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5周提升全球化英语竞争力 版权信息

5周提升全球化英语竞争力 本书特色


5周提升全球化英语竞争力 内容简介


5周提升全球化英语竞争力 目录

Part 1 风俗文化
001 西洋新年除夕 New Year Countdown
Have you thought about…? 你想过…吗?
002 农历新年 Chinese / Lunar New Year / Spring Festival
I’m calling to… 我打电话来…
003 发送∕收红包 Gift Money / Red Envelope
Generally speaking... 一般来说…
004 情人节 Valentine’s Day
I’ve made up my mind to… 我已经决定…
005 圣派翠克节 Saint Patrick’s Day
This is the first time… **次…
006 复活节 Easter
used to be… 曾经是…
007 母亲节 Mother’s Day
instead of… 而不是…
008 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
in memory of… 为纪念…
009 舞龙舞狮 Lion & Dragon Dance
What (a / an ) 形容词 名词
010 国庆烟火∕花车游行 Independence Day
I hope I can… 我希望能…
011 万圣节 Halloween
Can you believe (that)... 你相信…吗
012 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival / Moon Festival
It's a tradition to… …是传统风俗
013 感恩节 Thanksgiving
take for granted... 想当然,认为理所当然
014 圣诞节 Christmas
is one of the *** 名词复数 *…的之一
015 拆圣诞礼物 Boxing Day
As matter of fact… 实际上…
016 将士阵亡纪念日 Memorial Day
It is well-known that… 众所周知…
017 生日派对 Birthday Party
The more…the more… 愈…,愈…
018 睡衣派对 Slumber Party
It sounds like… 听起来…
019 到朋友家作客 Potluck Party
It happened that… 碰巧…
020 打工赚零用钱 Part-time Job
I can’t afford to… 我不能∕负担不起…
021 准妈妈(**)派对 Baby Shower
prefer…to… 相比于…,更喜欢…
022 新娘**派对 Bridal Shower / Bachelorette Party
due to… 由于…
023 告别单身派对 Bachelor Party
for reasons of 因…理由;为…缘故
024 参加婚宴 Attending a Wedding
be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
025 参加葬礼 Attending a Funeral
regardless of… 不管…

Part 2 生活娱乐
026 讨论电影 Talking about Movies
as far as I’m concerned… 就我而言…
027 听演唱会∕乐团表演 At a Rock Convert
no doubt... 毫无疑问…
028 艺术展览 At an Exhibition
What kind of... 什么样的…
029 海洋世界 At an Ocean Park / Aquarium
can’t wait to do... 迫不及待…
030 游乐园 At an Amusement Park
Let me see if... 让我看看是否…
031 参加旅游展 At a Travel Fair
It is said that... 据说…
032 公园野餐 At a Picnic
make sure... 确保…;务必…
033 逛逛书店 At a Bookstore
An advantage of... is ... …的好处是…
034 观看足球比赛 At a Football Match
Haven't you heard of... 难道你没听说过…吗?
035 健身房健身 Working Out at a Gym
How should I... 我该如何…
036 棋牌游戏 Playing Board Games
not... until... 直到…才…
037 乐透彩券中大奖 Winning the Lottery
On the contrary... 正好相反….
038 购买智能型手机 Buying a Smartphone
Do you think it necessary to... 你认为有必要…吗?
039 随手拍照 Taking Random Pictures
Be popular among… …深受…的欢迎
040 骑单车兜风 Riding a Bike
To put it bluntly... 直截了当地说…
041 碰到车祸 At the Scene of an Accident
as soon as possible... 尽快…
042 感冒看医生 Going to the Doctor
be careful of... 小心∕注意…
043 夜市杀价 Bargaining at a Night Market
Don’t waste time doing… 不要浪费时间做…
044 车库拍卖 At a Garage Sale
Have you considered doing… 你有没有考虑过做…
045 美发沙龙 At a Hair Salon
Do you have any good ways to… 你有没有…好的办法?
046 讨论服装 Talking about Fashions
For my part... 我个人认为…;就我来说…
047 酒吧点酒 At a Bar
Have you ever been to… 你曾经去过…吗?
048 上钢琴课 Taking a Piano Lesson
...spare no effort to do... 不遗余力地做…
049 咖啡店 At a Coffee Shop
Tell me more about… 再谈谈…吧!
050 吃到饱的自助餐 At a Buffet
To be frank / honest ... 老实说…;说实话…

