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Adams-Victor神经病学:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550293618
  • 条形码:9787550293618 ; 978-7-5502-9361-8
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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Adams-Victor神经病学:英文版 本书特色


Adams-Victor神经病学:英文版 内容简介

权威著作 《Adams -Victor神经病学》是几十年来神经病学领域的经典之作,被一般神经科医生誉为该领域*详细、*全面和*权威的著作。内容系统 本书包括了神经病学的诊断方法,神经疾病的主要表现,老年神经疾病相关特点,常见神经疾病的类型,脊髓、外周神经、肌肉疾病,以及精神障碍六个方面,阐述了各种类型的神经疾病和每种类型中的主要疾病。每种疾病均详细介绍了神经功能障碍的症状、体征、解剖和生理基础,以及临床意义。 清晰易读 《Adams-Victor神经病学》一直保持精心编写、严谨陈述、清晰描述的写作初衷,更多地采用图、表陈述内容,从而提高可读性。

Adams-Victor神经病学:英文版 目录

简 目 PART 1: THE CLINICAL METHOD OF NEUROLOGY PART 2: CARDINAL MANIFESTATIONS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE SECTION 1 Disorders of Motility SECTION 2 Pain and Other Disorders of Somatic Sensation,Headache,andBackache SECTION 3 Disorders of the Special Senses SECTION 4 Epilepsy and Disorders of Consciousness SECTION 5 Derangements of Intellect,Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuse and Focal Cerebral Disease SECTION 6 Disorders of Energy, Mood, and Autonomic and Endocrine Functions PART 3: GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE NEUROLOGY OF AGING PART 4: MAJOR CATEGORIES OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE PART 5: Diseases of Spinal Cord,Peripheral Nerve, And Muscle PART 6: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 目 录 Preface Acknowledgments PART 1: THE CLINICAL METHOD OF NEUROLOGY 1 Approach to the Patient with N eurologic Disease 2 Imaging, Electrophysiologic,and Laboratory Techniques for Neurologic Diagnosis PART 2: CARDINAL MANIFESTATIONS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE SECTION 1 Disorders of Motility 3 Motor Paralysis 4 Abnormalities of Movement and Posture Caused by Disease of the Basal Ganglia 5 Ataxia and Disorders of Cerebellar Function 6 Tremor, Myoclonus, Focal Dystonias, and Tics 7 Disorders of Stance and Gait SECTION 2 Pain and Other Disorders of Somatic Sensation,Headache,andBackache 8 Pain 9 Other Somatic Sensation 10 Headache and Other Craniofacial Pains 11 Pain in the Back, Neck, and Extremities SECTION 3 Disorders of the Special Senses 12 Disorders of Smell and Taste 13 Disturbances of Vision 14 Disorders of Ocular Movement and Pupillary Function 15 Deafness, Dizziness, and Disorders of Equilibrium SECTION 4 Epilepsy and Disorders of Consciousness 16 Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders 17 Coma and Related Disorders of Consciousness 18 Faintness and Syncope19 Sleep and Its Abnormalities SECTION 5 Derangements of Intellect,Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuse and Focal Cerebral Disease 20 Delirium and Other Acute Confusional States 21 Dementia, the Amnesic Syndrome, and the Neurology of Intelligence and Memory 22 Neurologic Disorders Caused by Lesions in Specific Parts of the Cerebrum 23 Disorders of Speech and Language SECTION 6 Disorders of Energy, Mood, and Autonomic and Endocrine Functions 24 Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depression 25 The Limbic Lobes and the Neurology of Emotion 26 Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System,Respiration, and Swallowing 27 The Hypothalamus and Neuroendocrine Disorders PART 3: GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND THE NEUROLOGY OF AGING 28 Normal Development and Deviations in Development of the Nervous System 29 The Neurology of Aging PART 4: MAJOR CATEGORIES OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE 30 Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid,Including Hydrocephalus, PseudotumorCerebri, and Low-Pressure Syndromes 31 Intracranial Neoplasms and Paraneoplastic Disorders 32 Infections of the Nervous System (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis 33 Viral Infections of the Nervous System,Chronic Meningitis, and Prion Diseases 34 Cerebrovascular Diseases 35 CraniocerebralTrauma 36 Multiple Sclerosis and Other Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases 37 Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous System 38 Developmental Diseases of the Nervous System 39 D egenerative Diseases of the Nervous System 40 The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous System 41 Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by Nutritional Deficiency 42 Alcohol and Alcoholism 1186 43 Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Chemical Agents PART 5: Diseases of Spinal Cord,Peripheral Nerve, And Muscle 44 Diseases of the Spinal Cord 45 E lectrophysiologic and Laboratory Aids in the Diagnosis of Neuromuscular Disease 46 Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves 47 D iseases of the Cranial Nerves 48 Diseases of Muscle 49 Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction 50 The Myotonias, Periodic Paralyses, Cramps,Spasms, and States of Persistent Muscle Fiber Activity PART 6: PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 51 Anxiety Disorders, Hysteria, and Personality Disorders 52 Depression and Bipolar Disease 53 Schizophrenia, Delusional and Paranoid States Index

Adams-Victor神经病学:英文版 作者简介

Allan H.Ropper是哈佛医学院神经科主任,是全世界神经病学方面最权威的专家。在多家期刊上发表过有影响力的文章,担任《Adams-Victor神经病学》第9版、第10版的主编。并著有多部著作。
