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气象科学技术的历史探索-第二届气象科技史学术研讨会论文集 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787502951184
  • 条形码:9787502951184 ; 978-7-5029-5118-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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气象科学技术的历史探索-第二届气象科技史学术研讨会论文集 内容简介


气象科学技术的历史探索-第二届气象科技史学术研讨会论文集 目录

序一 加强多学科交叉 促进气象科技史研究序二 依托气象科技史委员会 促进气象教育和干部培训发展天气和气候是多变的名词:戈尔迪之结的理解与预见Weather and Climate as Shape—shifting Nouns:Gordian Knots of Understanding and Prevision“干扰区”:20世纪城市天气和气候研究'Zone of Disturbance':Urban Weather and Climate Research during the Twentieth Century火山喷发和核爆炸对地球气候影响的历史思考The Effects of Volcanic Eruptions and Nuclear Explosions on the Earth's Climate: Historical Considerations气象科技发展历程的若干回顾及启示Reviews and Enlightenments on Meteorological Technology Development in History近百年中国气候变化科学问题的新认识New Understanding of Climate Change in China in this Century上古的授时方法Timing Method in Ancient Times论老庄生态环境思想及其现代意义——从F·卡普拉的感叹说起On Environmental Philosophy of Taoism and Its Modern Sense: From Fritjof Capra's Exclamation二十四节气与《淮南子》关系的探究On Relationship Between Twenty—four Solar Terms and Huai Nan Zi《航海金针》研究Study on Sailing Gold Needles我国先民对晕、虹和蜃的气象认知及其文化影响Halo,Rainbow and Mirage:Weather Cognitive and Cultural Influence in Old China凝固的风——敦煌壁画气象遗珍Solidifieated Wind:Weathered Dunhuang Frescoes宋代的天气预报与日常服务Weather Forecasts and Activities in Song Dynasty霾的历史观照与现实关注——基于毒理学史的霾态问题思考Haze Watch,Yesterday and Today:Haze Problems Pondered in History of Science雨量器及其在古代中国之命运Rain Gauge and Its Destiny in Ancient China山西陶寺古观象台遗址时空探析The Analysis of Time and Space about Taosi Ancient Observatory Site in Shanxi Province人类生物气象学:过去、现在和将来Biometeorology:Its Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow北方暴雨协作研究和谢义炳的学术思想Northern Rainstorm and Xie Yibing's Academic Thoughts关于我国高空探测的一些资料Historical Materials Concerning High Altitude Detection in China中国海洋气象学发展史History of China's Marine Meteorology20世纪数值天气预报发展进程中的创新思维与科学成就Innovation and Achievement in the Growth of Numerical Weather Prediction in 20th Century汉译《阿含经》中的气象学Meteorology in the Agama Sutra(Chinese Version)新中国成立初期策划的两部大型科学丛书及其命运TWO Big Science Series Planned in the 1950S China and Its Fate民国时期岭南大学的气象观测Meteorological Observation in Lingnan University in the Period of the Republic of China民国时期中国气象事业建制化研究Study on Meteorological Service Institution in the Period of the Republic of China中央研究院与中国近代早期气象台站建设研究Study on Academia Sinica and Early Modern Chinese Meteorological Stations Construction鸦片战争前后西方在中国东南沿海的气象观测Meteorological Observation by Western Countries in Southeast China Coast around the Opium War清华大学历史上的气象系(1929—1952年)Historical Meteorological Dept of Tsinghua University(1929—1952)我国气象站基础业务现代化历史上的一幕History Recalls: Two Modernized Business Services of Weather Stations in China菲茨罗伊与《天气学手册——实用气象指南》Fitzroy and The Weather Book: A Manual of Practical Meteorology李约瑟与竺可桢的中国科学史研究Chinese History of Science Research by Joseph Needham and Chu Coching竺可桢的气象思想与实践及其现代启示Chu Coching's Meteorological Thinking and Practice of Meteorology and Its Modern Enlightenment云南气象科学的奠基人——陈一得Chen Yide,a Founder of]Ⅵeteorological Science in Yunnan Province杨惟德及其科学成就述评Yang Weide and Its Scientific Achievements解析气象学史的创新视角——空间观的演变Analysis of Innovative Angle for Meteorology History:Evolution of Space Concept气象科技史学科建设的初步设想Thoughts on the Discipline Construction of Meteorological History中国气象科技史研究中影视节目的作用初探——以气象人物影视记录为例Film and Television Program Functions in China Meteorological History Research:A CaseStudy of Meteorologial Characters in Vidio Record略论中国气象传播的孕育时期(远古至公元前770年)及其基本特点Gestation Stage of China Meteorological Media(Ancient tO 770 BC)and Its Basic Characteristics西方气象科技引进与中国气象事业近代化Introduction of Western Met. Technology and Chinese Met.Service Modernization内蒙古中西部地区农牧交错带形成历史过程与气候脆弱性分析Analysis of the Ectone Between Agriculture and Pasture Areasin Central and Western of Inner Mongolia in Historical Process and Its Climate Vulnerability1482—1486年山西特大旱灾历史研究Historical Research on Big Drought in Shanxi(1482—1486)后记

气象科学技术的历史探索-第二届气象科技史学术研讨会论文集 作者简介

