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计算机英语-(第2版) 版权信息

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计算机英语-(第2版) 目录

    Chapter 1?PC Basic??/11.1 Storage 11.2 Outer Hardware 31.3 Smartphone, Tablet and Laptop 51.4 Exercise 1 71.5 Further Reading: Flash Memory 8 1.5.1 The Basics 8 1.5.2 Removable Flash Memory Cards 9 1.5.3 SmartMedia 10 1.5.4 CompactFlash 10Chapter 2?How Computer Monitors Work??/122.1 The Basics 12 2.1.1 Display Technology Background 13 2.1.2 Display Technologies: VGA 13 2.1.3 Display Technology: DVI 13 2.1.4 Viewable Area 14 2.1.5 Maximum Resolution and Dot Pitch 14 2.1.6 Dot Pitch 14 2.1.7 Refresh Rate 15 2.1.8 Color Depth 16 2.1.9 Power Consumption 17 2.1.10 Monitor Trends: Flat Panels 172.2 Exercise 2 182.3 Further Reading: Liquid Crystal Display 19 2.3.1 Brief History 21 2.3.2 Transmissive and Reflective Displays 21 2.3.3 Color Displays 21 2.3.4 Passive-matrix and Active-matrix 22 2.3.5 Quality Control 22 2.3.6 Zero-power Displays 23 2.3.7 Drawbacks 23 Chapter 3?How Cell Phones Work??/ 25 3.1 Cell-phone Frequencies 25 3.2 Cell-phone Channels 27 3.3 Analog Cell Phones 28 3.4 Along Comes Digital 29 3.5 Inside a Digital Cell Phone 29 3.6 Exercise 3 32 3.7 Further Reading: Cell Phone 33 3.7.1 History 33 3.7.2 Handsets 35 Chapter 4?Digital Camera Basics??/ 40 4.1 How does Digital Camera Work 40 4.2 CCD and CMOS: Filmless Cameras 40 4.3 Digital Camera Resolution 41 4.4 Capturing Color 43 4.5 Digital Photography Basics 43 4.6 Megapixel Ratings 44 4.7 Digital Camera Settings and Modes 44 4.8 Shutter Speed 45 4.9 Exercise 4 47 4.10 Further Reading: How to Take Good Photos 48 4.10.1 Digital Camera Problems 49 4.10.2 Image Editing Software 50 Chapter 5?How Bits and Bytes Work??/ 53 5.1 Decimal Numbers 53 5.2 Bits 54 5.3 Bytes 55 5.4 Bytes: ASCII 55 5.5 Standard ASCII Character Set 56 5.6 Lots of Bytes 57 5.7 Binary Math 57 5.8 Quick Recap 58 5.9 Exercise 5 58 5.10 Further Reading: How Boolean Logic Works 60 5.10.1 Simple Gates 60 5.10.2 Simple Adders 63 5.10.3 Flip Flops 66 5.10.4 Implementing Gates 68 Chapter 6?Microprocessors??/ 71 6.1 Microprocessor History 71 6.2 Microprocessor Progression 72 6.3 Inside a Microprocessor 73 6.4 Microprocessor Instructions 75 6.5 Decoding Microprocessor Instructions 78 6.6 Microprocessor Performance 79 6.7 Microprocessor Trends 79 6.8 64-bit Processors 80 6.9 Exercise 6 81 6.10 Further Reading: E-commerce 82 6.10.1 Commerce 83 6.10.2 The Elements of Commerce 84 6.10.3 Why the Hype 85 6.10.4 The Dell Example 86 6.10.5 The Lure of E-commerce 87 6.10.6 Easy and Hard Aspects of E-commerce 89 6.10.7 Building an E-commerce Site 89 6.10.8 Affiliate Programs 90 6.10.9 Implementing an E-commerce Site 90 Chapter 7?Application Software??/ 92 7.1 What is Software 92 7.2 Programming Languages 92 7.2.1 Assemblers 92 7.2.2 Compilers and Interpreters 93 7.2.3 Nonprocedural Languages 94 7.3 Libraries 94 7.4 The Program Development Process 95 7.4.1 Problem Definition 95 7.4.2 Planning 95 7.4.3 Writing the Program 96 7.4.4 Debug and Documentation 96 7.4.5 Maintenance 96 7.5 Writing your Own Programs 97 7.6 Exercise 7 98 7.7 Further Reading: Computer Software 99 7.7.1 Relationship to Hardware 99 7.7.2 System and Application Software 100 7.7.3 Users See Three Layers of Software 100 7.7.4 Software Creation 101 7.7.5 Software in Operation 101 7.7.6 Software Reliability 101 7.7.7 Software Patents 101 7.7.8 System Software 101 Chapter 8?Compiler??