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英语听力入门3000-4-修订版-学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567558014
  • 条形码:9787567558014 ; 978-7-5675-5801-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语听力入门3000-4-修订版-学生用书 本书特色


英语听力入门3000-4-修订版-学生用书 内容简介


英语听力入门3000-4-修订版-学生用书 目录

Unit 1 The Less Traveled PathPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Opting for a slower pace of life in the 21st centuryPart Ⅲ FamilyPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 2 The Changing WomenPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Working mothersPart Ⅲ Mothers and daughtersPart Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 3 Work and WorkforcePart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Americans at workPart Ⅲ Stress managementPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 4 Matching Dreams with EducationPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Education then and now Part III A life-changing eventPart Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 5 Love and HelpPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Anti-AIDS campaignPart Ⅲ Innocence in dangerPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 6 Youth AspirationsPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ British youthPart Ⅲ Young entrepreneursPart Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 7 Why the Problem ?Part Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Why the problem?Part Ⅲ Drug therapyPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 8 Seeing Both SidesPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ A medical question —— should doctors always tell thetruth?Part Ⅲ A radio debatePart ⅣLanguage study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 9 Inside MePart Ⅰ Wanning upPart Ⅱ Roots of rapPart Ⅲ Stuntpeople: Hollywoods heroesPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 10 Your RoundPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ New fashionsPart Ⅲ Humor —— its role in our livesPart Ⅳ Listen and relax Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 11 Managing Personal DevelopmentPart Ⅰ Warming upPart Ⅱ Lateral or vertical?Part Ⅲ Mediation skillsPart Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 12 Review A. A healthy glow? B. Reading dictionaries C. Museum of Questionable Medical Devices D. Home schooling E. Ken Caulkins automated orchestra F. The instinct for keeping useless objects G. Mr Harris comes to see the headmaster F. Video Appreciation Vocabulary Acknowledgements

英语听力入门3000-4-修订版-学生用书 作者简介

