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简明实用英语语法 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564345013
  • 条形码:9787564345013 ; 978-7-5643-4501-3
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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简明实用英语语法 本书特色


简明实用英语语法 内容简介

本书以语言意识 (Ianguage awareness) 为理论背景, 力求以启发性和解放性方法为主, 从以英语为创作语言的影视作品和文学作品以及非英语文学作品的经典英文译本中选取例句, 做到首先唤起学习者注意 (notice) 到某一语言现象的存在, 然后意识 (aware) 到该语言现象的特点。

简明实用英语语法 目录

unit 1  introduction     preview     i.i  sentence elements     1.2  basic sentence types     1.3  categories of phrases     post-class exerciseunit 2  determiners     preview     2.1  membership     2.2  central determiners     2.3  predeterminers     2.4  postdeterminers     post-class exerciseunit 3  articles     preview     3.1  generic reference     3.2  specific reference: definite article     3.3  indefinite articles and zero article     post-class exerciseunit 4  tense and aspect     preview     4.1  simple present tense     4.2  present progressive aspect     4.3  present perfective aspect     4.4  present perfective progressive aspect     4.5  simple past tense     4.6  past progressive aspect     4.7  past perfective aspect     4.8  past perfective progressive aspect     post-class exerciseunit 5  future time     preview     5.1  will / shall + bare infinitive     5.2  be going to + infinitive (be + gonna in oral)     5.3  be to + infinitive     5.4  will / shall + present progressive aspect or perfective aspect     5.5  present progressive     5.6  simple present tense     5.7  expressions for future time in the past     post-class exerciseunit 6  voice     preview     6.1  active voice (av) and passive voice (pv)     6.2  constraints on pv transformation     6.3  when and where to use pv     6.4  two types of pv     post-class exerciseunit 7  mood     preview     7.1  present subjunctive mood     7.2  past subjunctive mood     post-class exerciseunit 8  infinitive     preview     8.1  aspect and voice of the infinitive     8.2  syntactic roles of the infinitive     8.3  to-infinitive and bare-infinitive     8.4  preposition to     8.5  v + infinitive     post-class exerciseunit 9  -ing nonfinite verb     preview     9.1  gerund     9.2  present participle     9.3  comparison between infinitive, gerund and present participle.     post-class exerciseunit 10  -en participle     preview     10.1  subject complement     10.2  attribute     10.3  adverbial     10.4  object complement     10.5  independent structure     post-class exerciseunit 11  relative clause     preview     11.1  types of relative clause     11.2  relative pronouns     11.3  relative adverbs     post-class exerciseunit 12  nominal clause     preview     12.1  subject clause     12.2  object clause     12.3  complement clause     post-class exerciseunit 13  adverbial clause     preview     13.1  adverbial clause of time     13.2  adverbial clause of cause     13.3  adverbial clause of concession     13.4  adverbial clause of condition     13.5  adverbial clause of manner     13.6  adverbial clause of place     13.7  adverbial clause of purpose     13.8  adverbial clause of result     post-class exerciseunit 14  conditional clause     preview     14.1  type i (real condition)     14.2  type ii (real condition)     14.3  type iii (unreal condition)     14.4  type iv (unreal condition)     post-class exerciseunit 15  wh-movement     preview     15.1  wh-movement (direct question)     15.2  wh-movement (indirect question)     15.3  constraints on wh-movement     post-class exercisekeys to the exercisesreferences