/ 103 8.1 Introduction and History 103 8.2 Types of Compilers 104 8.3 Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages 105 8.4 Compiler Design 105 8.5 Compiler Front End 106 8.6 Compiler Back End 106 8.7 Exercise 8 108 8.8 Further Reading: Assembly Language 109 8.8.1 Assemblers 110 8.8.2 Assembly Language 111 8.8.3 Machine Instructions 112 8.8.4 Assembly Language Directives 113 8.8.5 Usage of Assembly Language 114 8.8.6 Cross Compiler 115 8.8.7 Compiling a Gcc Cross Compiler 115 Chapter 9?How Java Works??/ 116 9.1 A Little Terminology 116 9.2 Downloading the Java Compiler 117 9.3 Your First Program 119 9.4 Understanding What Just Happened 121 9.5 Exercise 9 124 9.6 Further Reading: How Perl Works 125 9.6.1 Getting Started 125 9.6.2 Hello World 126 9.6.3 Variables 127 9.6.4 Loops and Ifs 128 9.6.5 Functions 129 9.6.6 Reading 130 Chapter 10?Database & C ??/ 131 10.1 Text 131 10.2 Exercise 10 134 10.3 Further Reading: C 135 10.3.1 Technical Overview 136 10.3.2 Features Introduced in C 136 10.3.3 C Library 137 10.3.4 Object-oriented Features of C 137 10.3.5 Design of C 140 10.3.6 History of C 141 10.3.7 C is not a Superset of C 143 Chapter 11?Artificial Intelligence??/ 145 11.1 Overview 145 11.2 Strong AI and Weak AI 145 11.2.1 Strong Artificial Intelligence 146 11.2.2 Weak Artificial Intelligence 146 11.2.3 Philosophical Criticism and Support of Strong AI 146 11.3 History Development of AI Theory 148 11.4 Experimental AI Research 149 11.5 Exercise 11 151 11.6 Further Reading: Alan Turing 153 11.6.1 Childhood and Youth 153 11.6.2 College and his Work on Computability 154 11.6.3 Cryptanalysis (Code Breaking) 155 11.6.4 Work on Early Computers and the Turing Test 156 11.6.5 Work on Pattern Formation and Mathematical Biology 157 11.6.6 Prosecution for Homosexuality and Turing’s Death 157 Chapter 12?Machine Learning??/?158 12.1 Overview 159 12.1.1 Types of problems and tasks 159 12.1.2 History and relationships to other fields 160 12.1.3 Theory 161 12.1.4 Approaches 162 12.2 Exercise 12 166 12.3 Further Reading: Applications for machine learning 168 12.3.1 Adaptive websites 168 12.3.2 Affective computing 168 12.3.3 Bioinformatics 168 12.3.4 Brain-machine interfaces 169 12.3.5 Cheminformatics 169 12.3.6 Classifying DNA sequences 169 12.3.7 Computational anatomy 170 12.3.8 Computational finance 171 12.3.9 Computer vision, including object recognition 171 12.3.10 Detecting credit card fraud 171 12.3.11 Software 172 Chapter 13?How DSL Works??/?174 13.1 Overview 174 13.2 Telephone Lines 175 13.3 Asymmetrical DSL 175 13.4 Distance Limitations 176 13.5 Splitting the Signal: CAP 177 13.6 Splitting the Signal: DMT 177 13.7 DSL Equipment 178 13.7.1 DSL Equipment: Transceiver 179 13.7.2 DSL Equipment: DSLAM 179 13.8 Exercise 13 180 13.9 Further Reading: How Telephones Work 182 13.9.1 A Simple Telephone 182 13.9.2 A Real Telephone 183 13.9.3 The Telephone Network: Wires and Cables 184 13.9.4 The Telephone Network: Digitizing and Delivering 184 13.9.5 Creating Your Own Telephone Network 185 13.9.6 Calling Someone 185 13.9.7 Tones 186 Chapter 14?Internet Infrastructure??/ 188 14.1 A Network Example 188 14.2 Bridging The Divide 189 14.3 Backbones 190 14.4 Internet Protocol: IP Addresses & Domain Name System 190 14.5 Uniform Resource Locators 191 14.6 Clients, Servers and Ports 192 14.7 Exercise 14 194 14.8 Further Reading: Modem 195 Chapter 15?How Internet Search Engines Work??