Part 3 旅游须知
051 旅游计划 Planning a Trip
How soon will… 还有多长时间…?
052 洽询旅行社 Contacting a Travel Agency
I’m getting a little concerned about... 我对…有点担忧
053 订机票、订饭店 Booking Hotels & Tickets
It’s a pity that… 可惜的是…;遗憾的是…
054 申请签证 Applying for a Visa
That’s the best way to … 这是…的*好办法。
055 打包行李 Packing Luggage
What surprised me is that... 令我吃惊的是…
056 机场登记 Checking In at the Airport
It doesn't make sense to… …没有任何意义;…不合理
057 行李托运 Check-in Luggage
You are (not) permitted to... (不)允许你….
058 机上服务 In-Flight Service
both…and… 两者都…
059 飞机降落 Touching Down
You should pay attention to… 你应该注意…
060 海关入境 Custom Arrival
It’s conceivable that... 可想而知…
061 领取行李 Baggage Claim
It’s hard to imagine… 很难想象…
062 行李遗失 Lost Baggage
I didn’t expect to... 我没想到….
063 地铁站 At a Subway Station
How should I... 我该如何…
064 饭店住房及退房 Hotel Check-In & Check-Out
When will it be convenient for you to... 你看什么时候方便…
065 要求换房间 Changing a Hotel Room
sorry to bother you, but... 很抱歉打扰你,可是….
066 客房服务 Room Service
Would you be so kind as to... 能否请你…
067 寻找景点 Asking for Directions
Could you do me a favor and… 能否请你帮我一个忙…
068 钞票兑换 Currency Exchange
Don’t tell me… 不会是…吧!
069 试穿衣物 Trying on Clothes
I can almost say… 我甚至可以说…
070 退换物品 Asking for a Refund
I’m grateful for... 我对…特别感激
071 租车 Renting a Car
Is there anything else that... 还有别的…吗?
072 被警察盘查 Being Questioned by the Police
In a word... 总之…
073 碰到诈骗集团 Fraud Alert
you’d better... 你*好…
074 给予小费 Giving Tips
I think it is a waste of money / time doing... 我觉得…是浪费钱∕时间
075 买纪念品 Buying Souvenir
I sincerely hope that... 我真诚地希望…

Part 4 职场生活 Occupation
076 询问职缺 Inquiring about Job Openings
call for… …要求∕需要…
077 面试预约 Interview Appointment
let me know if… 如果…,请告诉我。
078 参加面试 At a Job Interview
My goal is… 我的目标是…
079 询问结果 Inquiring about Interview Status
I’m determined to 我下定决心…
080 员工训练 New Employee Orientation Program
you need to… 你需要…
081 介绍新进人员 Welcoming New Co-workers
It’s my pleasure to… 很高兴
082 加班 Working Overtime
Unfortunately, I have to… 不幸的是,我不得不…
083 请假与换班 Taking Leave from Work
I wonder if… 我想知道是否…
084 工作报告 Giving a Progress Report
Is there enough…? 有足够的…?
085 推销产品 Promoting Products
be proud of… 以…为骄傲
086 产品保固 Warranty Deed
We guarantee… 我们保证…
087 升迁 Getting Promoted Work
Let’s celebrate… 让我们庆祝…
088 要求加薪 Negotiating a Raise
Now that… 既然…∕由于…
089 会议通知 Giving Notice of a Meeting
We are going to… 我们将要…
090 电话会议 Setting up a Conference Call
In that case… 既然这样…
091 接到客诉电话 Customer Service
I’m looking forward to… 我盼望着…
092 电话留言 Taking a Message
May I…? 我可以…吗?
093 出差安排 Planning a Business Trip
What’s more… 况且,…∕此外,…
094 机场迎接 Airport Pickup
on behalf of… 代表…
095 招待晚宴 Hosting a Business Dinner
No wonder… 难怪…
096 签订合约 Signing a Contract
I’m satisfied with… 我对…很满意
097 夸奖和批评员工 Criticism and Compliment
Never did… 从未…
098 工作压力 Work-related Stress
On no account… 从不…
099 辞职 Resigning from a Job
I regret that… 我很遗憾…∕很抱歉…
100 公司裁员 Reducing Staff
not…but… 不是…而是…

Part 5 校园教育
101 申请学校 Applying for a School
I suggest that... 我建议…
102 新生训练 Student Orientation
I'm glad to… 我很高兴…
103 家庭背景 Family Background
Could you...? 你能…吗?
104 申请课程 Adding a Course
It is (high) time… (早)该…了。
105 退选课程 Dropping a Course
except for... 除了…(之外)
106 讨论教学大纲 Course Syllabus
What is / are...like? …怎么样?
107 参观校园 Campus Tour
There is going to be… 将有…
108 宿舍生活 Dormitory Life
Have you…since… 自从…,…过吗?
109 在外租公寓 Living off Campus
Would you like to… 你…好吗?
110 准备考试 Studying for a Test
Shall we…? 我们…好吗?
111 参加社团 Joining a College Society
have a chance to… 有机会…
112 申请奖学金 Applying for a Scholarship
It is required that… 要求…
113 办理借书证 Applying for a Library Card
How long will it take to…? …要多长时间?
114 借书逾期未还 Overdue Book Notice
I’m afraid… 恐怕…
115 邀请别人参加舞会 Inviting Someone to a Party
I’m thinking of… 我正在考虑…
116 准备报告 Prepare a Report
get ready for… 准备…
117 心理咨询 Going to See a Therapist
Why don't you…? 你为什么不…?
118 期末考 Studying for a Final Exam
It’s no use… …是没有用的。
119 学科被当 Failing a Course
I’d like to, but… 我很想,但是…
120 校园的霸凌现象 Bullying in Schools
I’m not sure… 我不确定…
121 体罚 Corporal Punishment
be not allowed to… 不允许某人…
122 家长教师交流会 Parent-Teacher Conference
More importantly… 更重要的是…
123 学校正式舞会 Formal Dance
bound to… 肯定…
124 收到成绩单 Receiving a Transcript
As I just mentioned... 正如我刚才提到过的…
125 毕业典礼 At a Graduation Ceremony
As I see it… 在我看来…

5周提升全球化英语竞争力 作者简介

