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开本: 32开 页数: 208


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英语听力入门3000-2-修订版-学生用书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567541863
  • 条形码:9787567541863 ; 978-7-5675-4186-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语听力入门3000-2-修订版-学生用书 本书特色


英语听力入门3000-2-修订版-学生用书 内容简介


英语听力入门3000-2-修订版-学生用书 目录

Unit 1 Happy Family Life Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ All you need is love? Part Ⅲ Fit meetings Part Ⅳ A Valentine story Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 2 Shaping and Reshaping Peonality Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Self-esteem Part Ⅲ How to deal with depression and anger? Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skill Represent the Ideas Clear and Clean -- Outlining Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 3 All Can Succeed Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ The road to success Part Ⅲ Good better best Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 4 Getting Ready for the Future Career Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Painting for pay Part Ⅲ Choosing a career Part Ⅳ My pet hate Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 5 Creative Minds Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Scientists of the millennium (Ⅰ) Part Ⅲ Scientists of the millennium (Ⅱ) Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills Letting Things Go--Speed and Vocabulary Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 6 It's Great to Be a Champion Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ They are the champion! Part Ⅲ Luck in the hat Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 7 Leisure Time Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Mozart's music still alive today Part Ⅲ The man with the horn Part Ⅳ Bank Holiday DIY Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 8 Everybody Can Help the Environment Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Campaign California Re-Leaf Part Ⅲ PBS--a biodegradable plastic product Part Ⅳ Short talks on listening skills The "Inverted Pyramid" in News Reporting Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 9 News Ⅰ: Disaste Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ News items Part Ⅲ Torrential storms in Kenya Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 10 News Ⅱ: Health Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Hand washing Part Ⅲ Lifestyle & environmental facto vs cance Part Ⅳ Doctors on the Internet Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 11 News Ⅲ: Space Part Ⅰ Warming up Part Ⅱ Astronomers discover solar system Part Ⅲ Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Part Ⅳ Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video appreciation Unit 12 Review Vocabulary Acknowledgements

英语听力入门3000-2-修订版-学生用书 作者简介

