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21世纪先进制造技术丛书:精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版) 版权信息

21世纪先进制造技术丛书:精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版) 内容简介

《精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版)》主要介绍了中间尺度的三维复杂微小型结构件主流加工技术——精密微小型车铣复合加工技术,内容主要包括:微小型车铣复合加工技术国内外的发展状况和加工原理,精密微小型车铣复合加工机床结构和控制系统研究与设计、工艺系统动态特性分析与实验,以及微小型车铣复合加工工艺技术研究。  《精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版)》是作者及所带领的科研团队在其多年来对微小型机械制造技术研究的基础上,查阅了国内外诸多研究文献后总结归纳而成,可供航空、航天、兵器等国防制造领域和医疗、钟表等行业的研究人员、工程技术人员,以及高等院校相关专业的师生参考。

21世纪先进制造技术丛书:精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版) 目录

PrefaceChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Theimportance of developing microminiature tum-milling complex machining1.1.1 The concept of miniature components and machining methods1.1.2 Meaning and types of complex machining technology1.1.3 Principle of turn-milling complex machining1.1.4 Advantages of microminiature turn-milling complex machining1.1.5 Demand for microminiature turn-milling complex machining1.2 Current situation of equipments for micro tum-milling complex machining1.2.1 Microminiaturization of machining equipments1.2.2 Current situation of microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools1.2.3 Background and significance of reconfigurable turn-milling complex machine tools1.3 Key technology of microminiature turn-milling machining1.3.1 The mechanism of microminiature turn-milling machining1.3.2 The generaltechnique of microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools1.3.3 Automatic tool changing technology for precision microminiature turn-milling tool system1.3.4 Complex machining with multi-process for 3D microminiature complex structural parts1.3.5 Auxiliary technologies of micro turn-milling complex machining1.3.6 Control of reconfigurable turn-milling complex machine toolsReferencesChapter 2 Principle of Microminiature Turn_milling Complex Machining2.1 The microminiature orthogonal turn-milling process2.1.1 Turn-milling process and microminiature machining2.1.2 Microminiature orthogonalturn-milling of non-eccentricity2.2 Motion trajectory model of the cutter tooth of microminiature turn-milling complex machining2.2. 1 Circular trajectory2.2.2 Trochoid trajectory2.2.3 Simulation of the motion traj ectory of cutter tooth2.3 The theoretical cutting force of the microminiature turn-milling complex machining2.3.1 Meshing zone of the orthogonal turn-ing2.3.2 The entrance and departure angles of a single circumference edge2.3.3 The cutting thickness and width of single circumference edge2.3.4 The calculation of theoretical cutting force2.4 The finite element simulation for the cutting process of turn-milling machning2.4.1 The 3D finite element modeling process of microminiature turn-milling2.4.2 The 3D finite element simulation of turn-milling complex machining and the experimental verification2.4.3 2D simulation analysis of the temperature fieldin turn-milling machiningReferencesChapter 3 Structure Design of Microminiature Turn-milling Complex Machine Tools3.1 Overall design scheme of microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools3.1.1 Requirements for overallperformance of microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools3.1.2 Overall structural configuration of microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools3.1.3 General structure scheme for high-speed precise microminiature turn-milling complex machining centers3.2 Structure design of partially reconfigurable microminiature turn-milling complex machine tools…… Chapter 4 Methods for Designing the Control System of Microminiature Turn-milling Complex Machine ToolsChapter 5 Dynamic Characteristis of Microminiature Turn-milling Complex Machine ToolChapter 6 Turn-milling Complex Machining for Microminiatrue Parts

21世纪先进制造技术丛书:精密微小型车铣复合加工技术(英文版) 作者简介

Zhjing Zhang was born in Mizhi of Shanxi, China,in February 1951, with a Master's degree in Engineering. Currently, he serves as the director of Research and Application Center of Micro-structure Processing Technology, Science and Technology Industry of NationalDefense. Meanwhile, he is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing Institute of Technology. Moreover, he is authoritative in aerospace manufacturing engineering in Beijing Institute of Technology. He has hosted more than 20 projects including special fund and generalprogram for Instruments of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Defense Basic Scientific Research and the project supported by the Defense Pre-Research Foundation. Furthermore, he has obtained second and third prizes of Provincial Science and Tecbnology Progress Awards for four times and achieved 30 invention patents. He has published more than 100 academic researches on journals indexed by SCI and EI. Xin Jin was born in Shuangcheng of Heilongjiang,China, in May 1971. She received her PhD from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2005. She currently is an associate professor and doctoral supervisor in School of Mechanical Engineering, in Beijing Institute of Technology. She has always been engaged in teaching and research works in terms of precise miniature manufacturing technology and simulation.She has hosted or participated in 20 projects including High-grade CNC Maclune Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipments, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Outstanding Talent Training Scheme,Doctoral Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China for Young Teachers,and National Defense Basic Scientific Research, as well as the project supported by the Defense Pre-Research Foundation. She has acquired a provincial third prize and obtained 18 national invention patents. Moreover, she has published more than 70 researches on journals included in SCI and EI.
