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论语新解全译-英汉对照 版权信息

论语新解全译-英汉对照 本书特色

和目前市场已有的外文版《论语》相比较,林戊 荪编*的《论语新解全译》在内容上相当丰富。除以 主题为线索重新编排《论语》的内容外,还分别将西 方哲人,如柏拉图、苏格拉底等人与孔子在命运、思 想主张等方面进行比较,同时还将整理出中西方思想 家和学者对孔子的评价。通过《论语》的内容、西方 哲人与孔子的比较、中西方思想家和学者对孔子的评 价等,全面立体地展示孔子思想。此外,为增加实用 性,本书还精选了《论语》中被引用频率*高的语句 、《论语》文章的术语翻译,对于广大英语学习者来 说,也具有很高的参考意义。

论语新解全译-英汉对照 内容简介


论语新解全译-英汉对照 目录

I.Humaneness(仁ren)§1.1 What constitutes humaneness and what does not?§1.2 How to achieve humaneness.§1.3 What are its main manifestations?§1.4 The humaneness of the humane person. II.Ritual Propriety——Social Mores,Etiquette,Customs and Rules Governing SocialRelationship§2.1 Relationship between humaneness and ritual propriety.§2.2 The essence of ritual propriety.§2.3 Ritual propriety as the basis of good governance.§2.4 Continuity of ritual propriety. III.Music(乐yue)and poetry(诗sbi)and theirrelationship with ritual propriety IV.Other Confucian Values §4.1 Virtue/Virtuosity(德de).§4.2 The method ofthe mean(中庸zhongyong).§4.3 Harmony(和he).§4.4 Loyalty(忠zhong)and Forbearance(恕shu).§4.5 Trust(信xin),mutual trust among people and beingtruthful to one’S own words.§4.6 Justice/Appropriateness/Righteousness(义yi).§4.7 Rectification of names(正名zhengming).§4.8 Wisdom(智zhi).§4.9 Filial Piety(孝xiao).§4.10 Aspiration(志zhi).§4.11 Bravery(勇yong). V.On friendship(友you)and the right way toconduct oneself and deal with others VI.Comments on Philosophical Issues§6.1 The Way(道dao).§6.2 Life andDeath/Time.§6.3 Heaven(天tian)and Mandate ofHeaven(天命tianming).§6.4 Gods and spirits.§6.5 Human Nature(人性renxin). VII.Learning(学xue)and teaching§7.1 Learning the“six arts(六艺liuyi)”.§7.2 Learning for self-improvement(striving to improveone’s moral character).§7.3 Method of learning.§7.4 Attitude of learning and teaching.§7.5 Method of teaching.§7.6 No discrimination in student admission. VIII.Governance(政zheng)§8.1 Humaneness as its guiding principle.§8.2 Rule by virtue rather than rule by punishment.§8.3 Rulers as role-models.§8.4 Importance of selecting the right people as administrators.§8.5 Significance of providing the right kinds of educationforthe people.§8.6 Other requirements. IX.Man of honor(君子Junzi)VS.thepetty—minded man(小人Xiaoren)§9.1 Whatmakesone aman ofhonor—criteriaforbeingaJunzi.§9.2 Traits of the petty—minded man.§9.3 Difference between fl man ofhonor and a petty—minded person. X.Role and Duty of Scholar/ofIicial(士sbi)§10.1 Scholar/Official(shi).§10.2 Ru(儒)/Hermit(隐士)/Good person(善人). XI.Confucius’Comments§11.1 About the time he lived in and before.§11.2 About historical and contemporary figures.§11.3 About current and historical events. XII.Confucius’comments about himself andhow he behaved in difierent situations§12.1 About himself.§12.2 How he behaved in different situations. XIII.Confucius’Disciples§13.1 What they said about Confucius during his lifetime.§13.2 What they said about Confucius after his death.§13.3 Their interpretations of Confucius’core ideas.§l3.4 What Confucius said about his disciples andhow he evaluated them. XIV.Miscellaneous topics which do not belongto any of above categories