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感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集.基础篇 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787518032419
  • 条形码:9787518032419 ; 978-7-5180-3241-9
  • 装帧:70g轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集.基础篇 本书特色

《感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 基础篇》共有五章,内容涉及哲理、励志、生活、情感和休闲。其中哲理类的文章都是从各种容易忽视的小事中让你体会到人生的哲理,具有见微知著的效果;励志类的文章能让你体会励志回声,在生活、学习、工作中激起继续前行的力量;生活类的文章讲述生活各方面的事情和道理,通过各种生活的体现,给阅历尚浅的读者增加生活阅历;情感类的文章或讲述友情,或讲述亲情,或讲述爱情,或讲述对情感的领悟,内容丰富,情感细腻;休闲类的文章可谓包罗万象,糅合了各种题材和内容,精彩纷呈。本书包含的每一篇美文都适合背诵记忆。如你能在日常的学习中信手拈来书中的优美词句,肯定会帮助你在英语学习中脱颖而出。

感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集.基础篇 内容简介

《感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集 基础篇》共有五章,内容涉及哲理、励志、生活、情感和休闲。其中哲理类的文章都是从各种容易忽视的小事中让你体会到人生的哲理,具有见微知著的效果

感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集.基础篇 目录

**章 Philosophy of Life 人生哲学 001 Lesson 1 Poor or Rich 002 Lesson 2 Three Fish Brothers in Shallow Water 005 Lesson 3 Daughter and Daughter-in-law 008 Lesson 4 Life Is Like a Cafeteria 011 Lesson 5 A Boy and Nails 014 Lesson 6 Don’t Lower Your Standards 017 Lesson 7 It Makes a Difference 019 Lesson 8 The Value of Time 022 Lesson 9 Enjoy Your Day with Gratitude 025 Lesson 10 Don’t Judge a Life by One Difficult Season 028 Lesson 11 Growing Flowers in Your Heart 031 Lesson 12 A Tragedy or a Blessing 034 Lesson 13 Love and Time 037 Lesson 14 God’s Boxes 041 Lesson 15 Lesson from the Moon 044 Lesson 16 You Handle Your Own Life 047 Lesson 17 The Importance of Being Silly 050 Lesson 18 On Friendship 053 Lesson 19 True Nobility 056 Lesson 20 We’re Just Beginning 059 第二章 Never Give Up 永不言弃 063 Lesson 21 The Biggest Secret of Success 064 Lesson 22 Honesty Is the Best Policy 066 Lesson 23 Never Give Up Hope 069 Lesson 24 Remember to Say “Thank You!” 072 Lesson 25 Don’t Give In to Hard Times! 075 Lesson 26 I Want, I Do, I Get 078 Lesson 27 Real Courage 081 Lesson 28 Never Stop to Grow Up 084 Lesson 29 Two Oaks 087 Lesson 30 It Takes Strength 090 Lesson 31 The Eagle in a Storm 093 Lesson 32 Failure Doesn’t Mean 096 Lesson 33 The Ford Determination 099 Lesson 34 Let Love Grow in the Heart 102 Lesson 35 Journey 105 Lesson 36 Working On with Faith 109 Lesson 37 Catching the Star in Your Life 112 Lesson 38 The Meanings and Secrets of Success 115 Lesson 39 You Are Really Blessed 118 Lesson 40 Spare no Efforts in Doing Things 121 第三章 A Happy Life 幸福生活 125 Lesson 41 The Joy of Living 126 Lesson 42 In This Life, What Did You Miss? 128 Lesson 43 Living a Life of Love 130 Lesson 44 Dream What You Want to Dream 133 Lesson 45 The Cost of Dishonesty 135 Lesson 46 Try to Remember the Good Things 138 Lesson 47 Make the Best of You 141 Lesson 48 Don’t Lose the Child that Still Lives Within You 144 Lesson 49 Nice Surprises 147 Lesson 50 Admitting Guilt 151 Lesson 51 Life Is Full of Surprises 154 Lesson 52 Where the Time Is 157 Lesson 53 A Beautiful Dress 160 Lesson 54 Following a Dream 163 Lesson 55 The Hardest Lesson Was to Believe In Myself 165 Lesson 56 Love What You Do, Do What You Love 168 Lesson 57 When the Wind Blows 171 Lesson 58 Write Your Own Life 175 Lesson 59 Thanks for Everything 178 Lesson 60 The Hidden Gold 181 第四章 Gifts from the Heart 来自内心的礼物 185 Lesson 61 The Christmas Present 186 Lesson 62 Do Not Wait ... 189 Lesson 63 Sand and Stone 192 Lesson 64 The More Loving One 195 Lesson 65 Forever Friend 198 Lesson 66 Be with People When You Are Sad 201 Lesson 67 You Are You 204 Lesson 68 Love Is a Two-way Street 207 Lesson 69 A Father’s Love 210 Lesson 70 Love Without Measure 214 Lesson 71 When You Were … 216 Lesson 72 Of Making Friends 220 Lesson 73 Gifts from the Heart 223 Lesson 74 A Key to Happiness 226 Lesson 75 Develop Your Own Helping Rituals 229 Lesson 76 Love Is Just a Thread 232 Lesson 77 These Things Shall Never Die 235 Lesson 78 The Most Valuable Offering 238 Lesson 79 Don’t Get the Candle Unlighted 241 Lesson 80 Be Thankful 244 第五章 Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms面朝大海,春暖花开 247 Lesson 81 Work and Play 248 Lesson 82 The Flower in the Desert 251 Lesson 83 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 254 Lesson 84 Moonlight Sonata 257 Lesson 85 Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms 260 Lesson 86 The Happy Door 263 Lesson 87 I Wish 266 Lesson 88 The Furthest Distance in the World 269 Lesson 89 I Remember, I Remember 272 Lesson 90 Twelve Sincere Smiles 275 Lesson 91 The Nice Flowers 278 Lesson 92 The First Snow 280 Lesson 93 Romantic Summer 282 Lesson 94 Youth 285 Lesson 95 Think Positive Thoughts Every Day 288 Lesson 96 When You Meet a Boy Wearing No Coat 291

感动世界的文字:英语小故事大全集.基础篇 作者简介

