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我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787220099960
  • 条形码:9787220099960 ; 978-7-220-09996-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 本书特色


我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 内容简介

为8-14岁孩子量身订做的发明专书 ·世界科技出版巨头——美国威利父子公司出版,畅销美国10年,原版引进 ·全美青少年发明家名人堂、美国科学教师协会倾情推荐 ·一级作家、著名科普作家叶永烈倾情推荐并作序.

我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 目录

前 言 001 第1章 获得一个好创意 003寻找需要解决的问题 004把问题拆分成几个小部分 006思考自己有兴趣改进的部分 007考虑解决一个社区问题 011想想他人的需求 013通过调查研究发现创意 016为你的发现赋予实用性 019你的想法算发明吗? 021练习 021 第2章 坚持写日记、发明日志和报告 024日志和日记 024报告 035把发明日志、日记和报告作为展示的一部分 036练习 037 第3章 制作模型 038将构思画成草图 040列出所需的材料 041列出所需的工具 042估算成本 042掌握好已有的技能,学习新的技能 042搭建工作间 043寻求帮助,确保安全 044制作比例模型 047练习 048 第4章 给你的发明命名 052用你自己的名字来命名 052根据发明的用途来命名 053以修辞技巧来命名 054根据声响来命名 056根据手感命名 056为你的发明起个醒目的名字 056练习 058 第5章  参加与发明相关的比赛、项目及营地活动 059参与发明比赛的益处 060为比赛做准备 060练习 068 第6章  团队协作促发明 069合作与妥协 069小团队 073大团队 074练习 076 第7章  在导师指导下学习 078导师的指导作用 078校园导师计划 081来自商业领域的导师 082练习 085 第8章  注册专利 086如何让发明成为专利 086专利搜索 087专利类型 090专利申请 094专利侵权 095练习 098 第9章  注册商标 100商标的世界 100商标的符号 101商标的类别 101申请商标 102注册商标比申请专利更具优势 104练习 106 第10章 挖掘发明的商业价值 107产品开发 110寻找合适的生产厂商 113推销你的发明 114为你的发明授权 116练习 120 附录一 推荐阅读书目 121 附录二 实用网站 123 附录三 发明比赛、项目和营地活动 125

我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 相关资料

一级作家、著名科普作家叶永烈:与其给你黄金,不如给你点石成金的手指头。这本《我是发明家》不仅仅告诉各位青少年朋友曾经有过什么样的发明,而是一本富有启发的书,启发你的思索,启发你的灵感,启发你去创新,启发你成为发明家。以下书评:4.0 out of 5 starsGreat for the kid who's already inventing!By Jeffrey K. Ericson on July 21, 2013Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseFirst, I'm probably not the target audience for this book - I've got a 5-year-old who loves inventing, and has been making 'ventions' since he was 3. I was hoping for a book with ideas and inspiration to challenge him with something more substantial than construction paper and paper-towel tubes. I still haven't found that book.
THIS book, however, will be GREAT when he turns 8 or 9 and is ready to look outward - trying to figure out what to do with his inventions, whether selling, patenting, refining, or simply looking for examples of inventors. The book is strong on the 'inventor' side and a little less so on the 'invention' side. Also probably a little weak on the illustration side for this day and age. The book could probably support twice as many images. By RobertsReviews on January 12, 2009:My youngest daughter loves to come up with new ideas but has no idea how to implement them or whether she is on the right track. This book has helped her focus her creativity in a more productive manner. She is now more focused and realistic about her ideas whereas before many of her ideas were impossible or just off the wall. 5.0 out of 5 starsKids Inventing is Terrific!!!!By Thomas Leo Ogren on September 16, 2005Format: PaperbackI really love Kids Inventing!, THE handbook for young inventors. Written by that expert on invention (also see author Susan Casey's excellent book, Women Invent!), this is a book about inventions by kids, and it's written to be read and used by kids.
Easy to read, full of first-rate practical advice, with lots of good photos and charts, this book will be especially useful not only for all those young inventors out there, but also for their teachers. I'm a teacher myself, and am always on the lookout for books that encourage children to think big, to explore what could be, to use their imagination...and Kids Inventing! is exactly this kind of inspiring book.
The advice on patents and trademarks alone is well worth the price of the book. There is a great deal too, of interesting history throughout. The sections on awards, invention fairs, science fairs, contests, camps...all of these add to the completely practical aspect of Kids Inventing! Author Casey guides the reader step-by-step, always encouraging, always guiding with a sure hand.
Kids Inventing! is sure to be a big hit with the brightest, highest achieving students....but I believe that it will also be of plenty of interest to most kids. This one ought to be in every school library...shot it ought to be in all the classrooms! Highly recommended. 5.0 out of 5 starsGreat bookMy nephew loves this book. He's ten and is an inventor in the making. He's also a very good reader for his age and the book was written in suitable language for a 10-12 year old.Published on December 26, 2012 by Kholt

我是发明家-赋予青少年创造力的实战手册 作者简介

作者苏珊·凯茜(Susan Casey),《我是发明家》《女性发明家:影响世界的200年发明》等书的作者。作为记者,其报道出现在《发明文摘》《美国文献》《洛杉矶时报》《旧金山纪实报》等报刊上。 苏珊·凯茜勤于笔耕,小学7年级就有文章在杂志上发表,大学毕业后便以写作和教书为业。 《我是发明家》出版后,她在美国成功举办了多场演讲,如休斯敦论坛、蒙大拿教育家会议、洛杉矶公立图书馆、夏洛特·哈克儿童文学节、蒙大拿天才教育协会、加州大学伯克利分校等。 译者 上海外国语大学英语语言文学硕士,2006年至2008年就职于四川人民出版社,四川新华文轩集团,任外文编辑;2008年至2013年就职于华为技术有限公司,任英语翻译;2013年至今,从事自由翻译、编辑和组稿策划。译著有《中国特色社会主义的形成与发展》(第三译者)、《超堡队——美军第20航空队与中国人民共同抗战图集 (上下卷)》(第一译者),与上海译文出版社合作翻译希拉里•曼斯菲尔德短篇小说集《学说话》、勒卡雷小说《微妙的真相》(2016年出版),与人民文学出版社合作翻译戴安娜•赛特菲尔德小说《风鸦》(2016年出版),与江苏文艺出版社合作翻译“卡夫卡短篇小说”、《甘地自传》(均已于2014年出版)。
