战略管理 版权信息
- ISBN:9787517815334
- 条形码:9787517815334 ; 978-7-5178-1533-4
- 装帧:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
战略管理 内容简介
战略管理 目录
1.1 Strategic Competitiveness
1.2 The Global Economy
1.3 Vision
1.4 Mission
1.5 Strategic Management Process
1.6 Developing a Strategic Vision and Mission
1.7 Setting Objectives
1.8 Crafting a Strategy
1.9 Implementing and Executing a Strategy
1.10 Approaches to Performing the Strategy-Making Task
1.11 Strategic Management Principle
Chapter 2 The External Environment
2.1 The General, Industry, and Competitor Environments
2.2 External Environmental Analysis
2.3 Scanning
2.4 Monitoring
2.5 Industry Environment Analysis
2.6 Threat of New Entrants
2.7 Bargaining Power of Buyers
2.8 Threat of Substitute Products
2.9 Strategic Groups
2.10 Ethical Considerations
2.11 Rivalry Among Competing Sellers
Chapter 3 The Internal Environment
3.1 Analyzing the Internal Organization
3.2 Creating Value
3.3 Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
3.4 Resources
3.5 Tangible Resources
3.6 Intangible Resources
3.7 Capabilities
3.8 Core Competencies
3.9 The Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
3.10 Value Chain Analysis
3.11 Outsourcing
3.12 Analyzing Driving Forces
Chapter 4 Evaluating Resources and Competitive Capabilities
4.1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry
4.2 Competitor Analysis
4.3 Resource Similarity
4.4 Competitive Rivalry
4.5 Strategic and Tactical Actions
4.6 Competitive Dynamics
4.7 Slow-Cycle Markets
4.8 Fast-Cycle Markets
4.9 Company Situation Analysis
4.10 Typical Company Value Chain
4.11 How Strong the Company's Competitive Position Is
Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategies
5.1 Customers: Their Relationship with Business-Level Strategies
5.2 The Purpose of Business-Level Strategies
5.3 Types of Business-Level Strategies
5.4 Cost Leadership Strategies
5.5 Differentiation Strategies
5.6 Focus Strategies
5.7 Focused Cost Leadership Strategies
5.8 Competitive Risks of Focus Strategies
5.9 Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategies
5.10 Levels of Diversification
5.11 Low Levels of Diversification
5.12 Reasons for Diversification
5.13 Value-Creating Diversification: Related Constrained and Related Linked Diversification
Chapter 6 Functional Strategies and Strategic Choices
6.1 Operational Relatedness: Sharing Activities
6.2 Market Power
6.3 Simultaneous Operational Relatedness and Corporate Relatedness
6.4 Value-Neutral Diversification: Incentives and Resources
6.5 Resources and Diversification
6.6 Value-Reducing Diversification: Managerial Motives to Diversify
6.7 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies
6.8 Increased Market Power
6.9 Cost of New Product Development and Increased Speed to Market
6.10 Learning and Developing New Capabilities
6.11 Managers Overly Focused on Acquisitions
6.12 Three Basic Benefits of International Strategies
6.13 International Strategies
6.14 International Business-Level Strategies
6.15 Global Strategy
6.16 Acquisitions
6.17 Risk of Best-Cost Provider Strategies
6.18 Merger and Acquisition Strategies
6.19 Unbundling and Outsourcing Strategies
6.20 Offensive Strategies and Competitive Advantage
6.21 First-Mover Advantages
Chapter 7 Strategy Implementation
7.1 Implementing Internal Innovations
7.2 Facilitating Integration and Innovation
7.3 Innovation Through Cooperative Strategies
7.4 Organizational Structure and Controls
7.5 Functional Structure
7.6 The Role of Top-Level Managers
7.7 Top Management Teams
7.8 Managerial Succession
7.9 Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture
7.10 Establishing Balanced Organizational Controls
7.11 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
7.12 Innovation
7.13 Internal Innovation
7.14 Incremental and Radical Innovation
7.15 Autonomous Strategic Behavior
7.16 Why the World Economy Is Globalizing
7.17 Multi-domestic Strategy Maximizes Local Responsiveness
7.18 Locating Activities to Build a Global Competitive Advantage
7.19 What Profit Sanctuaries Are
7.20 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Four Strategies
7.21 New Business Model for the Internet Economy
7.22 Internet Strategies for Traditional Businesses
7.23 Tailoring Strategy to Fit Specific Industry Situations
7.24 Competitive Advantage in Diversified Companies
7.25 Sales and Marketing Fits
7.26 What Unrelated Diversification Is
7.27 How Broadly a Company Should Diversify
7.28 Turnaround Strategies
Chapter 8 Strategic Evaluation and Control
8.1 Product Diversification as an Example of an Agency Problem
8.2 Ownership Concentration
8.3 Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
8.4 Evaluating the Strategy of Diversified Companies
8.5 How Corporate Strategies Form
8.6 Building Core Competencies and Competitive Capabilities
8.7 What the Goals of the Strategy Implementing-Executing Process Are
8.8 Key Traits to Building Core Competencies
8.9 Instituting Best Practices and Installing Support Systems
8.10 What Total Quality Management Is
8.11 What Areas Information Systems Should Address
8.12 Guidelines for Designing an Effective Compensation System
战略管理 作者简介
康健,男,土家族,1975午1月生,中共党员,副教授,博士,硕士牛导师。湖南工学院经济管理学院教师,衡阳经济发展研究中心副主任,衡阳市产业经济重点社科研究基地副主任,衡阳市发展和改革委员会项目评审专家,湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师,湖南省普通高校青年教师教学能手,湖南大学工商管理学院访问学者。主持完成省市级科研和教改项目10余项,横向课题10余项,发表学术论文40余篇,出版学术专著2部。主要研究方向:战略管理、创新管理。 张平,男,汉族,1967年7月出生,中共党员,博士,教授,经济师,硕士生导师。历任湖南建材高等专科学校党委委员、副校长,中南大学校长助理,湖南工学院副院长。现任湖南工学院党委副书记,同时兼任衡阳经济发展研究中心主任暨首席专家,衡阳市产业经济重点社科研究基地主任暨首席专家,衡阳市发展和改革委员会项目评审专家,衡阳市经济和信息化委员会项目评审专家。2003年以来,主持完成湖南省社科基金项目、湖南省自科基金项目、湖南省软科学项目、湖南省教育厅科研项目各1项,主持完成湖南省普通高校教研项目1项;目前,主持湖南省软科学重点项目1项、省教育厅资助项目2项;在省级以上学术刊物发表论文50余篇,出版学术专著1部。获2007年度、2009年度衡阳市社会科学成果奖二等奖各1项,教学成果《高职高专工商企业管理专业教学改革与实践探索》荣获2006年度湖南省高等教育省级教学成果奖一等奖。主要研究方向:产业经济学、公共管理学。 唐欣,女,1980年1月生,中共党员,副教授,中南大学管理科学与工程专业硕士。湖南工学院经济管理学院教师,主要研究方向:循环经济、环境会计。在中南大学商学院攻读硕士学位时,主修环境管理会计学科;近5年来先后主持和参与湖南省自然科学摹金、湖南省软科学研究项目、湖南省教育厅科研项目数项;在《统计与决策》《财会研究》和《企业经济》等期刊上发表相关学术论文22篇,2007年起担任湖南省省级精品课程《会计学》主讲教师,2010年参与湖南工学院第三届青年教帅教学比赛并获三等奖,参编5本管理学科方面的教材:曾参与制造型氏营企业中环境管理会计工作的管理咨询项目数项。
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