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BBC新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787512419995
  • 条形码:9787512419995 ; 978-7-5124-1999-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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BBC新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 本书特色

  本书根据外语学习的科学原理精心打造,旨在为英语学习者提供quanwei的学习资料,选取了BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation,英国广播公司)zui新新闻,题材广泛,涉及时事、金融、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,从体例上分为跟读模仿与听写提高两章,为读者量身打造科学的学习步骤,帮助读者在短时间内全方位参透新闻精华,实现英语能力质的飞跃!

BBC新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 内容简介

本书根据外语学习的科学原理精心打造,旨在为英语学习者提供权威的学习资料,选取了BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation,英国广播公司)*新新闻,题材广泛,涉及时事、金融、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,从体例上分为跟读模仿与听写提高两章,为读者量身打造科学的学习步骤。

BBC新闻轻松听-每天2分钟 目录

Part One 跟读模仿篇

Chapter 1The People’s Livelihood民生万象

Hidden Tradition ofFrench Chefs to Prep Cooks / 4


Virgin Group AllowsEmployees to Take Holiday as They Like / 7


380 People Rescuedfrom Avalanches in the Himalayas / 10
Part One 跟读模仿篇 Chapter 1The People’s Livelihood民生万象 Hidden Tradition of French Chefs to Prep Cooks / 4 法国厨房潜规则——主厨虐待助手 Virgin Group Allows Employees to Take Holiday as They Like / 7 维珍集团推出自由休假制度 380 People Rescued from Avalanches in the Himalayas / 10 380名喜马拉雅登山者在雪崩后获救 A Former Boss of Mafia Arrested in Brazil / 13 巴西警方逮捕逃亡三十多年的黑手党重要头目 US Republican Senators Debate on Surveillance on Citizens / 16 美国参议院就是否继续对公民实施电话监控展开辩论 40 World Leaders and 1.5 Million French Turn Out in the Largest Demonstration / 19 多国领导人携手百万民众参加巴黎大游行 Remains of Germanwings Air Crash Flown Back to German / 22 德国之翼空难遇难者被运回国内遇难者家属前往机场哀悼 WFP Stops Food Aid to Syrian Refugees for Fund Shortage / 25 世界粮食计划署将不再对叙利亚难民提供帮助 Most Titled Aristocrat Died in Seville at 88 / 28 世界上头衔*多的女公爵去世 Detroit Bankruptcy Plan Cuts Retired Employees’ Pensions / 31 底特律破产计划将削减养老金 Ivory Coast Opens Its First Large-scale Chocolate Factory / 34 科特迪瓦首座大型巧克力工厂落成 A Pay-per-minute Café / 37 按逗留时间长短付款的咖啡店 Chapter 2 Life & Health 生命健康 500 Schools in South Korea Closed for MERS / 42 韩国MERS病毒蔓延致多所学校停课 “Lark” or “Owl” Depends on Genes / 45 熬夜或早起和遗传基因有关 HIV Becomes Less Infectious and Less Deadly / 48 研究称艾滋病毒致命性降低 How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks / 51 如何应对危险动物的袭击 WHO Published the First Report on Suicide Prevention / 54 世卫组织发布首份自杀预防报告 Ketamine Proved to Be Effective for Depression / 57 克他命有治疗抑郁的效果 Belgium MPs Voted Yes to Euthanasia on Ill Children / 60 比利时通过法案允许病重儿童安乐死 Bionic Hand Allows Amputee to Feel Lifelike Sensations / 63 世界首款触觉仿生手被成功移植 Fewer Young Britons Drink Alcohol / 66 英国饮酒年轻人数量下降 Families of Health Workers Died of Ebola Receive Compensation / 69 塞拉利昂向因埃博拉死亡的医务工作者作出赔偿 Turkish Prosecutors Investigated the Country’s Worst Mining