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化学专业英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030474971
  • 条形码:9787030474971 ; 978-7-03-047497-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

化学专业英语 内容简介

全书共四个部分, 分别为化学物质命名法、阶梯式阅读训练、常用专业词汇和答案。第1-4章为命名部分, 除给出化学元素、无机物、有机物和配合物命名规则外, 还提供了一些侧重命名识别与运用的阅读材料 ; 第5-8章为阅读糠?; 第7、8章选择文体语言结构相对规范的化学专业文献 ;

化学专业英语 目录

Part Ⅰ Nomenclature 化学物质命名法
Chapter 1 Chemical Element:化学元素 3
Chapter 2 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds:无机物的命名 8
Chapter 3 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds:有机物的命名 18
Chapter 4 Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds:配合物的命名 29
Part Ⅱ Step-up Reading Training 阶梯式阅读训练
Chapter 5 Preliminary Reading:用化学学英语 37
5.1 Matter: Properties and Changes 37
5.2 The Chemical Thermodynamics 40
5.3 The Law of Mass Action 44
5.4 Description of Molecular Structure Using Valence Bond Concepts 45
5.5 Deviations from Lambert-Beer’s Law 47
5.6 Titrimetry 49
5.7 Gas-Volumetric Methods 53
5.8 Electrochemical Cells 55
Chapter 6 Elementary Reading:用基础英文接收信息 57
6.1 Equilibrium or Slow Change 57
6.2 The Blue Bottle Experiment 59
6.3 Ion Channels in Cell Membranes 60
6.4 The Principle of Le Chatelier 62
6.5 A Quick and Effective Demonstration of Anti-Markovnikov Addition to Alkenes 63
6.6 Normal and Reversed-Phase Thin Layer Chromatography of Green Leaf Extracts 64
6.7 “Supermarket Column Chromatography of Leaf Pigments” Revisited 69
Chapter 7 Advanced Reading:用阅读技巧和文体特点把握全文 78
7.1 A Novel Method for the Preparation of Ⅲ-Ⅴ Semiconductors: Sonochemical Synthesis of InP Nanocrystals 78
7.2 Identification of CuO Species in High Surface Area CuO-CeO2 Catalysts and Their Catalytic Activities for CO Oxidation 84
7.3 Bio-inspired Deposition of Silver Nano-particles (AgNPs) on Silicon Substrate 98
7.4 Molybdovanadophosphoric Anion Ionic Liquid as a Reusable Catalyst for Solvent-free Benzene Oxidation to Phenol by H2O2 103
Chapter 8 Comprehensive Reading:综合文献阅读 109
8.1 An Electrochemical Biosensor for Determination of Ascorbic Acid by Cobalt(Ⅱ) Phthalocyanine-Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode 109
8.2 Fabrication and Growth Mechanism of Hierarchical Porous Fe3O4 Hollow Sub-microspheres and Their Magnetic Properties 119
8.3 Complexation Amplified pH Oscillation in Metal Involved Systems 129
8.4 Synthesis of Nitrogen-doped and Amino Acid-functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots from Glycine, and Their Application to the Fluorometric Determination of Ferric Ion 139
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary 常用专业词汇
1 Chemical Elements 153
2 General Laboratory Apparatus 155
3 Common Type of Reaction 157
4 Common Chemical Abbreviation 158
5 Common Chemical Prefix and Suffix 160
Part Ⅳ Keys