CHAPTER 1 Introduction of Language Introduction 1.1 What is language? 1.2 Knowledge of language 1.3 Functions of language 1.4 What is linguistics? 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 2 Phonetics and Phonology Introduction 2.1 Speech segments 2.2 English consonants 2.3 Vowels in English 2.4 Suprasegmentals 2.5 Intonation 本章节考试重难点串讲 Further readingCHAPTER 3 Morphology Introduction 3.1 A brief introduction of morphology 3.2 The words of language 3.3 Morpheme, morph and allomorph 3.4 The classification of morpheme 3.5 Word formation processes 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 4 Semantics Introduction 4.1 What is semantics? 4.2 Approaches to meaning 4.3 Sense and reference 4.4 Word meaning 4.5 Sentence meaning 4.6 Ambiguity 4.7 Semantic analysisCHAPTER 5 English syntax Introduction 5.1 Syntactical structures 5.2 Grammatical construction and its constituents 5.3 Clauses, sentences, and clause functions sentence 5.4 Syntactic function 5.5 SummaryCHAPTER 6 Discourse Introduction 6.1 Types of text 6.2 Cohesion 6.3 Coherence 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 7 Language in Use Introduction 7.1 Grammatical meaning vs. pragmatic meaning 7.2 Sentence vs. utterance 7.3 Speech act theory 7.4 The cooperative principle 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 8 Language and Cognition 8.1 What is cognition? 8.2 What is psycholinguistics? 8.3 What is cognitive linguistics? 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 9 The Social Context of English Introduction 9.1 Language varieties 9.2 Dialect, style and register 9.3 Diaglossia 9.4 Code-switching 9.5 Pidgins 9.6 Creoles 9.7 Gender 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 10 Second Language Acquisition Introduction 10.1 Theories about child language acquisition 10.2 Introduction to second language acquisition 10.3 The relationship between first language acquisition and second language acquisition 10.4 Contrastive analysis 10.5 Error analysis 10.6 Second language learning models and input hypothesis 10.7 Second language acquisition and its pedagogical implications. 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 11 Theories and Schools of Modem Linguistics Introduction 11.1 Ferdinand de Saussure 11.2 The Prague School 11.3 The London School 11.4 American structuralism 11.5 Transformational Generative (TG) grammar 本章节考试重难点串讲CHAPTER 12 Test