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Maingot腹部手术:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550293670
  • 条形码:9787550293670 ; 978-7-5502-9367-0
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

Maingot腹部手术:英文版 本书特色

关注手术过程和疾病诊疗方面的新观点。重视审查手术协议和内容,以及术前术后的策略和技术。 有13章内容提供了专家点评和替代治疗策略。新增了胃肠道出血、腹部创伤和腹部血管急症等内容,以及贯彻全书的微创治疗技术,以获得更好的治疗效果。超过1250幅图片(大部分是彩图)。

Maingot腹部手术:英文版 内容简介

关注手术过程和疾病诊疗方面的新观点。重视审查手术协议和内容,以及术前术后的策略和技术。 有13章内容提供了专家点评和替代治疗策略。新增了胃肠道出血、腹部创伤和腹部血管急症等内容,以及贯彻全书的微创治疗技术,以获得更好的治疗效果。超过1250幅图片(大部分是彩图)。

Maingot腹部手术:英文版 目录

简 目 ⅠINTRODUCTION ⅡABDOMINALWALL ⅢESOPHAGUS ⅣSTOMACHANDDUODENUM ⅤINTESTINEANDCOLON ⅥRECTUMANDANUS ⅦIVER ⅧGALLBLADDERANDBILE DUCTS ⅨPANCREAS ⅩSPLEENANDADRENAL 目 录 Contributors ix Preface ⅠINTRODUCTION 1.A Focused History of Surgery 2.Preoperative and PostoperativeManagement 3.Endoscopy and Endoscopic Intervention 4.Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery 5.Laparoscopic Staging and Approaches toCancer ⅡABDOMINAL WALL 6.Incisions, Closures, and Management of the Abdominal Wound 7.Hernias 8.Perspective on Hernias 9. Intestinal Stomas 10.Abdominal Abscess and EntericFistulae 11.Gastrointestinal Bleeding 12.Management of Abdominal Trauma 13.Abdominal Vascular Emergencies ⅢESOPHAGUS 14.Benign Esophageal Disorders 15.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia (Including Paraesophageal) 14.Perspective on Benign Esophageal Disease 16.Cancer of the Esophagus 17.Surgical Procedures to Resect and Replace theEsophagus 18.Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery of the Esophagus 19.Perspective on Malignant Esophageal Disease ⅣSTOMACH AND DUODENUM 20.Benign Gastric Disorders 21.Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Other Gastric Neoplasms (Except Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors) 22.Perspective on Gastric Cancer 23. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors C/›andrajitP. Raut 24. Perspective on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors 25.Stomach and Duodenum: Operative Procedures 26.Morbid Obesity and Its Surgical Treatment 27.Perspective on Morbid Obesity and Its Surgical Treatment ⅤINTESTINE AND COLON 28. Small Bowel Obstruction 29. Tumors of the Small Intestine 30. Appendix, Meckel’s, and Other Small Bowel Diverticula 31.Diverticular Disease and Colonic Volvulus 32.Crohn’s Disease 33.Ulcerative Colitis 34.Perspective on inflammatory Bowel Disease 35.Laparoscopic Colorectal Procedures 36.Perspective on Colonic Neoplasms ⅥRECTUM AND ANUS 801 37.Benign Disorders of the Anorectum (Pelvic Floor, Fissures, Hemorrhoids, and Fistulas) 38.Cancer of the Rectum 39.Perspective on Rectal Cancer 40. Cancer of the Anus ⅦLIVER 41. Hepatic Abscess and Cystic Disease of the Liver 42. Benign and Malignant Primary Liver Neoplasms 43. Hepatic Colorectal Metastases: Resection,Pumps, and Ablation 44.Perspective on Liver Surgery 45.Portal Hypertension ⅧGALLBLADDER AND BILE DUCTS 993 46. Cholecystitis andCholelithiasis 47.Choledocholithiasis and Cholangitis 48.Choledochal Cyst and Benign BiliaryStrictures 49.Cancer of the Gallbladder and BileDucts 50. Laparoscopic Biliary Procedures ⅨPANCREAS 51.Management of AcutePancreatitis 52.Complications of Acute Pancreatitis (Including Pseudocysts) 53.Chronic Pancreatitis 54.Perspective on Management of Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis 55.Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas 56.Cancers of the Periampullary Region and thePancreas 57.Endocrine Tumors of the Pancreas 58.Perspective on Pancreatic Neoplasms ⅩSPLEEN AND ADRENAL 59.The Spleen 60. Adrenalectomy Index

Maingot腹部手术:英文版 作者简介

津纳(Michael J. Zinner)博士是美国布莱根妇产医院外科主席,同时担任哈佛医学院外科教授,是世界知名的腹部外科专家。
