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#计算机专业英语(第2版) 版权信息

#计算机专业英语(第2版) 内容简介


#计算机专业英语(第2版) 目录

第1章 计算机专业英语基础知识
1.1 专业英语的专业性和客观性
1.1.1 专业英语的特点
1.1.2 专业英语的专业性与客观性
1.1.3 英语的句子成分简介
1.2 计算机专业英语的词汇特点
1.2.1 专业英语词汇的构成特点
1.2.2 词汇缩略
1.2.3 计算机专用术语与命令
1.2.4 专业英语中常用的符号和数学表达式
1.3 计算机专业文献的阅读与翻译
1.3.1 计算机专业文献的阅读方法
1.3.2 计算机专业文献翻译的基本方法

第2章 Hardware Knowledge
2.1 Computer Hardware Basics
2.1.1 Text
2.1.2 Exercises
2.1.3 Reading Material: Digital Computer System
2.2 CPU
2.2.1 Text
2.2.2 Exercises
2.2.3 Reading Material: Microprocessor
2.3 Memory
2.3.1 Text
2.3.2 Exercises
2.3.3 Reading Material: Magnetic Disks and Optical Disks
2.4 Input/Output Devices
2.4.1 Text
2.4.2 Exercises
2.4.3 Reading Material: Printer
2.5 Parallel Organization
2.5.1 Text
2.5.2 Exercises
2.5.3 Reading Material: Multiprocessing

第3章 Software Knowledge
3.1 Data Structures
3.1.1 Text
3.1.2 Exercises
3.1.3 Reading Material: Applications of Stack and Queue
3.2 Operating System
3.2.1 Text
3.2.2 Exercises
3.2.3 Reading Material: Windows XP Technical Overview
3.3 Programming Languages
3.3.1 Text
3.3.2 Exercises
3.3.3 Reading Material: A Brief Introduction of Programming Languages
3.4 Software Engineering
3.4.1 Text
3.4.2 Exercises
3.4.3 Reading Material: The Software Life Cycle
3.5 Software Testing and Maintenance
3.5.1 Text
3.5.2 Exercises
3.5.3 Reading Material: Evolution of Software Engineering

第4章 Computer Network Knowledge
4.1 Computer Networking Concepts
4.1.1 Text
4.1.2 Exercises
4.1.3 Reading Material: Network Management
4.2 The OSI Reference Model
4.2.1 Text
4.2.2 Exercises
4.2.3 Reading Material : TCP/IP
4.3 Internet Overview
4.3.1 Text
4.3.2 Exercises
4.3.3 Reading Material: E-mail
4.4 Internet Security
4.4.1 Text
4.4.2 Exercises
4.4.3 Reading Material: C,omputer Security
4.5 E-commerce
4.5.1 Text
4.5.2 Exercises
4.5.3 Reading Material: Development of Electronic Commerce in China

第5章 Computer Applications
5.1 Word Processing
5.1.1 Text
5.1.2 Exercises
5.1.3 Reading Material: Office Automation
5.2 Multimedia
5.2.1 Text
5.2.2 Exercises
5.2.3 Reading Material: Multimedia Software
5.3 Computer Graphics
5.3.1 Text
5.3.2 Exercises
5.3.3 Reading Material: Digital Images
5.4 Database Applications
5.4.1 Text
5.4.2 Exercises
5.4.3 Reading Material: Data Warehousing
5.5 Computer Virus
5.5.1 Text
5.5.2 Exercises
5.5.3 Reading Material: Classification of Computer Virus
第2章 硬件知识
第3章 软件知识
第4章 计算机网络知识
第5章 计算机应用
附录A 计算机专业英语常用术语表
附录B 计算机专业英语缩写词表

#计算机专业英语(第2版) 节选

  《计算机专业英语(第2版)/21世纪高职高专规划教材·计算机专业基础系列》:  There are many applications of the first-in/first-out (FIFO) protocol of queues in computing.For example,the line of input/output (I/O) requests waiting for access to a disk drive in a multi-user time-sharing system might be a queue.The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might also be a queue.The jobs and I/O requests are serviced in order of their arrival,that is,the first in is the first out.There is a second kind of queue that is important.An everyday example can be seen in an emergency room of a hospital.In large emergencies it is common to first treat the worst injured patients who are likely to survive.   There are several algorithms that use queues to give efficient running times.For now,we will give some simple examples of queue usage.When jobs are submitted to a printer,they are arranged in order of arrival.Thus,essentially,jobs sent to a line printer, are placed on a queue.Another example concerns computer networks.There are many network setups of personal computers in which the disk is attached to one machine, known as the file server.Users on other machines are given access to files on a firstcome first-served basis,so the data structure is a queue.   If queues do not share elements,procedures may be written to manipulate them as side effects,much as for stacks.Frequently return and pop are combined in one procedure that returns the front elements and removes it from the queue.  ……
