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国际贸易实务双语教程-(第4版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302440659
  • 条形码:9787302440659 ; 978-7-302-44065-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

国际贸易实务双语教程-(第4版) 本书特色

本书是为培养我国涉外经济部门所需的既能熟练掌握外贸专业知识,又能熟练运用专业英语从事进出口业务的复合型人才而专门编写的教材,旨在帮助具备一定英语基础并初步掌握国际贸易知识的专业人士,提高国际贸易英语水平,利用英语直接从事和研究对外经贸的实际与理论工作。由于近年来跨境电子商务的迅猛发展,第4版特意新增了跨境贸易的内容,从而使得本书更加符合当前国际贸易发展的需要。 本书共十三章,每章包括四部分。**部分是课文,按照外贸业务交易发展的规律,同时用中英文系统地阐述了国际贸易中的各个重要环节。第二部分是专业术语解释,对外贸业务中经常出现的重要术语进行了简要、精确的解释,使读者能够正确、清晰地理解这些术语的含义。第三部分是专业词汇,紧扣课文内容,提供与课文内容相关的常用单词。第四部分是练习,充分体现双语特点,既有中文练习又有英文练习,便于读者自学。 本书可作为高等院校经济管理类的学生学习国际贸易实务的教材,也可作为从事国际贸易工作的专业人士的自学参考书。

国际贸易实务双语教程-(第4版) 内容简介

本书是一本经典的国际贸易实务的双语教材,也是*双语教学示范课程参考教材。根据《ucp600》和《incoterms 2010》编写,中英文对照,系统介绍进出口贸易的整个流程。第4版紧跟国际贸易实务发展变化的*形势,增加了跨境电商的有关内容,帮助读者系统了解跨境电商的各个环节和运作程序,并优化和补充课后练习,增加案例分析和单据操作题。本书还有配套的学习网站可供使用,是一本广受师生好评的优秀教材。  

国际贸易实务双语教程-(第4版) 目录

contentschapter one 1part a text  a brief introduction tointernational trade 1section one  reasons for internationaltrade 1section two  problems concerninginternational trade 5section three  forms of internationaltrade 7section four  cross-border e-commerce 16part b terminology practice 20part c terms 21part d exercise 22chapter two 27part a text  general procedures of exportand import transaction 27section one  procedures of export andimport transaction 27section two  business negotiation 41section three  basic qualities for goodnegotiators 58section four  procedures of cross-bordere-commerce 60section five  policy defects ofcross-border e-commerce 61part b terminology practice 61part c terms 63part d exercise 64chapter three 69part a text  contracts for the sale andpurchase of international commodity 69section one  definition of contract 70section two  formation of contract 79section three  performance of contract 87section four  components of a typicalsuccessful cross –bordere-commerce transaction 88part b terminology practice 90part c terms 92part d exercise 93chapter four 99part a text  trade terms 99section one  components of trade terms 102section two  incoterms 104section three  six main trade terms inincoterms 2010 108section four  exw and fas in incoterms2010 136section five  d group in incoterms 2010138section six  clauses commonly used aboutthe trade terms in contract 151section seven  terminology relating tointernational trade and international  practices 152section eight  declaration no. 56 oncross-border e-commerce goods supervision by general administration of customs of the people’srepublic of china 153part b terminology practice 159part c terms 160part d exercise 161chapter five 164part a text  quality of commodity 164section one  methods of stipulatingquality of commodity 165section two  quality latitude &quality tolerance 172section three  examples of qualityclauses in contract 173section four  general catalog ofe-commerce platform 174part b terminology practice 183part c terms 184part d exercise 185chapter six 190part a text  quantity of goods 190section one  calculating units of thegoods quantity 190section two  methods of calculatingweight 193section three  quantity terms in thecontract 197part b terminology practice 198part c terms 199part d exercise 201chapter seven 205part a text  packing and marking of goods205section one  the function of packing 205section two  kinds of packing 209section three  marking of package 215section four  factors influencing typesof cargo packing 220section five  elements concerningcross-border e-commodity packaging 223part b terminology practice 225part c terms 226part d exercise 227chapter eight 232part a text  price of goods 232section one  contents of price term 232section two  pricing methods 241part b terminology practice 245part c terms 246part d exercise 247chapter nine 253part a text  delivery of goods 253section one  methods of the delivery 254section two  delivery conditions 268section three  shipping documents 274section four  logistics mode ofcross-border e-commerce 297part b terminology practice 298part c terms 300part d exercise 302chapter ten 309part a text  cargo transportationinsurance 309section one  marine insurance 311section two  risks, losses and expenses312section three  marine insurance coverage316section four  insurance value 325section five  insurance premium 325section six  forms of marine insurancecontract 326section seven  endorsement of theinsurance policy 333section eight  insurance practice inchina 333part b terminology practice 334part c terms 335part d exercise 336chapter eleven 343part a text  payment of goods 343section one  instruments of payment ininternational trade 343section two  modes of payment ininternational trade 353section three  cross-border payments andprocess 382part b terminology practice 385part c terms 386part d exercise 387chapter twelve 398part a text  disputes, claim andarbitration 398section one  disputes and claim 398section two  force majeure 405section three  arbitration 407part b terminology practice 412part c terms 413part d exercise 415chapter thirteen 419part a text  a brief introduction tocross-border e-commerce 419section one  features of cross-bordere-commerce 419section two  features of china’s cross-border e-commerce development 421section three  regulations on cross-bordere-commerce 422section four  pattern of trade 423section five  policy defects ofcross-border e-commerce 423section six  payment business defects ofcross-border e-commerce 424section seven  local implementation plans425part b terminology practice 425part c terms 426part d exercise 427appendix  model test 431model test 1 431model test 2 435model test 3 440model test 4 444model test 5 448model test 6 452model test 7 455model test 8 461 