Disaster / 72 土耳其检察官调查本国*大矿难事故 Chapter 3 Arts & Entertainment 文艺娱乐 Angelina Jolie Hosts a Conference to End Sexual Violence / 76 安吉丽娜·朱莉主持反对性暴力会议 Boyhood Scooped Top Prizes at the BAFTA Film Awards / 79 《少年时代》获英国电影学院奖 Nominees for the Oscar 2015 Are All White / 82 2015年奥斯卡提名演员均为白人惹争议 Picasso Museum Reopens After 5 Years’ Renovation / 85 毕加索博物馆经5年修整重新开放 Nobel Laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dies at 87 / 88 诺贝尔奖得主马尔克斯去世,享年87岁 Musical about Mandela Debuts in South Africa / 91 歌颂曼德拉的歌剧在南非大剧院开演 The Oldest Fashion Model Recalls Horst / 94 83岁模特回忆传奇摄影师霍斯特 America’s Best-known Female Comedian Dies at 81 / 97 美国著名喜剧女演员琼·里弗斯去世 The French President Refuses to Clarify His Affair with an Actress / 100 法国总统奥朗德拒绝回应绯闻 The Great Movie Mogul Run Run Shaw Dies at 106 / 103 影视大亨邵逸夫逝世 Chapter 4 Sports 体育新闻 Outgoing FIFA Chief Sepp Blatter under Investigation in FBI Corruption Case / 108 国际足联主席因受贿案将接受调查 South African Athlete Pistorius Were Sentenced of 5-year Jail / 111 南非“刀锋战士”被判5年监禁 Sky and BT Would Show the English Premier League Football / 114 英国天空电视台和英国电信拿下英超直播权 Former Manchester Manager Is to Work as a Lecturer at Harvard / 117 曼联前教练担任哈佛商学院讲师 US Beats Russia in Men’s Hockey Match in the Sochi Winter Olympics / 120 索契冬奥会冰球决赛美国打败俄罗斯 US Beats Japan in a Dramatic Women’s World Cup Football Final / 123 女足世界杯决赛美国打败日本 President of Barcelona Football Club Resigns / 126 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部主席因违约辞职 Election for the Presidency of FIFA / 129 荷兰足球协会管理阶层竞选 Morocco Has Been Thrown out of Africa’s Biggest Sports Event / 132 摩洛哥放弃举办非洲杯 FIFA Would Return 65 Luxury Watches / 135 国际足联“退还”名表 Chapter 5 Environment & Nature 环境与自然 Why Koalas Hug Trees / 140 考拉为何爱抱树 Scientists Worked Out Stegosaurus’ Body Mass / 143 科学家计算出剑龙“苏菲”体重 Tiger Number Jumps in India / 146 印度野生老虎数量大增 Life Has Uncovered More than 2,000 Meters Beneath the Pacific Ocean / 149 太平洋底2 000米发现生命迹象 Pope Publishes Encyclical on the Environment / 152 教皇呼吁人与自然和谐相处 Evolutionary Link Between Birds and Dinosaurs / 155 鸟类真的是恐龙进化而来的吗 Norway Pays Liberia to Stop Cutting Down Its Trees / 158 挪威斥巨资阻止利比里亚砍伐森林 Wild Elephants Can Distinguish Between Different Human Languages / 161 野生大象能区分不同的人类语言 Part Two 听写提高篇 Chapter 6In the News时事新闻 White House Would Reinforce Security for Staff Due to CIA Methods / 168 美国发布CIA酷刑逼供报道 Cameron Visited Scotland Before Referendum on Independence / 171 英首相对苏格兰进行独立公投之前*后访问 Rescue Is Hampered in Nepal after the Earthquake / 174 尼泊尔震后救援工作受阻 Mayor of Baltimore Described the Death of a Black Man as Unacceptable / 177 美国巴尔的摩市长谴责黑人被杀事件 French Give New Powers to Prevent Terrorist Attacks / 180 法国加大防恐力度 US Wouldn’t Achieve Its Recruiting Target of Soldiers in Iraq / 183 美国难以实现伊拉克征军计划 Prince William Unveils Memorial for Christmas Day 1914 / 186 威廉王子揭幕圣诞休战纪念活动 Saudi Arabia’s New King Addressed No