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商务英语综合教程 2

开本: 26cm 页数: 209页
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商务英语综合教程 2 版权信息

商务英语综合教程 2 本书特色

李海峰主编的《商务英语综合教程2》共12个单元,涉及经济学基础、石油与经济、大数据、税收政策、股市、证券市场监督、战争与经济、经济共同体、**品、网购、品牌形象、人才招聘等与经济和商务紧密联系的内容。每单元都由导入性练习、课文A 、词汇表、注释、练习和课文B组成。课文A主要选自英语国家的重要刊物;词汇表列出了课文中出现的商务术语和重要词汇;注释侧重于相关背景知识的介绍和较难概念与术语的解释;练习则紧紧围绕课文的重点和难点进行设计,包括对课文的理解和对重要词汇、术语的基本运用,形式丰富多样,能较好地检测和巩固所学知识。课文B是延伸阅读,是学生自主学习的好材料。

商务英语综合教程 2 内容简介

本书共12个单元, 每单元内容包括Text A和Text B, 其中Text A为精读材料, Text B为补充阅读材料。包括经济学基础、税改、石油与经济、证券知识、贸易保护主义等内容。

商务英语综合教程 2 目录

Unit 1 Basic EconomicsPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Basic Economic ConceptsPart III Supplementary ReadingText B The Confused Economy: Is the Business Cycle Dying? Unit 2 Oil and EconomyPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Journey to the Center of the EarthPart III Supplementary ReadingText B Endless Oil Unit 3 Big DataPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A A Trillion Points of DataPart III Supplementary ReadingText B The Next Internet Boom: Dot-Gov Startups Unit 4 Tax and ExpenditurePart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Tax, Tax, Spend, SpendPart III Supplementary ReadingText B Barack Obama Gives Way to Republicans over Bush Tax Cuts Unit 5 Stock ExchangePart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Speculators and MarketsPart Ill Supplementary ReadingText B The Market for Foreign Exchange Unit 6 Securities SupervisionPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Living by Uncle Sam's RulesPart III Supplementary ReadingText B Shares Drop on IPO Wave, Lackluster Data Unit 7 War and EconomyPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A The Waiting GamePart III Supplementary ReadingText B Power Up Unit 8 Economic BlocPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A The Impact of Brexit on the British Pound & UK EconomyPart III Supplementary ReadingText B The Eurozone in Crisis Unit 9 LuxuryPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A The Return of LuxuryPart III Supplementary ReadingText B Time, Lost and Found Unit 10 Online ShoppingPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Arts and Crafts Find New Life OnlinePart III Supplementary ReadingText B Music for Free, and It's Legal Unit 11 Brand Image and MarketingPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Marriott Hip? Well, It's TryingPart III Supplementary ReadingText B Saving Saab Unit 12 Recruitment of TalentsPart I Lead-in ActivitiesPart II Intensive ReadingText A Stealing Managers from the Big BoysPart III Supplementary ReadingText B The Disposable Worker