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雅思口语{最完整题库} 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561855522
  • 条形码:9787561855522 ; 978-7-5618-5552-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思口语{最完整题库} 本书特色


雅思口语{最完整题库} 内容简介

《小音托雅雅思冲刺训练:雅思口语*完整题库》汇集口语十年真题精,精心梳理高频考题;  系统示范地道表达精准挑选高频词汇;  提供多元角度思路制定周密答题策略;  纵观口语十年变化高效备战口语考试。

雅思口语{最完整题库} 目录

**章 口语**部分高频考题 1.study 2.accommodation 3.your hometown 4.birds 5.clothes 6.collecting 7.computers 8.dance 9.drawing(or,painting) 10.films 11.flowers 12.friends 13.games 14.housework 15.languages 16.leisure time and relaxing 17.letters and emails 18.meals 19.music 20.noise 21.outdoor activities 22.parks and public gardens 23.photography 24.rain 25.reading 26.restaurants 27.shopping 28.sport(or,exercise) 29.telephones(or,mobile phones) 30.television and radio 31.transport 32.travel 33.weather 34.weekends 35.family 36.names 37.teachers 38.art 39.the internet 40.birthdays 41.art ccalleries and museums 42.news 43.parties 44.visitors 45.swimming 46.holidays 47.plans and goals 48.driving a car 49.advertisements 50.fruits and vegetables 51.time 52.neighbours 53.magazines and newspapers 54.animals 55.colours 56.air travel 57.oceans 58.handmade things 59.numbers 60.happiness 61.concerts 62.science 63.time management 64.walking 65.entertainment 66.greeting cards 67.bags 68.keeping healthy 69.sleep 70.boats 71.buildings 72.concentrating 73.countryside 74.patience 75.trees 76.being busy 77.sunshine 78.politeness 79.history 80.singing 81.dictionaries 82.train travel 83.punctuality(or,being on time) 84.maps第二章 人物 1.your best friend 2.a famous person 3.an old person 4.a person who has an important job 5.the most polite person 6.a good leader 7.an adventurous person第三章 物品和动植物 1.a piece of equipment 2.an item of clothing 3.a photograph 4.a toy 5.a vehicle 6.something you bought(or,borrowed)recently but have never used(or,not often used) 7.a robot 8.an item of furniture 9.a wild animal 10.an important plant第四章 地点 1.a historic place 2.a restaurant 3.a place full of water 4.a library 5.a place for people listening to music 6.a place crowded with people 7.a garden 8.a museum 9.a place you have been to that was polluted 10.a sports centre第五章 事件 1.an outdoor activity 2.a long trip 3.a party 4.a piece of interesting news第六章 其他 1.a change you would like to make to your life 2.a film you enjoyed watching 3.a tv or radio program you find interesting 4.a newspaper or a magazine you like to read 5.a useful website you like to visit 6.a subject you didn't like before but have an interest in now 7.an advertisement that made you buy something 8.another language(but not english and chinese)you would learn 9.a good law in your country 10.a paid job yon or someone you know did 11.a small business you would like to own 12.a letter you have received 13.a white lie you have told 14.something you could do to help protect the environment 15.a rule in school you agree or disagree with