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转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508532707
  • 条形码:9787508532707 ; 978-7-5085-3270-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 本书特色

本书力图客观分析“十三五”期间中国经济转型升级的基本趋势和面临的重大挑战,全书主体部分是研究分析“十三五”推进结构性改革的六大任务,突出体现了增长、转型、改革的高度融合、有机统一,给出了“十三五”推动“以经济转型为主线的结构性改革”路线图和务实建议,为新形势下如何加强中国经济转型与全面深化改革顶层设计,提供了十分有益的参考和借鉴。 The book has an all-around systematic analysis of the economic transformation and upgrading based on related issues,he six chapters propose the six major tasks of boosting structural reform during the 13th Five-year Plan Period.The book highlights the high-level integration and effective unification of growth, transformation and reform, and provides a map and pragmatic advice for promoting structural reform centering on economic transformation during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. It provides quite helpful reference and suggestions for enhancing the top-level design for China’s economic transformation and comprehensive deepening of reform under new circumstances.

转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 内容简介

《转型闯关》一书鲜明地提出“以经济转型为主线的结构性改革”,紧扣经济转型的现实需求,对结构性改革作出了全面、深入的阐述,提出了贯彻落实五大发展新理念、深化结构性改革的清晰思路,为新形势下如何加强中国经济转型与全面深化改革顶层设计,提供了十分有益的参考和借鉴。 Breakthroughs in Transformation clearly calls for “structural reform centering on economic transformation”. Based on the actual demand for economic transformation, it gives a comprehensive and indepth interpretation of structural reform, proposes a clear guideline for putting five major new development concepts into practice and deepening structural reform following the main direction to accelerate and promote the supply side structural reform.It provides quite helpful reference and suggestions for enhancing the top-level design for China’s economic transformation and comprehensive deepening of reform under new circumstances.

转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 目录

Contents Foreword Overview The 13th Five-year Plan:Structural reform with economic transformation as its main course Chapter I Market decision Chapter II Financial reform Chapter III The shared development Chapter IV Green revolution Chapter V Reform of education structure Chapter VI Regulatory reform

转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 相关资料


转型闯关-十三五-结构性改革历史挑战-英文 作者简介

迟福林,男,转轨经济理论与政策研究教授专家;享受国务院特殊津贴专家,海南省首批有突出贡献专家;中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长,中国经济体制改革研究会副会长,海南省社会科学界联合会主席。 Chi Fulin, research fellow, supervisor of Ph.D., is the president of China Institute for Reform and Development.He also works as vice president of China Society of Economic Reform, and vice president of China Society of Administrative Reform. Chi has been engaged in research of theories on economic transformation and related practices for manyyears. He has made in-depth research of government transformation and equalization of basic public services centering on a number of major economic and social issues encountered in the process of the reform and opening-up of China.