Break with Policies of Predecessor / 189 沙特新国王将继承前任国王政策 Crimea Voted Overwhelmingly in Favor of Joining Russia / 192 克里米亚公投以绝对多数支持加入俄罗斯 Buckingham Palace Insisted Queen Elizabeth Never Made a Political Point / 195 白金汉宫为女王欧盟言论辩解,称女王不会发表政治观点 Mexican Mayor Was Captured for the Disappearance of 43 Students / 198 墨西哥逮捕涉嫌43名学生失踪案市长 Chapter 7World News 国际动态 US and Cuba Would Normalize Relations / 202 美古有望打破外交僵局 A Framework for Iran’s Nuclear Program Was Born / 205 伊朗核谈判达成协议框架 A Long-term Ceasefire Has Come into Effect in Gaza / 208 巴以长期休战协议已经开始生效 EU Leaders Call Attention to Migrants Problem / 211 欧洲领导人呼吁关注移民危机 David Cameron Faces Resistance over EU Reform / 214 卡梅伦推销欧盟改革方案遭拒绝 Peace Talks to End Syria’s Civil War Began in Switzerland / 217 叙利亚和平谈判在瑞士举行 Britain Would Introduce a Coin Difficult to Fake / 220 英国将推出全球*难伪造的1英镑新币 Obama Described the Supreme Court Decision to Health Care as a Victory / 223 奥巴马高度评价*高法院维持医改判决 Hilary Is to Run for the Presidency / 226 希拉里将竞选总统 Chapter 8Economy & Business 经济贸易 Six Large Banks Have Been Fined Nearly 6 Billion Dollars / 230 世界六大银行因操纵利率被处罚近60亿美元 Rockefeller Family Would Diverse in Clean Energy / 233 洛克菲勒家族将投资于清洁能源 Nokia Has Completed the Sale of Its Handset Business to Microsoft / 236 微软收购诺基亚手机今日完成 US Federal Reserve Would Reduce Stimulus Program / 239 美联储新主席称进一步削弱刺激计划 A Man Who Makes Peruvian Food Popular in London / 242 创业者使秘鲁美食在伦敦大受欢迎 Ferrari Is to Become a Fully Independent Company / 245 法拉利单独上市 Holiday Is Not Available for Everyone / 248 暑期旅游不是人人消费得起 Greece Has Become the First Advanced Economy to Go into Arrears / 251 希腊成为首个债务违约发达国家 HSBC Announces a Major Cost-cutting Exercise / 254 汇丰银行大幅消减运营成本 Saudi Arabia’s Financial Market Opens to Some Foreign Investors / 257 沙特阿拉伯金融市场将向外国投资者开放 US and EU Agreed to the Toughest Sanctions Against Russia / 260 美国和欧盟联手对俄罗斯实施*严厉制裁 Chapter 9Science & Technology 科技在线 The First Spacecraft Landed on a Comet / 264 人类探测器首次登陆彗星 Computers Can Be Better at Predicting Personality / 267 计算机能够洞察人的性格 Google Attempts to Curb Online Piracy / 270 谷歌改良搜索引擎以遏止网上侵权 Human Energy Could Turn into Electrical Power / 273 人体日常能量可转化为电能 We Are More Genetically Similar to Our Friends / 276 好朋友之间基因相似 Architects Started Building Full-scale 3D-printed House / 279 荷兰团队打造整栋3D打印房屋 Robots of the Future Are Likely to Resemble Small Animals / 282 小动物机器人或成发明趋势 Africans Rely on Radios to Keep Informed / 285 互联网时代电台仍是非洲人的*爱 Microsoft Is to Pay 2.5 Billion Dollars for Minecraft / 288 微软25亿美元收购游戏《我的世界》 Chapter 10Agriculture 农业报道 Bells Should Be Abandoned for Swiss Cows / 292 瑞士牛铃铛有害牛的健康 Columbia Becomes the Second Largest Producer of Cocoa Leaves / 295 哥伦比亚成为第二大可可叶种植国 River Thames Burst Its Banks and Swept into Villages / 298 泰晤士河决堤,多个村庄被淹 South African Government Warns Rhinoceros Poaching / 301 南非政府称犀牛偷猎数逼近*高水平 US Helps to Feed Starving Pe/304 美国帮助南苏丹饥荒人群信息