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西方思想经典 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544632782
  • 条形码:9787544632782 ; 978-7-5446-3278-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

西方思想经典 内容简介


西方思想经典 目录

Unit 1 The Christian Bible
Gospel According to Matthew
Acts of the Apostles
Compare with China
1.Chinese Creation Stories
Supplementary Reading
1.Is Religion Just Organized Superstition? Is Superstition Always Religious?
2.How Is Science Different from Religion?
3.Why I Am Not a Christian
Questions for Discussion

Unit 2 Greek & Roman Sages (1)
Socrates: The Apology
Plato: The Republic
Compare with China
1.Axial Age
Supplementary Reading
Questions for Discussion

Unit 3 Greek & Roman Sages (2)
Aristole: The Politics
Cicero: On the Laws
Compare with China
Great Learning and The Mean
Supplementary Reading
Marcus TuUius Cicero Quotes
Questions for Discussion

Unit 4 Medieval Christian Church Fathers
St.Augustine: The Enchiridion
Thomas Aquinas: Summa Contra Gentiles
Compare with China
Neo-Confucianism and Later Confucian Philosophy
Supplementary Reading
1.Common Characteristics of Scholasticism
2.St.Thomas Aquinas
Questions for Discussion

Unit 5 Renaissance Adventurers
Christopher Columbus: Journal and Letter
Nicolb Machiavelli: The Prince
Compare with China
The Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese Seapower
Supplementary Reading
1.No Cheers for Columbus
2.Conservatives Hail for Columbus
Questions for Discussion

Unit 6 Religious Reformation
Compare with China
Wang Yangming and Matteo Ricci's Progression to China
Supplementary Reading
Excerpts of the 95 Theses
Questions for Discussion

Unit 7 Modern Scientific Thinking (1)
Francis Bacon: Novum Organum
Rene Descartes: Discourse on Method
Compare with China
Matteo Ricci: The Art of Printing
Supplementary Reading
Calculating Machines in China and Europe in the 17th Century —— The Western View
Questions for Discussion

Unit 8 Modern Scientific Thinking (2)
Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
Isaac Newton: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Optics
Compare with China
Development of Science in Ancient China
Supplementary Reading
Critical Thinking
Questions for Discussion

Unit 9 Modern PolitJcal Science
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
John Locke: Of Civil Govemment
Compare with China
1.Confucianism and Human Dignity: Toward a Balanced View of Rights and Duty
2.Locke Talking about China and the Chinese
Supplementary Reading
1.Political Controversies in the 17th Century England
2.Charles I: Speech Before Execution (January 30,1649)
Questions for Discussion

Unit 10 Classical Liberalism
Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
Compare with China
1.Western Images of China
2.Qianlong Meets Macartney: Collision of Two World Views
Supplementary Reading
1.The Declaration of Independence
2.United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
Questions for Discussion

Unit 11 Anti-Liberalism
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Discourse on the Moral Effects of the
Arts and Sciences
Friedrich Nietzsche: The Will to Power
Compare with China
From Western Liberalism to Asian Communitarianism
Supplementary Reading
1.Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France
2.Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Questions for Discussion

Unit 12 Evolutionists
Thomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population
Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species (1859)
Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man
Compare with China
The Warning Voice of Social Darwinism in Early 20th Century China
Supplementary Reading
1.Autobiography of Charles Darwin
2.Piltdown Man Forgery
Questions for Discussion

Unit 13 Socialism and Communism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party
Eduard Bernstein: Evolutionary Socialism
Compare with China
1.Karl Marx on China
Supplementary Reading
1.Study Guide for The Communist Manifesto
2.V.I.Lenin: Marxism and Revisionism
Questions for Discussion

Unit 14 Early 20th Century: Man & Society
Sigmund Freud: An Outline of Psychoanalysis
John Dewey: Liberalism and Social Action
Compare with China
John Dewey as a Learner in China
Supplementary Reading
1.Freud on the Couch
2.Early Education in China
Questions for Discussion

Unit 15 Science & Religion
Bertrand Russell: A Free Man's Worship
Alfred North Whitehead: Science and the Modern World (1925)
Compare with China
Bertrand Russell: Chinese and Western Civilization Contrasted
Supplementary Reading
Alfred North Whitehead on Education
Questions for Discussion

Unit 16 Man & Woman: Modern Existence
Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism
Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex
Compare with China
The First Glimpses of China
Supplementary Reading
2.Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own
Questions for Discussion