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边界层理论-第8版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510098550
  • 条形码:9787510098550 ; 978-7-5100-9855-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

边界层理论-第8版 本书特色

毋庸置疑,由SCHLICHTING 原著的几乎带有传奇色彩教材,经过Klaus Gerstend 的全面修订的新版本,是一本随处可得的书。本书综述了边界层理论及其在流体力学领域的应用(例如:飞机空气动力学)。在综述了过去15年来在该学科所发表论文的基础上,将该学科领域的*知识点收纳在该书中。再次想说,该书将成为流体学领域的学生及相关领域工程师获取无尽知识信息的不可或缺的资料。

边界层理论-第8版 内容简介

毋庸置疑,由SCHLICHTING 原著的几乎带有传奇色彩教材,经过Klaus Gerstend 的全面修订的新版本,是一本随处可得的书。本书综述了边界层理论及其在流体力学领域的应用(例如:飞机空气动力学)。在综述了过去15年来在该学科所发表论文的基础上,将该学科领域的*新知识点收纳在该书中。再次想说,该书将成为流体学领域的学生及相关领域工程师获取无尽知识信息的不可或缺的资料。

边界层理论-第8版 目录

IntroductionPart I.Fundamentals of Viscous Flows1.Some Features of Viscous Flows1.1 Real and Ideal Fluids1.2 Viscosity1.3 Reynolds Number1.4 Laminar and Turbulent Flows1.5 Asymptotic Behaviour at Large Reynolds Numbers1.6 Comparison of Measurements Using the Inviscid Limiting Solution1.7 Summary2.Fundamentals of Boundary-Layer Theory2.1 Boundary—Layer Concept2.2 Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate at Zero Incidence2.3 Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate at Zero Incidence2.4 Fully Developed Turbulent Flow in a Pipe2.5 Boundary Layer on an Airfoil2.6 Separation of the Boundary Layer2.7 0verview of the Following Material3.Field Equations for Flows of Newtonian Fluids3.1 Description of Flow Fields3.2 Continuity Equation3.3 Momentum Equation3.4 General Stress State of Deformable Bodies3.5 General State ofDeformation ofFlowing Fluids3.6 Relation Between Stresses and Rate ofDeformation3.7 Stokes Hypothesis3.8 Bulk Viscosity and Thermodynamic Pressure3.9 Navier-Stokes Equations3.10 Energy Equation3.11 Equations of Motion for Arbitrary Coordinate Systems(Summary)3.12 Equations of Motion for Cartesian Coordinates in Index Notation3.13 Equations of Motion in Different Coordinate Systems4.General Properties ofthe Equations ofMotion4.1 Similarity Laws4.2 Similarity Laws for Flow with Buoyancy Forces (Mixed Forced and Natural Convectionl4.3 Similarity Laws for Natural Convection4.4 Vorticity Transport Equation4.5 Limit of very Small Reynolds Numbers4.6 Limit of Very Large Reynolds Numbers4.7 Mathematical Example of the Limit Re4.8 Non-Uniqueness of Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations5.Exact Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations5.1 Steady Plane Flows5.1.1 Couette-PoiseuiUe Flows5.1.2 Jeffery—Hamel Flows (Fully Developed Nozzle and Diffuser Flows)5.1.3 Plane Stagnation-Point Flow5.1.4 Flow Past a Parabolic Body5.1.5 Flow Past a Circular Cylinder5.2 Steady Axisymmetric Flows5.2.1 Circular Pipe Flow(Hagen-Poiseuille Flowl5.2.2 Flow Between Two Concentric Rotating Cylinders5.2.3 Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow5.2.4 Flow at a Rotating Disk5.2.5 Axisymmetric Free Jet5.3 Unsteady Plane Flows5.3.1 Flow at a Wall Suddenly Set into Motion (First Stokes Problem)5.3.2 Flow at a4-'l Oscillating Wall (Second Stokes Problem)5.3.3 Start—up of Couette Flow5.3 4 Unsteady Asymptotic Suction5.3.5 Unsteady Plane Stagnation—Point Flow5.3.6 Oscillating Channel Flow5.4 Unsteady Axisymmetric Flows5.4.1 vortex Decay5.4.2 Unsteady Pipe Flow5.5 SummaryPart II.Laminar boundary layersPart III.Laminar-turbulent transitionPart V.Numerical Mehods in boundary-Layer theory

边界层理论-第8版 作者简介

H.Schlichting (H.施利希廷,德国)是国际知名学者,在物理学界享有盛誉。本书凝聚了作者多年科研和教学成果,适用于科研工作者、高校教师和研究生。

  • 主题:史里希廷边界层理论


    2022/6/25 20:04:25