英语大书虫世界经典名译典藏书系:中国人的精神 (英汉对照)(精选权威版本)
The secret garden
中国和印度的故事 版权信息
- ISBN:9787508532912
- 条形码:9787508532912 ; 978-7-5085-3291-2
- 装帧:暂无
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
中国和印度的故事 本书特色
《中国和印度的故事》用大量的篇幅描写中印人民之间的友好交往和友好合作的故事,追忆他们之间的深厚情谊。作者中有长期研究印度和从事中印文化交流的专家学者、新闻工作者等,还有致力于中印友好工作和长期在中国工作的印度友人。两国29位作者以亲身经历和研究成果反映了中印之间千年传统友好的历史渊源和潜力无限的发展前景,值得每一位从事和关注中印关系的人士阅读和珍藏。 This book tells a lot of stories about friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two peoples to recall this deep friendship. The authors of these stories include diplomats working for a long time in India, and experts, scholars and journalists engaged in research on India and Sino-Indian cultural exchanges as well as Indian friends committed to Sino-Indian friendship and working in China for a long time. It fully reflects the historical origin of Sino-Indian friendship for thousands of years and the promising development prospects. It is advisable for every person engaged in and concerned about Sino-Indian relations to read and treasure this book.
中国和印度的故事 内容简介
“我们和你们”丛书按照一国一品的概念,以小故事揭示大历史,讲述中国和周边国家传统和现在的友谊与合作。该丛书旨在密切中国和有关国家的人文联系,推动新形势下中国周边外交和公共外交的进程,尤其是配合“一带一路”战略的实施。 这本书讲述了许许多多中印友好的感人故事,而这些故事的背后反映的是几代人的辛勤努力与奋斗。正是有了他们的悉心浇灌和培育,中印友好之树才得以根深叶茂、生机盎然。此书内容丰富,思想深刻,感情真挚,充分反映了中印之间千年传统友好的历史渊源和潜力无限的发展前景,值得每一位从事和关注中印关系的人士阅读和珍藏。 This book tells lots of touching storiesof the work done by people of several generations. Had it not been for their careful watering and cultivation, the tree of Sino-Indianfriendship would not have established suchdeep roots and produced suchluxuriant foliage. It fully reflects the historical origin of Sino-Indian friendship for thousands of years and the promising development prospects. It is advisable for every person engaged in and concerned about Sino-Indian relations to read and treasure this book.
中国和印度的故事 目录
Zeng Xuyong:
First Exchange of Visits by Chinese andIndian Heads of State ……41
Cheng Ruisheng:
A New Chapter in Sino-Indian Friendship……62
Pan Zhengxiu:
Surpass the Past, Face the Future ?Correspondence between Ambassador Le
Yucheng and an Indian Girl……70
Cheng Youshu:
Memorable Years in which ‘Indian andChinese People Are Brothers’……74
Mutual Visits between Chinese Premier and Indian Prime Minister Resume after 30 Years……20 Zeng Xuyong: First Exchange of Visits by Chinese and Indian Heads of State ……41 Cheng Ruisheng: A New Chapter in Sino-Indian Friendship……62 Pan Zhengxiu: Surpass the Past, Face the Future ? Correspondence between Ambassador Le Yucheng and an Indian Girl……70 Cheng Youshu: Memorable Years in which ‘Indian and Chinese People Are Brothers’……74 Li Zhaoqian: China’s Old Friends ? Pandit Sundarlal and His Disciples……83 Valiyara Bhaskaran: My Memory of India-China Friendship Association (Karnataka)……93 Tu Lili: Memories of the People-to-People Friendly Exchanges between India and CPAFFC……99 COOPERATION Li Danan: How the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Came Into Being……110 Luo Zan: India Opportunity in the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative……117 Xue Keqiao: An Agreeable Cooperation Experience……126 Zheng Qingdian: Friendship Rooted in the Hearts of Both Peoples……131 MEMORY Yuan Nansheng: Making Friends with Dwarakanath Kotnis’ Brother and Sisters……138 Chen Yongcheng: Indian Medical Mission in China ? A Well-known Story in the History of China-India Relations……149 Xue Yuan and Zhou Xin: Kotnis Spirit: A Bond of Exchange between Chinese and Indian Doctors ……175 Zheng Ruixiang: Working in India for Two Times ? Experiencing Vicissitudes of China-India Relations and Indian People’s Friendship for China……180 Ji Ping: A Story of Two Books……197 Wei Dexian: A Little Girl with a Deep Love for Mao Zedong……212 Liu Jinfeng: Unforgettable Stories in My Diplomatic Career ……216 Zhan Dexiong: Seeing India through Little Stories……220 Pan Zhengxiu: Civilized India, Our Sincere Friend……228 Mao Siwei: My Days in Kolkata……243 Ma Jiali: My Contact with Indian Leaders……249 CULTURE Deng Junbing: “The Good Boatman” – Mahatma Gandhi Sails to China……260 Li Zhaoqian: Contributions of the International Academy of Indian Culture to Exchanges between China and India……271 Liu Jian: From Tagore to Broad Indian Culture ? My Indian Studies……275 N. Ghadiga Chalam: Commonality of Chinese and Indian Cultures……292 Tang Yuangui: My Affinity with India……297 Zhao Jiang: ‘Grandpa Beard’ from India and His Dream of Chinese Literature……312 Zhan Dexiong: Meeting Raj……317 Tang Lu: I Bear Witness to the Growth of China-India Relations……322 Postscript……333信息
中国和印度的故事 相关资料
中国和印度的故事 作者简介
郑瑞祥,中国国际问题研究院研究员、前驻孟买总领事。 Zheng Ruixiang, Researcher of the China Institute of International Studies and Former Chinese Consul General in Mumbai.
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