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开本: 26cm 页数: 212
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新编实用大学英语阅读教程:3:3 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564342142
  • 条形码:9787564342142 ; 978-7-5643-4214-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新编实用大学英语阅读教程:3:3 本书特色

《新编实用大学英语阅读教程》以简约实用为基本原则,努力根据学生实际水平和未来需求求打造一套实用、创新、有技术含量的教材。教程分为4册,供英语专业第1、2学年度使用。这是本套教材的第3 册,由谭钦菁主编,共10单元,选材除商贸题材外,以文化、历史为主,所选文章篇幅1000词上下,侧重拓展阅读范围、阅读能力。

新编实用大学英语阅读教程:3:3 内容简介

《新编实用大学英语阅读教程(3)》以简约实用为基本原则,努力根据学生实际水平和未来需求求打造一套实用、创新、有技术含量的教材。教程分为4册,供英语专业第1、2学年度使用。  《新编实用大学英语阅读教程(3)》是本套教材的第3册,共10单元,选材除商贸题材外,以文化、历史为主,所选文章篇幅1000词上下,侧重拓展阅读范围、阅读能力。

新编实用大学英语阅读教程:3:3 目录

Unit 1
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Battle of the Intemet Giants - Survival of the Biggest
Text B The Alibaba Phenomenon
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 2
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Corporate Culture Matters
Text B Asia's Endangered Species: The Expat
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself"
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 3
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A The Third Industrial Revolution
Text B What Makes Italy So Stylish?
Part II Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 4
Part I Pre-readingQuestions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A If Half of All Species Go Extinct, Will One of Them Be Us?
Text B The Long Road to Enlightenment
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 5
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Is Google Killing General Knowledge?
Text B Cyberspace: If You Don't Love It, Leave It
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself"
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 6
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A VW Conquers the World
Text B Wired into an Online World of Opportunity
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself.
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 7
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part 11 Extensive Reading
Text A The Art of Conversation
Text B The Cheapest Generation
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 8
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A On a Quest for the Gods in Greece
Text B Why We Travel
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 9
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A How to Shrink a City
Text B The Odd Challenge for Detroit Planners
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself"
Part V Supplementary Reading
Unit 10
Part I Pre-reading Questions
Part II Extensive Reading
Text A Brits: the Changing Face of Global Power
Text B As Populations Age, a Chance for Younger Nations.
Part III Reading Skills
Part IV Test Yourself
Part V Supplementary Reading