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跨文化交际与地球村民 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787040469899
  • 条形码:9787040469899 ; 978-7-04-046989-9
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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跨文化交际与地球村民 内容简介

  《iCourse·课程:跨文化交际与地球村民/大学英语应用类课程系列》基于“知行合一”的跨文化交际模式,遵循循序渐进、与时俱进、学以致用的原则。通过对中西方文化异同的展示和分析,努力剖析其中蕴涵的深层文化根源,提供丰富的跨文化交际语境,引导学生发现问题之源,培养分析问题和解决问题的能力,增强多元文化意识,克服民族文化中心主义,提高跨文化交际能力。我们围绕主题,精心选择每一篇文章,用心设计每一个练习,并根据多年积累的跨文化交际教学的经验和使用《iCourse·课程:跨文化交际与地球村民/大学英语应用类课程系列》的体会,参考和整合了国内外新素材,推出了这本与“爱课程”相匹配、供高等学校非英语专业本科学生使用的教材。  《iCourse·课程:跨文化交际与地球村民/大学英语应用类课程系列》南十个主题构成十个单元。前七个单元与“爱课程”上的七个讲课专题一一对应,依次是:全球化与跨文化交际、交际与文化、言语交际、非言语交际、文化价值观、文化休克和跨文化交际能力。从第八单元起的后三个单元是全新的内容,依次是:教育中的跨文化交际、商业中的跨文化交际、网络中的跨文化交际。《iCourse·课程:跨文化交际与地球村民/大学英语应用类课程系列》各单元既独立成章,又前后贯通,环环紧扣,从理论到实践,无不体现出编者的用心良苦。每个单元由四个模块组成:Warmup,Readings,Exercises,and Additional Reading。我们从引出主题、导入主题内容,再到练习和拓展,力求从不同视角介绍和探讨跨文化交际的主要内容和一些重要问题,也给学有余力的学生对同一主题提供了进一步研修的阅读文献。每单元的练习又分为四个部分:Cultural Quiz,Group Discussion,Intercultural Practice,和Case Studies,内容丰富,趣味性、互动性、操作性均很强,可供学生课内外讨论或实践。希望通过这些环节的训练,促使学生主动把跨文化交际知识转化为有效得体的跨文化交际行为,真正做到知行合一,知行并进,行其所知,知其所行,全面提高自身的综合素养,在全球化时代做个合格的地球村民。

跨文化交际与地球村民 目录

Unit 1 Globalization and Intercultural
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 What Is Globalization
Passage 2 Thinking Globally
Passage 3 What Is Intercultural Communication
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Jack Ma Brings Alibaba to the U.S.

Unit2 Communication and Culture
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 A Wide-Angle View of Communication
Passage 2 What Culture Means to Us
Passage 3 Images of Culture
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Functions of Culture

Unit3 VerbaICommunication
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 Verbal Language in Intercultural Communication
Passage 2 Direct and Indirect Communication Styles
Passage 3 Addressing People
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Cultural Differences in Verbal Communication

Unit4 NonverbaICommunication
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 The Basics of Nonverbal Communication
Passage 2 Kinesics and Proxemics
Passage 3 Paralanguage and Chronemics
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Do's and Taboos: Cultural Aspects of International Business

Unit 5 CulturaIValues
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 The Role of Values in Intercultural Communication
Passage 2 Patterns of Friendship
Passage 3 Family Structure
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Hofstede-Bond Research on CulturalValue Orientations

Unit 6 Culture Shock
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 What Is Culture Shock
Passage 2 Symptoms and Effects of Culture Shock
Passage 3 Constructing Adaptive Cultural Transformation Competence
Part3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Why Is Reverse Culture Shock Worse Than Culture Shock

Unit 7 Intercultural Communication Competence
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 Intercultural Communication Competence
Passage 2 Potential Barriers to Effective Intercultural Communication
Passage 3 Improving Intercultural Communication
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Cultural Literacy: Understanding and Respect for the Cultural Aspects of Sustainability

Unit 8 Intercultural Communication for Education
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 Intercultural Communication in Higher Education Context: Pedagogical and Personal Imperatives
Passage 2 Intercultural Pedagogy: The Role of Education in Intercultural Communication
Passage 3 Multicultural Education: Learning Styles in a Multicultural Classroom
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Chinese Students Adjust to American Education: When East Meets West, Differences Abound

Unit 9 Intercultural Communication for Business
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 Cross-Cultural Solutions for International Business
Passage 2 Ten Strategies for Success Abroad
Passage 3 Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Culture in Advertising

Unit 10 Intercultural Communication For Cyberspace
Part 1 Warm Up
Part 2 Readings
Passage 1 Living Language
Passage 2 The Impact of New Media on Intercultural Communication
Passage 3 The Role of Social Media in Intercultural Learning
Part 3 Exercises
Part 4 Additional Reading
Globalization, Networking and Intercultural Communication


跨文化交际与地球村民 节选

  《iCourse·课程:跨文化交际与地球村民/大学英语应用类课程系列》:  In North America,I am regarded as a visible minority due to my Asianappearance.In order to maintain my L2 social identity,i.e.,to be acceptedas a member of the target culture,which was a very important factor tothe success of my professional career,I made extra efforts to improve mycommunication skills and mannerism in communication encounters.Due tomy cultural adaptation,I am often taken or mistaken for a Chinese American.While being identified as a Chinese American can be a symbol of success ofacculturation,it is not necessarily so within the Chinese community.I found ithard to be Americanized when I was with my Chinese friends.For instance, inan only—Chinese group,speaking English would be regarded as odd or showingoff;likewise, dressing like Americans would be thought of as being alienatedfrom the Chinese inner group.  Sometimes,I preferred to reveal my Chinese ethnic identity amongAmerican friends,or mixed groups when talking about something I was veryproud of,such as Chinese ethnic food which I knew how to cook from home,and China's long history with numerous dynasties.Sometimes,I preferredto conceal my Chinese ethnic identity when the topic under discussion wassomething for which China was often being criticized,like its treatment ofdissiclents,and the bureaucracy of the government.  ……
