111 The Formation of Personality第二节个性特征与旅游消费者行为/115 Personality Characteristics and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节个性结构与旅游消费者行为/121 Personality Structure and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节旅游消费者个性测量和实践运用/123 130 第八章社会群体与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 8Social Groupand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节社会群体概述/131 A Overviewof Social Group第二节参照群体与旅游消费者行为/133 Reference Group and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节家庭与旅游消费者行为/137 Family and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节社会阶层与旅游消费者行为/143 Social Stratum and Tourism Consumer Behavior 153 第九章文化因素与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 9Culture andTourism Consumer Behavior**节文化概述/154 A Overviewof Culture第二节文化差异与价值观/157 Cultural Differences and CulturalValues第三节中国传统文化与旅游消费者行为/162 Chinese Traditional Culture and Tourism Consumer Behavior 173 第十章营销组合与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 10Marketing Mix andTourism Consumer Behavior**节产品与旅游消费者行为/174 Product and Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节价格与旅游消费者行为/180 Price and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节渠道与旅游消费者行为/184 Channel and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节促销与旅游消费者行为/189 Promotion and Tourism Consumer Behavior 206 第十一章旅游决策 Chapter 11Travel Decisionmaking**节旅游决策概述/207 A Overviewof Travel Decisionmaking第二节旅游消费者对目的地的选择/211 Tourism consumers' choice of destinations 221 第十二章旅游体验 Chapter 12Travel Experience**节旅游体验概述/222 A Overviewof Travel Experience第二节旅游体验的质量与真实性/227 The Quality and Authenticity of Travel Experience第三节旅游体验营销/233 Travel Experience Marketing 244 第十三章旅游消费者的购后行为 Chapter 13PostpurchaseBehavior of TourismConsumer**节旅游消费者满意度/245 Tourism Consumer Satisfaction第二节旅游消费者忠诚度/252 Tourism ConsumerLoyalty第三节旅游消费者的抱怨/257 Tourism Consumer Complaints 264 第十四章旅游消费者行为比较 Chapter 14The Comparison of TourismConsumer Behavior**节旅游消费者行为跨年龄比较/265 A CrossAge Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为跨性别比较/268 A CrossGender Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为跨文化比较/270 A CrossCultural Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior 278 参考文献 References 01 **章旅游消费者行为学的基本问题 Chapter 1The Basic Problems of Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游消费者行为学的研究对象与内容/2 The Research Object and Content of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为学的理论来源与研究方法/7 The Theoretical Sources and Research Methods of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为学的发展历史/12 The History of Tourism Consumer Behavior 19 第二章旅游消费者行为学的基本理论 Chapter 2The Basic Theory of Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游购买行为理论/20 The theory of Travel Buying Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为模式/25 Tourism Consumer Behavior Model第三节有限理性理论/28 The theory of Bounded Rationality第四节旅游者二元行为理论/31 The theory of Tourist Dualistic Behavior第五节环城游憩行为理论/38 The theoryof Recreational Behavior around the City 44 第三章动机与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 3Motivation and Tourism Consumer Behavior**节需要与动机/45 Need and Motivation第二节旅游需要与旅游动机/48 Tourism Need and Tourism Motivation第三节旅游消费者动机的经典理论/55 The Classical Theory of Tourism Consumer Motivation 63 第四章感知与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 4Perceptionand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节感知过程/64 Perception Process第二节旅游感知的影响因素/68 Influencing Factors of Tourism Perception第三节旅游者对旅游条件的感知/72 Tourists' Perceptions of Tourism Conditions目录 81 第五章学习与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 5Learning andTourism Consumer Behavior**节学习的概述/82 An Overview of learning第二节旅游消费者学习的内容与途径/87 Contents and Approaches of Tourism Consumers' Learning 92 第六章态度与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 6Attitudeand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节旅游消费者态度的概述/93 A Overviewof Tourism Consumers' Attitudes第二节旅游消费者态度与旅游行为/98 Tourism Consumer Attitude and Tourism Behavior第三节旅游消费者态度的形成与改变/102 The Formation and Change of Tourist Consumers' Attitude 110 第七章个性与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 7Personality and Tourism Consumer Behavior**节个性的形成/111 The Formation of Personality第二节个性特征与旅游消费者行为/115 Personality Characteristics and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节个性结构与旅游消费者行为/121 Personality Structure and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节旅游消费者个性测量和实践运用/123 130 第八章社会群体与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 8Social Groupand Tourism Consumer Behavior**节社会群体概述/131 A Overviewof Social Group第二节参照群体与旅游消费者行为/133 Reference Group and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节家庭与旅游消费者行为/137 Family and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节社会阶层与旅游消费者行为/143 Social Stratum and Tourism Consumer Behavior 153 第九章文化因素与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 9Culture andTourism Consumer Behavior**节文化概述/154 A Overviewof Culture第二节文化差异与价值观/157 Cultural Differences and CulturalValues第三节中国传统文化与旅游消费者行为/162 Chinese Traditional Culture and Tourism Consumer Behavior 173 第十章营销组合与旅游消费者行为 Chapter 10Marketing Mix andTourism Consumer Behavior**节产品与旅游消费者行为/174 Product and Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节价格与旅游消费者行为/180 Price and Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节渠道与旅游消费者行为/184 Channel and Tourism Consumer Behavior第四节促销与旅游消费者行为/189 Promotion and Tourism Consumer Behavior 206 第十一章旅游决策 Chapter 11Travel Decisionmaking**节旅游决策概述/207 A Overviewof Travel Decisionmaking第二节旅游消费者对目的地的选择/211 Tourism consumers' choice of destinations 221 第十二章旅游体验 Chapter 12Travel Experience**节旅游体验概述/222 A Overviewof Travel Experience第二节旅游体验的质量与真实性/227 The Quality and Authenticity of Travel Experience第三节旅游体验营销/233 Travel Experience Marketing 244 第十三章旅游消费者的购后行为 Chapter 13PostpurchaseBehavior of TourismConsumer**节旅游消费者满意度/245 Tourism Consumer Satisfaction第二节旅游消费者忠诚度/252 Tourism ConsumerLoyalty第三节旅游消费者的抱怨/257 Tourism Consumer Complaints 264 第十四章旅游消费者行为比较 Chapter 14The Comparison of TourismConsumer Behavior**节旅游消费者行为跨年龄比较/265 A CrossAge Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第二节旅游消费者行为跨性别比较/268 A CrossGender Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior第三节旅游消费者行为跨文化比较/270 A CrossCultural Comparison of Tourism Consumer Behavior 278 参考文献 References

旅游消费者行为 作者简介

李志飞 男,湖北大学旅游系教授。华中科技大学管理学院管理学博士,北京大学中国经济研究中心行为经济学博士后,美国北亚利桑那大学行为学与社会科学学院地理、规划与休闲学系访问学者。2014年入选国家旅游局旅游业青年专家人才计划。湖北省旅游学会常务理事。主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、国家旅游局重点项目多项,在APJTR(SSCI)、《旅游学刊》、《南开管理评论》等期刊发表学术论文多篇。荣获旅游学刊2013年度优秀论文奖,2007中国管理学年会优秀论文奖。提出并构建的“旅游者二元行为理论”荣获国家旅游局优秀旅游学术成果奖二等奖。
