逆问题的数学理论导论-第2版 版权信息
- ISBN:9787519202675
- 条形码:9787519202675 ; 978-7-5192-0267-5
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
逆问题的数学理论导论-第2版 本书特色
逆问题的数学理论导论-第2版 内容简介
逆问题的数学理论导论-第2版 目录
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts1.1 Examples oflnverse Problems1.2 Ill-Posed Problems1.3 The Worst-Case Error1.4 Problems2 Regularization Theory for Equations of the First Kind2.1 A General Regularization Theory2.2 Tikhonov Regularization2.3 Landweber Iteration2.4 A Numerical Example2.5 The Discrepancy Principle of Morozov2.6 Landweber's Iteration Method with Stopping Rule2.7 The Conjugate Gradient Method2.8 Problems3 Regularization by Discretization3.1 Projection Methods3.2 Galerkin Methods3.2.1 The Least Squares Method3.2.2 The Dual Least Squares Method3.2.3 The Bubnov-Galerkin Method for Coercive Operators3.3 Application to Symm's Integral Equation of the First Kind3.4 Collocation Methods3.4.1 Minimum Norm Collocation3.4.2 Collocation of Symm's Equation3.5 Numerical Experiments for Symm's Equation3.6 The Backus-Gilbert Method3.7 Problems4 Inverse Eigenvalue Problems4.1 Introduction4.2 Construction of a Fundamental System4.3 Asymptotics of the Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions4.4 Some Hyperbolic Problems4.5 The Inverse Problem4.6 A Parameter Identification Problem4.7 Numerical Reconstruction Techniques4.8 Problems5 An Inverse Problemin Electrical Impedance Tomography5.1 Introduction5.2 The Direct Problem and the Neumann-Dirichlet Operator5.3 The Inverse Problem5.4 The Factorization Method5.5 Problems6 An Inverse Scattering Problem6.1 Introduction6.2 The Direct Scattering Problem6.3 Properties of the Far Field Patterns6.4 Uniqueness of the Inverse Problem6.5 The Factorization Method6.6 Numerical Methods6.6.1 A Simplified Newton Method6.6.2 A Modified Gradient Method6.6.3 The Dual Space Method6.7 ProblemsA Basic Facts from Functional AnalysisA.1 Normed Spaces and Hilbert SpacesA.2 Orthonormal SystemsA.3 Linear Bounded and Compact OperatorsA.4 Sobolev Spaces of Periodic FunctionsA.5 Sobolev Spaces on the Unit DiscA.6 Spectral Theory for Compact Operators in Hilbert SpacesA.7 The Frechet DerivativeB Proofs of the Results of Section 2.7ReferencesIndex
逆问题的数学理论导论-第2版 作者简介
Andreas Kirsch(A. 基尔施,德国)是国际知名学者,在数学界享有盛誉。本书凝聚了作者多年科研和教学成果,适用于科研工作者、高校教师和研究生。