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职场英语 版权信息

职场英语 本书特色

《职场英语》是为大学在校生编写的实用性英语教材,旨在帮助学生在用英语交流的不同职场中建立信心,启发和创造环境,通过口语表达和讨论设定话题,接触到较正式的、用于各种职场的实用英语。本教材应用面广、实用性强,符合教育部大学英语教学改革工作所确定的加强实用性英语教学,全面提高大学生英语应用能力的教改方向。本教材由10个单元组成,内容涉及信函写作、商务会议、谈判、求职面试等与职场英语相关的各个方面。各单元均由情景对话、背景知识和实践练习这三部分构成。 实践练习包括口语练习和书面练习,力求将课堂知识应用到实际,成为本教材改进增强的重点之一,也不失为其亮点之一。

职场英语 内容简介


职场英语 目录

001 Unit 1 Job Interviews
Useful Words and Expressions / 002
Section A Preparation / 003
Text A How to Prepare for a Job Interview / 003
Text B Don’t Give Answers, Tell Stories / 004
Section B Possible Problems / 007
Text A Are You Over-Preparing for Your Interview / 007
Text B Topics to Avoid for Job Interviews / 009
Section C About Salary / 011
Text A Salary Negotiation / 012
Text B When and How to Disclose Your Salary Requirements / 013
Section D Interview Taboos / 015 目录 Contents 001 Unit 1 Job Interviews Useful Words and Expressions / 002Section A Preparation / 003Text A How to Prepare for a Job Interview / 003Text B Don’t Give Answers, Tell Stories / 004Section B Possible Problems / 007Text A Are You Over-Preparing for Your Interview / 007Text B Topics to Avoid for Job Interviews / 009Section C About Salary / 011Text A Salary Negotiation / 012Text B When and How to Disclose Your Salary Requirements / 013Section D Interview Taboos / 015Text A Ten Things Not to Say in a Job Interview / 015Text B Please Don’t Do These Eight Things in an Interview / 017023 Unit 2 Business EtiquetteUseful Words and Expressions / 024Section A Telephone Etiquette / 025Text A Business Telephone Etiquette / 025Text B Tips for Great Business Phone Call Etiquette / 026Section B Reception Etiquette / 029Text A How to Receive Visitors and Behave with Them in Your Office / 029Text B How to Behave as a Visitor or a Guest / 031Section C Meeting Etiquette / 033Text A Meeting Etiquette / 033Text B Business Meetings / 035Section D Table Manners / 037Text A Business Lunch Etiquette in China / 038Text B Mind Your Table Manners / 039045 Unit 3 Personal LettersUseful Words and Expressions / 046Section A Job Hunting / 047Text A Strategies and Techniques for Job Search Success / 047Text B How to Write an Application Letter / 049Section B Recommendation / 051Text A How to Make a Recommendation Request / 051Text B Recommendation for Employment / 053Section C Resumes / 056Text A Resumes / 056Text B Functional Resume / 058Section D Leave and Notification / 061Text A How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter / 061Text B Notice / 062068 Unit 4 Business LetterUseful Words and Expressions / 069Section A Invitation / 070Text A Business Invitation Letter / 070Text B Friendly Invitation Letter / 071Section B Certification / 073Text A How to Write a Certification Letter / 073Text B The Certification Letters for Employee / 075Section C Complaint / 077Text A How to Write a Complaint Letter / 077Text B How to Respond to a Complaint Letter / 078Section D Introduction / 080Text A Business Introduction Letter / 081Text B How to Write a Self Introduction Letter / 082088 Unit 5 Business NegotiationUseful Words and Expressions / 089Section A Preparation / 090Text A How to Plan a Negotiation Meeting / 090Text B Seven Strategies That Boost Negotiation Success / 091Section B Strategies and Skills / 093Text A What Is Win-Win Negotiation? / 094Text B The Art of Negotiating / 096Section C Closing the Deal / 098Text A How to Successfully Close a Negotiation / 098Text B Five Tips for Closing the Deal in Business Negotiations / 100Section D Dealing with Threats / 103Text A Five Ways to Deal with Threats during a Negotiation / 103Text B How to Get Tough in Your Next Negotiation / 104110 Unit 6 Production and MarketingUseful Words and Expressions / 111Section A Introduction / 112Text A How to Write Product Instructions that Really Work / 112Text B How to Design a Readable User Manual / 114Section B Product Development / 117Text A The Secret to Successful Product Design Is Simplicity / 117Text B Three Ways to Use Social Media for Product Research and Development / 119Section C Service Concept / 121Text A Services Marketing — Moment of Truth / 122Text B Customer’s Expectations and Delight / 123Section D Market Structure / 125Text A The Seven Ps of Marketing / 126Text B Market Structures / 127133 Unit 7 Business CommunicationUseful Words and Expressions / 134Section A On Business / 135Text A How to Prepare for a Business Trip / 135Text B How to Get Organized for a Business Trip / 137Section B Communication with Customers / 139 Text A How to Communicate More Effectively with Customers / 139Text B Simple Ways to Improve Your Communication with Clients / 142Section C Communication with Employees / 144Text A How to Communicate Effectively with Employees / 145Text B Better Communicate with Remote Startup Employees / 147Section D Communicate with / 149Text A How to Communicate with Your Boss / 150Text B How to Improve Communication with Your Boss / 151158 Unit 8 Personnel MatterUseful Words and Expressions / 159Section A Benefits of Company / 160Text A Employee Benefits Questions to Ask / 160Text B Benefits of Working for Small Companies / 162Section B Tax Issues / 164Text A Tax-Free Benefits for Employees in the US / 164Text B Tax Issues / 166Section C Promotion / 168Text A Should You Accept a Promotion Without a Raise / 169Text B Know Yourself When to Get a Promotion / 171Section D Resignation / 173Text A Tell Your Employer You Need Change / 173Text B Ready to Quit Your Job / 175181 Unit 9 External CorrespondenceUseful Words and Expressions / 182Section A Contacting by E-mail / 183Text A The Use of E-mail in Business Communication / 183Text B Effective E-mail Communication / 185Section B Contacting by Fax / 187Text A Uses of Faxes in Business / 187Text B How to Fax over the Internet / 189Section C Customer Relationship / 191Text A The Secret of Better Communication with Your Customers / 191Text B Effective Communication in Customer Service / 193Section D Dealing with / 195Text A Customer Complaints Online / 195Text B Difficult Customers / 197204 Unit 10 Business TrainingUseful Words and Expressions / 205Section A Staff Development / 206Text A Training Staff / 206Text B Training Can Make a Difference / 208Section B Assessing Training / 210Text A Assessing Staff Training Needs / 211Text B Assessment to Training Goals / 212Section C Team Building / 215Text A Team Building in the Workplace / 215Text B Team Work and Team Building Essentials / 216Section D Corporate / 219Text A What Makes Up Your Company Culture? / 219Text B Examples of Corporate Culture / 220226 Keys 信息

职场英语 相关资料

1.培养目标的变化。《大学英语课程教学要求》提出,大学英语要培养学生的英语综合应用能力,在坚持通用基础学科定位的同事,提出了与专业学 习相结合的专门用途英语,以及人文、国际交流为核心的文化素质课程的定位; 2.教学思想的变化。提出了自主学习的思想,鼓励学生资助选择学习内容和学习方式; 3.教学模式的变化。鼓励在叫和学的过程中使用以计算机为基础的教育技术,拓展英语学习的渠道,增加语言练习的机会,提高语言输入和输出的质 量。为此,我们提出编写《职称英语》一书,以适应和满足当前教育改革的需求。

职场英语 作者简介