/?199 15.1 Looking at the Web 199 15.2 Building the Index 202 15.3 Building a Search 203 15.4 Future Search 203 15.5 Exercise 15 205 15.6 Further Reading: Web crawler 206 15.6.1 Nomenclature 206 15.6.2 Overview 207 15.6.3 Crawling policy 207 15.6.4 Architectures 209 15.6.5 Security 210 15.6.6 Crawler identification 210 15.6.7 Crawling the deep web 210 15.6.8 Visual vs programmatic crawlers 211 Chapter 16?Encryption??/ 212 16.1 In the Key of... 212 16.2 Hash This 213 16.3 Are You Authentic 214 16.4 Exercise 16 216 16.5 Further Reading: Identity Theft 217 16.5.1 Types of Identity Theft 217 16.5.2 Stealing Your Identity 217 16.5.3 Accessing Your Personal Information 218 16.5.4 Public Information 219 16.5.5 How To Protect Yourself 219 16.5.6 Internet Transactions 219 16.5.7 If It Happens To You 220 16.5.8 What Congress Is Doing About It 222 16.5.9 What the Future Holds 222 Chapter 17?Taking a Closer Look at the DCE??/ 223 17.1 Common Threads 223 17.2 Remote Calls 224 17.3 Directory Services 224 17.4 Distributed Security Service 225 17.5 Distributed File System 225 17.6 Distributed Time Service 226 17.7 Extending and Using the DCE 226 17.8 Exercise 17 227 17.9 Further Reading: How to Kerberize Your Site 228 17.9.1 Introduction 228 17.9.2 Pick a Kerberos Server Machine (KDC) 229 17.9.3 DCE and Kerberos 229 17.9.4 Install the Kerberos Server 229 17.9.5 Obtain the Necessary Code 229 17.9.6 Do You Need More Code 230 17.9.7 Building the Gnu Tools 230 17.9.8 Building the Gnu C Compiler 231 17.9.9 Compiling Kerberos 232 17.9.10 For All Platforms 233 17.9.11 Configuring the Kerberos KDC 233 17.9.12 Setting Up a Host Server 236 17.9.13 Domain Names 237 17.9.14 Kerberos Clients 237 17.9.15 Getting a Ticket for Another Realm 237 17.9.16 Kerberos Security Problems 238 17.9.17 Kerberos Authentication Option in SSL 238 17.9.18 Available Kerberized Goodies 239 17.9.19 CygnusKerbnet for NT, Macs, and UNIX 239 Chapter 18?What is Wi-Fi and How does it work??/ 240 18.1 How does Wi-Fi work 240 18.2 Uses 241 18.3 Frequencies 242 18.4 Advantages and Challenges 243 18.5 Network Security 245 18.6 Exercise 18 248 18.7 Further Reading: Wireless Revolution: The History of Wi-Fi 249 Chapter 19?Shockwave 3-D Technology??/ 251 19.1 Uses of Shockwave Technology 252 19.2 Making 3-D Content Accessible 254 19.3 Developing New 3-D Content 255 19.4 Exercise 19 257 19.5 Further Reading: Computer Viruses 258 19.5.1 Types of Infection 258 19.5.2 What’s a “Virus” 259 19.5.3 What’s a “Worm” 259 19.5.4 Code Red 259 19.5.5 Early Cases: Executable Viruses 260 19.5.6 Boot Sector Viruses 261 19.5.7 E-mail Viruses 261 19.5.8 Prevention of Virus 262 19.5.9 Origins of Virus 264 19.5.10 History of Virus 264 Chapter 20?Kinect??/ 266 20.1 Technology 266 20.2 History 268 20.3 Launch 270 20.4 Reception 271 20.5 Sales 272 20.6 Awards 272 20.7 Exercise 20 273 20.8 Further Reading: Software of Kinect 274 20.8.1 Kinect for Windows 274 20.8.2 Software 276 附录A?部分参考译文??/ 279 第1章 电脑基本组件 279 第2章 计算机显示器是如何工作的 283 第3章 手机如何工作 288 第4章 数码相机基础知识 293 第5章 位和字节是怎样工作的 297 第6章 微处理器概述 302 第7章 应用软件 310 第8章 编译器 314 第9章 Java是如何工作的 318 第10章 数据库与VC 325 第11章 人工智能 328 第12章 机器学习 334 第13章 DSL是如何工作的 341 第14章 Internet基础结构 345 第15章 网络搜索引擎工作原理 350 第16章 加密 355 第17章 近看DCE 358 第18章 什么是Wi-Fi以及它是如何运作的 362 第19章 Shockwave三维技术 366 第20章 3D体感摄影机:Kinect 370 习题答案??/ 377 XII 计算机英语(第2版) XI 目录